
chapter two : melody of peace

That ruin next to the moon caused many questions in the minds of Liam, Leonid, and the guards as well... Leonid stepped forward... his mouth wide open because of the questions... So he asks one of the moon guards whom they call Oliver... He is a beautiful man with disheveled hair, always smiling... ...

_ So Leonid asked him, "...Oliver...what happened...did someone die first??...."

(Because of Leonid's love for good and his great nostalgia for the people of the moon, his only concern was that none of them would die one day....)

Oliver replied, "No, no sir, no one is dead. If you will, I only want to speak to you alone...."

To find out what happened, Leonid went with the guard to tell him what had happened and what had happened.... As for Liam the Enlightenment, he remained standing motionless, watching his feet move over the land of the moon... that sandy land with gray sand.... After several seconds, or rather a minute. And for one second....a guard comes and takes the little one to enter the people of the moon... and here the little one is surprised. "....

Liam enters through one of the medium-sized holes and repeats that sentence in his tender and nostalgic voice... and as soon as he opens his eyes, he finds another world... other than planet Earth... a beautiful world..... and a bit strange ..and accurate in its manufacture as well..it is the world of the moon, although the moon looks small from the outside....but when you put your foot inside it, you will find a large land that goes beyond the limits of imagination even with its homes, people, plants and trees as well.... as Liam said when he entered it

"This place combines reality and fantasy at the same time..."

And that is really true. When you see it, you will think that it is only a dream, and you will ask your relative or friend to bite you to make sure that you are really awake....

After a while, Liam advances to discover that place, and he is surprised and amazed at the splendor and beauty of the houses, and about the people's clothing as well.... Those doors embroidered from threads and the walls of the gargoyle plants.... Liam reaches the middle where there is a huge tree that keeps all the houses and their trunks moving, and that's what increased Weird and beautiful at the same time....

The time passed, about an hour or two, so Leonid went looking for Liam..... After searching all over the place, he found him meeting with one of the people, young and old, laughing loudly... Leonid smiled a cold smile and said:

"What a nostalgic smile on that little boy."

But..... after a moment, an old man, cut off his foot, with a sinister appearance as his face... caught Liam and said to him in his strange voice:

"....why did you come here....huh....respond to me...by doing this you came to die and torment at your feet....so accept your destiny...."

...So Leonid steps in and drives away the crazy old man....After the little one is scared, that hideous appearance stirs terror in the heart....and for Liam to forget that horrific scene, Leonid and those who were with him from the Moon people decided to hold a reception party at Romer's School. And to offer them their wonderful dance and melody..... which they call the melody of peace...

Cheers everywhere, juices and delicious food everywhere....everyone is ready and ready in their joy to witness the peace dance and its relaxing song as well.... The requirements of this dance are that the young ones step forward first after all the lights are extinguished and the youngsters hold the luminous Ariqel flowers, then they make up with it A circle while they sing the song of peace... After that the elders should come forward, holding thin white robes and tying them on the edge of their index fingers while they dance the dance...

And that's what they actually did.... Everyone lined up in equal rows... and everyone started singing:

"..hold my hand....

...we will see the truth...

...we will be strong...

...thanks to being rich...

...let's forget the rivalry and the consolation...

...to live together...

...in peace and bliss...

...and we welcome anyone who comes...

.....so...dance...dance...dance...until you die..."

Finally everyone finished singing, but at different times ... Liam enjoyed these moments and his smile exceeded the laughter of a small child who watched an acrobat show until ....

Time passed quickly... and the complex dispersed to go to rest... So Leonid took Liam to one of the beautiful and elegant houses... and the little one leaned on one of the medium-sized beds.... And this was the first time in his life that he slept without leaning on the window.. .. weeping and complaining to the moon... since he grew up, he made his only wish, which is to see the moon... it came true, who lived a difficult and sad childhood that made the stone cry....