
The Soul's Wanderlust

Helena and her family endures life in the dead lands of Aelmere, a land of drought and famine. Known as soul travelers, they possess the power of soul wanderlust with the use of their crests. As she grew, Helena developed elemental powers of the wind, water and earth - making her a Celestial Soul Traveler that holds the power of life passed on in their kind every generation. However, ever since Helena's powers were born, she was forbidden to use them as much as her parents restrict themselves from soul traveling. Secretly, with the help of her father, she feeds her curiosity and soul travels whenever possible. One day, Helena's carelessness cost her, her crest, losing her precious artifact while she was in a soul wanderlust. As she look for it, Helena got trapped in a world different from hers, a place of deviled creatures, magic, and men. Sadly, when she found her crest, its magic have already worn out. To go back to her family, she found an utterly outrageous plan. Only, she had to pretend not to be just any man, but a warrior who kills, something that is against her magic of life. As she hide under the armor of a knight, Helena uncovers the truths of her identity, falling in love and choosing worlds to live in.

rocksunxv · Geschichte
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147 Chs

3 No Paths are Bound


The sun is at its peak sending heat waves across the large land of desolate open field of lonely trees and a bunch of cacti. The dusty air gushes behind the tracks of the caravan as the family of three travels to a no particular destination. In a sudden, the horses started to feel uneasy as they squirm and pause from time to time that slows down the journey. They were unusually restless and reluctant to behave as Gaius makes an effort to calm them down. "Tsk tsk! What's wrong with these horses", he said while Beatrice wipe the dripping sweat from her husband's forehead.

Along the barren dirt road, the caravan suddenly stopped due to an unforeseen event that startled the horses. Helena, who was sleeping peacefully inside the caravan was awaken when the horses stood up on their hind legs shaking the caravan. Gaius immediately loosened his grip on the horses' straps and stood up to see what's up ahead.

Helena peeked her head out to check what caused their journey's interruption. "What's going on?", she asked as she struggle to see what could it be.

"Keep your head down, Helena", Beatrice hushed her daughter who kept looking out.

"Dead animals.", Gaius whispered as he took a glance without dismounting the cart. A massive pile at least ten lifeless brown fennec foxes blocked their way.

"This is not good, Gaius. We should change course", Beatrice worriedly said as she cling on to her husband. Helena hopped down to check on the mount of bloody bodies of the poor brown foxes, as this is the first time that something have disturbed their trip.

"Helena! Get back in here!", Gaius frantically said as he went down to follow his inquisitive daughter. Beatrice stood guard on the caravan as if waiting for something to appear.

Helena just continued to examine the foxes as she looked closely. "They're dead", she sadly said after knowing there's no more light to bring back. "They are still warm, but dead. It looks like they were sliced with a sharp blade.. There are also black dust on their wounds" she said as she squinted her eyes not minding the foul smell of the dead bodies and the acrid scent of the unrecognizable black dust. "I can try to revive them", she added as she stood back on her feet. She was about to gesture her palm in a circular motion, when Gaius, who was standing right behind her, immediately grabbed Helena's hand to stop her.

"Helena stop!", Gaius said as he held Helena's hand firmly objecting his daughter's innocent intention. "We shouldn't bring back the dead", he strongly affirmed. Healers only restore health, and never bring back the dead. Then, Gaius leaned over to Helena and whispered, "Helena, do you... do you sense anyone close by?". He made a side eye trying to catch a glimpse of anything.. or anyone.

Helena looked around before closing her eyes as she feel the warm breeze on her face. She furrowed her brows in difficulty to sense any entity nearby. Helena started to breathe heavily until droplets of sweat come out of her forehead. She heaved a sigh and opened her eyes, "There's none, Father".

Beatrice carefully went down and approached her wary husband. "What could this mean, Gaius? Have they found us?", she said in a lowly voice.

"They?", Helena asked as she furrowed her brows with curiosity. "Who's they?", she added. Beatrice kept mum and swallowed a lump as she look around.

"Do not fear, Maybe it's just coyotes. We'll go the other way then", Gaius decided to ride back the caravan together with Beatrice and Helena. He helped his pregnant wife up and his precious daughter who has so many questions written all over her face.

Now, ill at ease and fidgety, Gaius let Helena and Beatrice be kept inside the caravan as he navigate the way. He clicked his tongue and steered the horses to the left, away from the dead pile that seems to be a warning.

Beatrice sat on the bed and let Helena's head rest on her lap. With their hearts beating fast, they found comfort in each other's arms. "We'll be alright, now go close your eyes for a while", Beatrice gave her daughter a tender smile as Helena closes her eyes. She tried so hard to hide the fear setting in.

A long silence took place during the their trip. Their senses were sensitive with every click and tick in the surroundings. Eventually, Helena decided to break the ice and disturb the deafeaning stillness.

"Mother, what happens if you don't summon me or if I don't go back when I soul travel?", Helena asked with her eyes closed.

"You will own the body you possessed slowly, until your real image transfers to that world. When the migration of the soul completes, that's when you can soul travel again.", Beatrice answered without hesitations.

Diana opened her eyes with furrowed brows. "What happens to the owner of the body?", she wondered.

"They vanish, like dust in the wind. Their souls get lost in the purgatory", Beatrice said as she satisfy her daughter's curiosity.

Helena sit up and grabbed her carry on bag, took out the hilt and showed it to her mother. "I saw this exact insignia as an emblem over a horse when I soul traveled this morning.. You once said that my real identity is in this hilt", Helena lifted the hilt to her mother's face showing the insignia engraved on its handle. "Is that.. where we belong? Should we soul travel there?", she asked.

Beatrice held Helena's hand with the hilt as she stare in her daughter's eyes. "We are not like you, Helena. We are not alike in so many ways. Your uniqueness brought you in that place. If your father and I soul travel, we won't get there. We can't choose where to drift our souls. We just got lucky when we both ended here", Beatrice told her daughter as she embrace her. "The heaven's blessing was bestowed on you. No paths are bound, Helena. What's meant to be, always finds a way, regardless of fate. Keep this hilt with you at all times", Beatrice whispered on Helena's ear, making sure she was well heard. "When the time has come, this hilt will answer all of your questions", she added as she put her daughter back to bed.

Helena wasn't sure if she understood what her mother just said. Seems to her, her parents are hiding in Aelmere because of a tangled past. The sound of her mother's voice definitely showed roaming in the deserts is not a choice.

An hour later, while trudging the long endless road, Helena unexpectedly lifted her hand as if feeling the current of the air. Her eyes still closed.

"What is it, daughter?", Beatrice asked as she watch Helena act indifferently.

"The sky is humid. I think raindrops will fall. So heavy, there could be flood", Helena said with certainty. Gaius and Beatrice stared at each other in confusion. The sky is clear and there are no signs of dark clouds and lightning. Besides, it never rained in Aelmere.

"Are you.. dreaming, Helena?", confused, Beatrice looked back at Helena and gently caressed her daughter's rosy cheeks to check if she's asleep.

Helena opened her eyes and stared back to her mother's grey eyes. "No mother, I can hear the sky rumble. It will rain", Helena is certain.

"Then, we should find a better shelter. We wouldn't want to stay in this caravan when the storm breaks", Gaius smiled.

With no maps and directions, Gaius trusted his instincts where the hooves of the horses would take his small family. He kept an eye on the road, and take his time to make side glances to make sure the route he chose is safe.

Beatrice handed nuts, fruits and water to Gaius, however, he had no appetite to take anything at all. In his head was his voice desperately praying to find a good shelter to stay for the night just in case it really rains, and that, nothing unfavorable brought about by the dead foxes would take place.

Hours before nightfall, the wind suddenly blew a cold breeze to his surprise. Dark, thick beds of clouds rolled over the sky as flashes of light scatter above. Gaius looked back to his stunned wife who's already staring blankly at him.

"I told you", Helena said as the rain started to fall.