
The Sidekick's Masterpiece

A hopeful novelist named Aether faces rejection of his meticulously crafted works in a contest. Crush by disappointment; he never gives up. With his burning passion, he decides to mix his rejected stories to create something better. But, Uh-oh, he needs a cool ending, and he's got zero experience for it. "How do i end this thing without any real adventures?" So, he heads up to Sierra Madre, hoping for inspiration. But up there, things get crazy. He meets a fate he didn't see coming. "This wasn't in the plan." Suddenly, he transmigrated as Felix, an orphan destined to perish in the entrance exam at Avalon School. But wait. He'll actually be part of a legendary hero group in the future.

Iam_monarchi · Fantasie
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41 Chs


I was scared—not like when facing the goblin queen, but a different fear, the kind that made me believe I would truly die if I didn't move. I glanced at Elina, and before I knew it, my body acted while my mind was consumed by chaos.

Elina was drained of mana, and Mel had injured her right shoulder and arm while throwing the stone, causing even more damage. 

"USE YOUR BRACELET! God Dang It!" Ginger, usually composed, shouted urgently.

I rushed to Alisha, who was closest, and swiftly configured her bracelet. It was basic knowledge for a craftsman on how to use and repair the bracelet. With a tap of her own finger, I verified the bracelet's teleportation.

[Click] I successfully teleported her to the capsule cockpit. Better than risking her life.

Meanwhile, Elina and Mel struggled to configure their bracelets. Suddenly, Ginger flew towards me; had I not evaded her, I would have been hit.

Ginger rolls on the ground multiple times, but upon seeing her, she is currently unconscious and also has a severely dislocated arm, which is so bad to look at. However, my priority was Elina. As the ogre menacingly swung a tree toward Elina, I had to act fast.

"Kyaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Elina and Mel screamed in shock. They are going to be smashed like a tomato.

I transformed my bag into a large umbrella, almost spear-sized, using it to shield against the ogre's attack. With science, I can defend myself.

I manage to protect Elina from harm, thanks to the quantum weapon. But I couldn't attack the ogre. I can imagine what happened to the entrance exam. I was blown away.

"Better to attack from a distance than to stand idle. Better to die in a cool way." I pulled out an acid potion from a very thin bottle; it was so fragile that even when throwing it, it would cause a crack.

I actually plan to throw it into the ogre's eye. But the ogre's arm tries to deflect it.

The acid splashed onto the ogre's arm, causing it to scream, but it redirected its attention toward me now. Using my umbrella as a weapon, I transformed it into a sharp spear at the tip. So my weapon can defend and offend at the same time.

I pulled out another acid potion and aimed it at the ogre's eyes. I can see the expression of the ogre, from an angry face distorting to pain.

"It's slow it's movement!" The acid potion is very effective after making the ogre an acid bath.

I pull out the bow that is purposely extra for Mel along with an arrow, and fix my posture to attack the ogre eyes. 

In our current state, winning seemed unlikely—the ogre was extremely aggressive. Blinding it, considering it had only one eye, seemed a better strategy.

With a fierce cry, I try to attract the ogre to look at me. Then I pulled the string with all my strength, searching for an opening. 

"Gaaaaap!" The arrow found its mark, striking the ogre's eye. 

The beast began to cry in pain, resembling a distressed child. The arrow hadn't lodged itself but had succeeded in blinding the ogre, buying us some time. There was no blood on the arrow; it was just a blind strike.

I swiftly shifted focus to Elina, who remained in shock without moving or blinking, I configured her bracelet. But before she teleported, I impulsively kissed her.

"W-w-w-what are you doing?" Elina began to react, still dazed from before. 

Before I could explain, I grasped her hands and guided her, pressing the bracelet's screen, causing her to vanish.

I reverted the umbrella weapon back into a bag. 

Despite the ogre's high tolerance, even though its skin was acidic, there were faint red marks amidst its previously blue skin. The acid seemed to be gradually melting its skin, sending the ogre into a frenzy, smashing the ground in a wild rage.

I turned toward Mel, who was also in shock. 

"Hey!" I held her, but she seemed lost in a daze, staring at me.

"My prince!" Mel said, clinging to me with a heart in her eyes. 

Despite the sweetness of her words, I couldn't believe her. Her state was more worrying than facing the ogre. This is really bad.

I quickly configured her bracelet. 

"What happened to her? Did she hit her head in some weird way? "I mutter while configuring her bracelet and clinging to me. I didn't want her; she was like a baby, and her body was not developing so much. It was different with Elina

"Close your eyes," Mel said sweetly.

"Why should I?" I shouted at her, but she was already trying to kiss me. Pushing her face away from me.

I hold her index finger in and make her click the bracelet.

Meanwhile, the ogre started to regain its composure. It might regain full control in a few moments.

"Ginger, are you okay?" I unconsciously asked Ginger, but she remained unresponsive.

"She's alive; her pulse and breathing are normal," I reassured myself after checking her condition. 

However, her arm looked severely injured, and misaligned—it seemed fractured. But what caught my attention was her broken watch screen.

Suddenly, the ogre roared, startling me. I thought it could see, but it was just a shout, making me almost pee in my pants. Actually, a little bit. Then, without a second thought.

I removed Ginger's bracelet, replacing it with my own, successfully sending her back. 

I was really happy, but now.

"I just need to repair this," I muttered, feeling terrified.


The ogre regained its sight and charged at me. Instinctively, my body moved and dodged to the right and ran on its own.

"I don't want to die!" I yell while running. 

I don't know, but it's better to run anywhere than die in here. I can hear loud noises in my back, but if I can't hear noise like that, there's only one meaning.

I'm dead.

"In hindsight, memories are influenced more by the silence of past companions than the words of those against us."


Iam_monarchicreators' thoughts