
The Skill Extractor in OnePiece

Note the main cover isn't mine. If the person who reads this fanfic thinks starting is ridiculous or at least the starting is worst well I can't do anything about it. NOTE: Read at least till chapter 8 and NO, MC has his journey. If my grammar is bad then please I am sorry I can't live up to your expectations, I am writing this for fun and to improve my writing skills not to hear your negative reviews. ( I will take your honest reviews about my grammar and if you want to talk about the story plot and character development then please just go and reach the abyss by digging with a toothpick )

X_x_INFINITY_x_X · Anime und Comics
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34 Chs

Rewards ... Clone ... The beginning of the Massacre .

' Sure , host '

" Hmmmmm ... "

' * ding * '

[ 1) Sub Mission - Survive on the island for two years ( Completed )

Rewards - 1 everything heal ( Can heal any injuries , can only be used by the Host ) , 5 % upgrade in Chakra .

2) Main Mission - Join Straw Hats ( Completed )

Rewards - Chakra affinity for one element .

3) Hidden Mission - Leave a Joined crew ( Completed )

Requirements - Just leave a crew you joined alright.

Rewards - 5 % faster chakra mastery over one affinity .

4) Hidden Mission - Devil fruit in your HANDS !!!

( Completed )

Requirements - Hold a devil fruit

Rewards - Talent : Devil fruit extractor ( Devil fruit sucking powers ) . can extract the devil fruits from a recently killed person or a person whose under the curse of the sea , no fruits or other items required , need to be in radius of 20 m . ( note : If the person is too strong and devil fruit has bonded to the body , to the extreme , host may have to kill the person to extract devil fruit even if the devil fruit user is under the curse of the sea ) .

5 ) Sudden Mission - The Blocked Path ( Completed )

Rewards - ??? ---> 5% upgrade in Chakra quality

??? ---> More visual prowess unlocked for the

3 tomoe Sharingan ,

??? ---> Tanto of the White Fang

??? ---> White fang Chakra blade technique

( Bonus for completing the mission with extraordinary performance )

Bonus Reward - Shadow Clone Jutsu and variants ]


Infinite got the notifications on his floating screen

when read them his eyes were showing expression of purely shocked .

Infinite , just couldn't believe when read all the notifications , the rewards were amazing to him except the ' Main Mission ' , which are supposed to be having higher and quality rewards , but still , what can we do now . Infinite got down to business , claiming reward that is . He also couldn't believe that he mistook the number of notifications as , there were 5 , instead of 4 . This made him bit embarrassed , due to him having greatest mind but still can't calculate the number of times he heard the notifications .

' April , claim the the Sub Mission , survival on the island for two years ' .

' Sure , host , rewards have been claimed and sent into the inventory ' .

" Sigh , April just claim everything one by one , I am lazy to collect one after the other " .

Infinite was speaking to air right now , that is what someone would see if they see Infinite . Hey what can a person do when he is lonely in the middle of a sea and no one to travel with you . Infinite thought of making a crew , but then he thought it would hold him back on his training and the hunger for growing stronger just kicked the idea away as if it never existed .

Infinite also felt that , Luffy had immeasurable potential inside him , his instincts even said Zoro and Sanji are the same as Luffy but still green .

He doesn't overestimate himself as , he knows he uses brute force to win , and he sure does have skills but he is cheat , and so he admires those with skills .

After claiming all the rewards , he started check them out . He used his 5% chakra quality upgrade , the everything heal went inside the inventory , next he used his 5 % smooth mastery over an affinity , he chose lightning , he just like lightning , next his Talent : Devil fruit extractor , with this he could extract and sell these fruits to the so called ' Emperors of the Sea ' ( or) ' Yonko ' or the Marines . Next he used his Sudden Mission

rewards one by one ( the items are already in his inventory ) , he got the chakra quality upgrade which he immediately felt the chakra in his body getting pure , his vision got a just a little upgrade , he also learned his new skill White fang chakra blade technique , and Shadow Clone Jutsu and it's variants , the White fang Chakra Blade technique gave him little jolt of electricity feeling all over his body and Infinite knew that this technique was not as strong as the Astrea Sword Arts or Madara Uchiha Battle Style . Next he thought of claiming his affinity , but didn't chose it .

Infinite thought of choosing it after he got to an island as he already knew he is gonna choose Earth affinity as that is the only affinity missing to complete all the basic affinities . Infinite started training after claiming the rewards , he justed started mantes to master the shadow clone jutsu , as a person who has mastered other jutsu he knows that when you completely master a jutsu , that said jutsu will require less hand seals and , few doesn't even need them .

The Jutsus which Infinite can proudly say he has mastered are the E rank Jutsus , few

D rank Jutsus , his two A rank - Jutsus , 2 of the three B - Rank Jutsu and at last , a lot of Genjutsus .

Infinite just made a shadow clone which was easy with the chakra control he has , and learnt the other variants as well . He started with 10 clones , 8 clones practicing ,

Fire style : Fire dragon Flame Bomb , two of the other clones were just running on water to search what is near by . While every single clone were hard working he inspected the Legendary White Fang's Tanto , it was pretty cool , it was silver in colour with a slight , grey mixed with it , it did kinda look majestic if he had to say .

***** ( Mean while one of the clones ) -

One clone of Infinite was running on the water at a high speed , ( not like breaking sound barrier and such ) and while he was running he saw a man standing still on water and the distance between them was about 600 meters or so , the clone used it's Sharingan and got the answer of how , the man standing , he was on top of a submarine .

Seeing the clone stop , the man standing on water whistled and the whole submarine came to the top . When the clone looked at it , it was surprised ( has the characteristics of the real body , I know a lot of people , who are reading know this but this is for those who don't ) , it wasn't a submarine , it was a ship , a normal ship but what was different was unlike the boats made of wood it , had few areas where it was made of metal .

After the ship surfaced , a fat man , like really fat man came forward and shouted " Hey you , do you have a logpose to Drum kingdom or just a normal logpose , if you do give it to us and we will leave you alive " , the clone which heard this and seeing ship coming to wards him frowned , but before Infinite could speak the ship which was moving forward stoped , 40 meters away from Infinite . The fat man spoke in a arrogant tone again ,

" Hey you , are you deaf or dumb , answer us or be dead " , the fat man even didn't think for a second how a man was standing on water , the ship at the front deck got crowded , as Infinite was about to speak , the ship fired a canon ball towards him , he dodged it and smirked , he undid the Jutsu , the memories of the clone came back to Infinite .

********* ( back to the real Infinite ) -

When the memories of the clone came back to Infinite he got a tick mark on his head , and at the same time April spoke to him ,

' Host has got a

' Sudden Mission ' - Face my wrath

Requirements - Defeat the whole crew (Show your wrath on the crew , which fired a canon at your clone ) ,

Rewards - ??? , ??? '

Seeing this Infinite undid his shadow clone technique , with the chakra he has now , the mastered A rank Jutsus can be spamed for 20 + times each and not only that , during the party Zoro said that he fought the strongest swordsman , and how he gave an entry . Infinite wanted to do the same as well .

When Infinite made his way over to the boat which was still on the waters , he gave a signal , a normal fireball which reached the sky and burst like crackers , as infinite made it unstable , which attracted the whole crew including the arrogant fatty , when the fatty squinted his eyes through a telescope ( pirate version , small ones ) , he squinted his eyes to see who it was and saw who did that and finally saw his culprit . It was the same man who they shot a canon at disappeared into thin air .

Infinite's ship got closer and stoped , 50 meters away from the Fatty's ship . Infinite got out of the boat and walked on water , seeing this many thought of a devil fruit . While seeing those shocked faces , infinite took its scroll and stored the whole ship in it . Seeing this the fatty wanted to enslave the person who was Infront of him and , make him as his storage man or something like that .

The fatty man spoke in a arrogant voice " Hey , you I am Wapol , king of the Drum Island , if you surrender yourself to me and become my subordinate or few levels lower , I will let you live or else , I "

Hearing these words , Infinite got a tick mark on right side of his head , threw a 4 Shurikens at different directions , seeing this Wapol smirked and thought the man Infront of him was kinda blind but as he was in his dream thoughts , the Shurikens curved and hit each other in a way that three Shurikens increase the momentum and velocity of the fourth Shuriken , while the rest three slow down and go back to Infinite in a neat ordered way .

Infinite received his three shuriken while the fourth one just boosted forward and missed Wapol but it went right through 7 people only to be stoped by the mast , all of them had hole larger than shuriken on their heads , though not all were perfect

forehead shots except two , which made Infinite think it wasn't good enough while the Wapol ' s whole crew were shocked and feared the person who was standing right infront of their ship , he could have killed anyone without them knowing and not only that the person just killed two of the favourite henchmen of their king in a second .

Then all of them took a glance at the person and him only not be found in front them but sitting on top of the mast almost like a frog but not quite with , blood red eyes and his black robes as if , he is here to deliver their judgement .

( Itachi pose by the way ✌️ )

Last chapter , I by defaultly wrote that , they were kicked out of the kingdom , I changed it to the real cause . If you guys know the time gap between when Black Beard attached Drum Island and when Straw Hats arrived , please let me know .

X_x_INFINITY_x_Xcreators' thoughts