
The Serpent's Mate

Blitzo Buckzo is back after being brutally attacked in the the human realm and subjecated to horrific expairments. Struggling to piece his life back together. While Striker Remington returns to try and help rebuild Blitzo, and their crumbling relationship. But Its harder than he thinks, especially when a pesky Goeita keep stick his nose where it doesn't belong. After Breaking up with Verosika, Blitzo had apparently ran three rings to Warth, for some private horse-riding lessons. Where he met Striker Remington and his brothers. Blitzo woke up with a mating mark of the serpent and the Remington family crest. That was several years ago- it felt like a lifetime to Striker. Stolas doesn't know the envious monster lurking behind a serpents eyes as his sentient shadow lurks within the corridors of the Goeitia mansion. But when Fizzouali decides that he has had enough and being the one to raise the Harlequin the Serpent and the owl will have to go through him in order to reclaim "The Serpent's mate. And who will Blitz-- decide to live with once he realizes what Striker has done? While Blitz is staying with Fizzouali, Striker goes on the war path, sweetening the deal with Stella- not only does he plan to wipe out the Goetic bloodline- he plans to start fresh with Blitz that is, if he can persuade the jester into giving him back his mate. Can Blitz escape these nightmare induced hallucinations or will it cost him his sanity. While Robo-Fizz is back in search of Barbie-wire the only one who can help Blitz through this.

Mouse87Mouse · Anime und Comics
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The Night of the Living Stryker.

Two weeks and nine days since they're return home from the human realm and despite his best efforts. Blitzo couldn't escape them. Those terrifying parodies, kept creeping into his head, following him into a restless sleep. No place was safe: he began hallucinating. he didn't sleep. his dreams were invaded by garish and ghoulish copies of those he slighted, those he envied and those he admired.

Their we gnarled voices calling out his name in tandem.

Striker frowned, sipping a cup of coffee. In a short amount of time that the cowboy had been home he was becoming increasingly worried about the paranoia his mate was suffering through. This wasn't the Blitz that he left behind. he jumps at the slightest movement: he was jittery all the time. Night after sleepless night, the wrangler would settle him into bed, rubbing his back waiting for the nightmares to subside. Blitzo would flinch and jerk. Soon, bloodshot eyes snap open. golden hues peer up unseeingly his breath quickens as he looks around the room: the room: takes on a clay as the scarlet imp begins to panic. his eyes dart around the run as an invisible force pins him to the bed. A gruff voice sends a trickle of fear rippling through his body. the low country drawl unnerves him filling his head as his body trembles.

Blitzo grips his ears attempting to shut out the other noises while focusing on one.


" Bossman, can you hear me?"

"Darlin wake up!, your having a nightmare"


BLITZY!, this isn't funny!" Striker cries out. Fear lacing his voice as the wrangler clutches Blitzo's forearms shaking him his eyes widen when he realizes Blitzo wasn't responding.

Suddenly, Blitzo jerks, and Striker finds himself trying to pin him down. Sliding a leg up, nestling his knee into his groin. his calloused hands gripping Blitzo arms. "BLITZY! fear tinges his voice as he tries to get a response.

"Heh, pitiful" Grumbles the parody. "Come on sugar-cube, you can't keep up the charade. you've been holding out on me partner. "that's the problem with you darlin, your afraid to be alone. you push everyone you care about away until they end up resenting you. "Can't you see bossman, you are alone: your swimming in self loathing.

Blitzo gritted his teeth staring up at the cocky parody who was straddling his waist.

"Get the fuck off me!" Blitzo growls.

"Did I Strike a chord Blitzy" Stryker hisses while popping the buttons off with his teeth, before nipping a trail down Blitzo's abdomen. "You're too busy putting up walls, afraid of getting hurt?.

"Sugar-cube, are you afraid to face the uncomfortable truth, the one that stares you in the face every morning when you look in the mirror. are your frightened that one day I may leave you?.

"What am I to do with you sweetheart, other than breed with you" The Vintage Cowboy purrs.. I can see the fear in your eyes, the way you try and hide it, but I know you well enough to see that your terrified.

Afraid that I'll leave you like everyone else, scared that you'll never be good enough. Afraid, that I'll never see you as anything more then a breeding mare"

"shut up! Blitzo whimpers.

Fear aside sugar cube, I would still keep ya around, if only to usher in the next generation of hybrids. I'm nothing like him, I might've stolen his face, his mannerisms. But I'll have you writhing beneath me begging me for more.

"Give in to me, surrender Blitzy I came make you feel whole, I can complete you. You'll belong to me and as I fill you with my hot seed, you'll run your claws down my back. I'll make you feel like your the one in control even if we both know your not. I can replace him Blitzy..

Blitzy, darlin can you hear me!, your scaring me Blitz, open your eyes! Striker begs fear lacing his voice. "Blitzy answer me!" Striker growls slamming his body back onto the bed. "your safe no one is here!" open your eyes sugar-cube!" Striker calls from somewhere beyond the veil of sleep.

Striker's heart races as he watches Blitzy's chest rise and fall in a steady rhythm, his breathing even. He can see the faintest hint of color returning to his cheeks. "Come on darlin open your eyes." he whispers pleadingly.

"Shut up! shut up! shut up!, stop talking! I can't stand your voice Blitzo screams reaching out wrapping his hands around the cowboy's neck and sqeezing his eyes are half lidded rage burning through his veins desperate for silence. the whispering voices grow louder and louder his heart aching eyes burning it was like a mantra. "leave me alone!, you're not him!" Blitzo cries.

"It's that truth partner," the cowboy hisses, snickering darkly. "Continue following this path and callously shutting everyone out. You'll end up alone, with no one to blame but yourself. It would be a damn shame if something were to happen during one of your little blackouts. Who knows who you might lose?" Hisses the Vintage counterpart. Not yet willing to relinquish his hold.

Striker's eyes widen, searching Blitzo's as the imp continues to choke him, his face showing no recognition. His claws digging into his neck, he stares into an off color of molten amber. But all the boss imp can see is the swirling mud and the taunting eyes of his lover mocking him.

Sheer fear shines through his eyes, as his vision clears. Striker had a tight grip on Blitzo, calling out to him in fear and confusion. "Sugar-Cube! he shouts, It's me!" he chokes out as Blitzo's eyes finally clear. Blitzo looks around, dazed and confused, before finally realizing who Striker is Blitzo's eyes widen in horror as he backs up onto the headboard in fear of what he had awoken to. Blitzo was quick to let go, his fingers sliding out from around Striker's neck. Fears pounds in his chest as he looks around his surroundings in silent disbelief. "Striker," he says breathlessly, "what... what happened?"

"Another dream, no, another nightmare. The nightmare that never ends. A hallucination.. A side effect of the drugs. "must keep it a secret, he must never find out" Blitzo tells himself.

What had he done he could've killed Striker. But he didn't. Instead Blitzo topples from the side of the bed landing with an auditable thud, his blurry eyes lacking focus as he makes his escape.

Only to be ensnared by the serpent's tail: that shot out of the sheets like a viper coiling around his waist. Striker tugs Blitzo back to the bed. Blitzo wouldn't look at him, he was dragging his feet against the floor until Striker's tail constricted forcing the distraught imp to stop dead in his tracks and look back up at the Cowboy who sat on the edge of the bed. Striker reached over and grabbed Blitzo's chin and forced him to look at him. Blitzo's eyes were wide open and his face was contorted in confusion. The country imp stares down into those glossy eyes that are now wide open with fear and confusion. Striker's hand is only inches away from his face.

"When was the last time you slept" he asked. Blitzo was still in shock as the Cowboy pulled him closer to him, until the red-skinned devil was in his arms. A worried expression appeared on Striker's face as he looked down at Blitzo. Striker's fingers were on the back of Blitzo's neck. The red-skinned devil was forced to look at the cowboy. "Answer me sugar-cube"

Striker's voice was harsh as he spoke through clenched teeth. Blitzo didn't respond. his body was trembling. When was the last time you slept?" the snake imp repeated himself.

Blitzo bowed his head. He couldn't find the words to answer.

"It was just a nightmare Blitz, your awake now." Striker says, while caressing his cheek lovingly.

"I'm here, and I ain't going anywhere, talk to me."

"I need to hear your voice" Striker says, burrying his face into the crook of Blitzo's neck.

Striker kisses Blitzo's collarbone, his pencil thin mustache tickling Blitzo's flesh. "Your safe in my arms Blitzy" he says. "Let me take his place, allow me to make love to you"

Blitzo's entire body trembles. As he struggles to get out of Striker's hold. The air is filled with a faint growl. ""I don't care whether you're in the mood, darlin," Striker says between clenched teeth. "You didn't think I wouldn't notice something upsetting you, you've been gone for weeks!""

The Boss imp pauses, but doesn't say anything. The Cowboy could feel his mate's body quiver beneath him. The rampant fear, the rage was about to reach a boiling point.

Blitzo shakes his head. No, his arms are pinned down at his side. He can't move. Striker is kneeling over him, straddling his waist. "Get off me!" screams Blitzo. "Not until you calm down! Striker says, you're skittish as a colt

Something has you spooked. "I'm not going anywhere, I have all night.

"Please don't do this!" Blitzo pleads.


The Following morning, Striker woke up in an empty bed and the sound of his mate padding around in the kitchen downstairs, fixing coffee. Blitzo drinks too much coffee, like he was desperately trying to starve off sleep.

There was always a mug or a cup of steaming coffee clasped tightly in hand. It was his lifeline. And Striker hated it. During their morning meetings, that which Striker was rarely there for due to prior obligations to the circuit.

Blitzo is a complete mess, zoning out and then brushing it off like it was nothing. It was becoming noticeable. To where even Loona the apathic hellhound was taking notice.

Moxie and Millie both try to breech the subject with their boss, only to have the matter at hand turned against them and directed to their client. Moxie monitors Blitzo while they are on missions, reporting anything he found as peculiar to their main bank-roller, Prince Stolas.

And lately he had been finding a lot of things strange these days, and it all stemmed from their time held in captivity. The Specialist had blamed himself; it was his fault Blitzo had fallen back to help him. If only he had been quicker on his feet, maybe the D.H.O.R.K. S agents wouldn't have gotten the information that they did, forcing Stolas into revealing himself.

Most likely, it was his guilt-ridden mind that subconsciously kept the data away from a certain snake imp. that constantly waltzed in-and out of their lives. Moxie, after all these years, still couldn't find it in himself to trust the snake imp. Something in his gut was telling him to keep an eye on his boss.-At Night, just before bed, Blitzo would often retire to his office. The house was quiet as Striker stood over a brewing pot of coffee. Decaf. and as an extra precaution, he crushed sleeping pills into Blitzo's mug. He sets the mug down, noticing his mate focused on a few pieces of paper, he left him to his own devices. Only to return an hour later to discover Blitzo passed out at his desk, coffee spilling across important clientele documents, his finger pressed up against the coffee button, which was buzzing obnoxiously. The Cowboy assassin looks around at the mess, figuring Blitzo had caught onto what he was doing and was trying to alert his daughter. He disregarded the frayed documents that littered the desk.The snake imp hadn't given a crap about it, it was dead weight to him. Sure, he was proud of his mate for starting a business of his own. The dedication Blitzo held to his company was impressive. But in the long run, it was a dead-end job. Many times Blitzo had attempted to include Striker in the meetings.Only to have Moxie talk over him, constantly contradicting himself, as he was always trying to one-up the cowboy, like his position had been threatened or something. The vermin were still sour towards him. Quips and backhanded comments were thrown his way. Blitzo would usually put Moxie in his place and that would be the end, but lately Blitzo seemed more distracted and Striker quit coming altogether. Nights were more comfortable anyway.But now it was just plain pathetic the lengths Blitzo would go to sustain IMP. Let it fall, thought Striker to himself, and from those ashes a new industry, homicidal husbands would arise once Striker took over IMP. He'd take IMP to the cleaners. Blitzo was already talking about making him a partner."He'd clean them out, on Blitzo's behalf." Striker wasn't the sharing type. If he saw something he liked, he took it. He was a possessive bastard.Conniving and treacherous. A cut throat assassin. Wanting the best for Blitzo with minimal regard for anyone else. Being the Alpha, it was the cowboy's duty to protect his mate. Protecting his Omega, even if it was against himself.

The door creaked open, and one ruby red eye peers through the crack. The Outlaw growls at Loona, his eyes overshadowed by his cowboy hat. Upon seeing the steaming mug of fresh coffee in her hands

Picking up Blitzo, bridal style, he headed for the stairwell that lead to the top floor. "Loony, be a good girl and clean this mess up for me before I tell your daddy that it was you who drugged his coffee," threatened the cowboy.

Before disappearing up the winding staircase with Blitzo The Hell-Hound shivers at the icy malice of Striker's voice. She stood stock still as he sent her a chilling glare before ascending the stairs with her father. She ran to her room, slamming the door behind her. Her hand went into her pocket to fetch her phone.

Things were spiraling out of hand. She needed to contact Moxie and Millie. Something was unsettling about those eyes. It felt like the snake imp was plotting against them. The worst part was that he had her dad wrapped around his finger. She had mentioned something in passing, but Blitzo assured her that Striker had their best interest at heart. She highly doubted that, especially since Blitzo return. Loona could see the shift in personality. His scent was off.At first, she could explain away the sporadic behavior of the boss imp as having the coffee jitters. but his scent was troubling. Not to mention the tangible threat of disbandment. And there was an even more dangerous threat walking around imp headquarters in a pair of cowboy boots and spurs.

She was damn sure Striker had plans of his own, because why after several long years would a mate come out of the woodworks. Loona had no recollection of him. It didn't add up to the hell-hound.-The next morning, Moxie was at a loss for words when he came in with his usual latte, to see Striker at Blitzo's desk his feet crisscrossed over each other, leaning back in a chair with his hands folded behind his head his eyes were closed.

Though relaxed, his anger was palpable, simmering behind closed eyelids. The specialist peered down at the scattered documents that littered the desk. The snake imp had sifted through a pile of finances from the night before.

"Crumbs" Spoke Moxie. as the serpent's steely gaze fell upon him. "Close the door possum. I'm speaking on behalf of Blitz from now on. The Boss man needed some downtime, so I obliged him by coming in today,""

I don't like where this is going," Moxie Stammers closing the door."Relax, I'm not gonna skin ya vermin, not unless you don't give me what I want," Sneers Striker said.

The Outlaw had been away on business cementing a few contracted kills, and collecting data on a few higher ups that he would later add to his growing hit-list.

Striker let out a guttural growl when he had returned home from months on the circuit. He hadn't known what the fuck had happened. All he knew was that his mate could barely look at him, and everyone was keeping secrets.

Apparently, for a short period, Blitzy had gone missing, which was absurd. When he had left, he had made sure everything was running smoothly.

Blitzo was his upbeat self getting reading for the mission. A client wanted someone dead, and Blitzy was aimed to make that happen.

The cowboy had his doubts. As he was headed off to another circuit, in another ring of hell. His rodeo career was. Taking off and he couldn't always be there. Blitzo kisses Striker hard. "It'll will be like drowning puppies in the river.

"What could go wrong?.

The following week, he had gotten a call from an agitated possum who sounded like he had lost a bet with Loona.

Moxie was speaking way too fast. Striker had only caught a few words here and there, saying that they were home, but Blitzo was not. He went onto say that Blitzo had returned to the Goeita mansion along with Stolas to reward the prince for a heroic act..

The vermin neglected to tell him the full story. Only later did Stella clear it up for him. Painting a picture that had Striker foaming at the mouth.-That Night, Striker wouldn't get his answers from Moxie. His molten yellow eyes swirling with probabilities, that would have Blitz running back to Stolas instead of him. The snake imp had enough. stalking towards the door, he punched a hole right through it before entering the brisk night to clear his head

.What is Satan's name had happened?, in the time it had taken Blitzo to complete a simple in and out mission, things had gone awry. Blitzo had gone missing for seventy-two hours. Wrenching an invisible knife deeper, skewing his heart.

Only to be rescued by the ditsy blueblood hours later, something didn't add up to the cowboy. Within minutes Striker had Moxie spilling the beans about that night, his knife pressed up against his throat.

The Vermin trembled as he spoke, recollecting their time in captivity. The horrid acid trip, the airborne chemical that filled the lungs with truth vapors. being tied to chairs and interrogated relentlessly. Hearing scraping sound as they ushered Blitzo into another room. while Moxie spasmed on the floor.

The Outlaw was fuming by the time the specialist revealed what had happened to them. How could he trust them with his mate?. Especially since the cowboy was thinking about having children with Blitzo.

The circuits were coming to a close and after hearing what Blitzo had gone through he was beginning to piece together what had happened the night his mate disappeared. "Satan Dammit!, why wasn't I there? Then I could've avoided this entire mess," Striker hisses at himself

Punching a brick wall, over and over until his knuckles bled. Tears blinded his vision as he sunk to his knees. The nightmares were beginning to make sense now. A picture flutter out from his jacket and lands in some garbage water near an open dumpster. Striker quickly fishes it out, shaking the water droplets off as he gazes at it in fondness.It was a picture of Blitzo atop of Bombproof back on Millie's parent's farm. That Stubborn horse had refused to budge, let alone leave the farm, forcing Striker to lie low inside the barn after the botched assassination attempt of Prince Stolas.And once Blitzo found him, the van was packed, and the vermin were in the van gearing up to go. He had left the barn door slightly ajar.

Blitzo must've caught sight of his shadow cast against the door. Because the Boss Imp was headed in his direction.The damn horse wouldn't let Blitzo off him once he was on him. The Boss imp had looked around paranoid. He had even ridden away from Striker when he tried to hop on. Blitzo was shocked to see the cowboy at first.Moxie was hollering at him from the van, but it fell upon deaf ears."Too Slow, Cowboy", Cackles Blitz riding away. Bombproof snickers, as he continued to play keep away with his rider.Striker had run halfway across wrath on a horse he had confiscated from Lin and Joe, catching up with them somewhere between Wrath and pride. The outlaw took a rugged breath, tracing Blitzo's face in the picture. Now his partner wouldn't even look at him, and that fire in his eyes was almost extinguished. The cowboy had to resort to some underhanded tricks to get his mate to sleep. He feared what would happen once Blitzo catches on to what he had been doing. The drugs coursing through his system, if he hadn't already.He had to bribe Loona, to keep her from spilling the beans. "I" all rip them apart with my bare hands" Striker growls. One thing was for sure, those assholes who had done this, their days were numbered, and they didn't even know it. Stolas would not help him. The Goeita prince would only hinder him.Stolas was just using his body, but he knew one Goeita who would, if only to keep Blitzo out of her house and become the sole heir to the Goeita fortune. That Bitch was cold and calculating. A ruthless tyrant.A trait that the cowboy admired in her. Even if he was just using her to get what he wanted, it was a two-way street. The harpy would help him, unlike Fizzorolli, who might have issues with Blitzo in the past, with the burning of Loo-Loo-land and their fallout as teenagers. He knew the demented harlequin would one day want his loveless rodeo clown back under thumb.Seeing Blitz jumping at this own shadows on the wall and skittering about, at first Striker had thought it had something to do with the coffee he consumed during the day but, there was a bitter broken heartedness lurking beneath the surface.That even Fizz was forced to take notice. The clown wanted to hug him and never let go. But there were too many years behind them.-But to be a fly on the wall, When Striker confronted Stolas, slipping into the mansion and plucking some feathers from that distsy blueblood for even having the audacity to look at his mate.Fizz Verosika-hell- the whole ring knew how much the cowboy detested the prince. Striker had Moxie pressed to the wall with a knee pressing into his abdomen. He had heard just about enough of the honesty induced acid trip that had wedged itself between him and Blitz."Give me Somethin to work with Vermin," Striker hissesLater that evening, upon seeing Blitzo crumble before him at the dinner table, hardly touching his food, night after night, hearing his blood-curdling scream pierce the quiet night, always sent Striker running to his mate.But there was nothing he could do.Striker grips Blitzo and shakes him, calling his name out and pleading with him to open his eyes. Fierce amber eyes pop open in fear. Striker could feel his mate tremble beneath him, trying to peel away from the serpent, only to have Striker's grip tighten.Blitzo peels himself away, and goes stumbling into the open kitchen, blurry eyed he squints, trying to make out objects in the kitchen. The cowboy chases him into the kitchen, his tail lashing out, wrapping around the Boss imp's waist. Blitzo struggles, reaches for the empty pot of coffee.Blitzo is rarely allowed behind the counter, since the cowboy had returned home.It was the last straw; it was all becoming too much for the Cowboy to handle. Blitzo struggles, yelping, as the cowboy threw him out of the kitchen.IMP had seen its last days. Striker would keep Blitzo home from now on. It was for his own good, the snake imp told himself.He had somehow talked Blitzo into taking a shower. He told the Boss imp he would join him. Striker could hear the shower turn on. He waited outside to ambush Blitzo with a rag soaked in chloroform.Rest was what he needed the most, the cowboy told himself. But he was having his doubts.Blitzo pauses, disappointed that the Cowboy didn't join him.

Standing in a steam covered room with a towel wrapped around his waist, he wipes the moisture from the mirror to see Striker lurking in the door. He was leaning; blocking his escape."I canceled all your meeting for today Blitzy, I even called the possum and said you wouldn't be in today," spoke the cowboy.Excuse me!,- you did what? Asshole! Blitzo screams into the mirror, his eyes narrowing."You better be fucking kidding me, Striker! Or I'll wipe that smile off your smug face!" snarls Blitzo, turning to his mate, his eyes burning with hatred. His body tenses he was ready for a fight.

The look on Blitzo's face as Striker whirls him back into the bathroom room was priceless as Blitzo stumbles, falling into empty bathtub. The Boss imp snarls up at Striker before ramming the cowboy into the wall.Blitzo snaps at the snake imp as Striker slips behind him pulling his arm back and ramming him into the wall, Striker winces dazed. He traps Blitzo Beneath him. His tail massaging Blitzo's thigh.It had been their thing, or at least it used to be- Blitzo was too far gone to notice the soft rumblings coming from Striker's chest as he tries to soothe his mate. It wasn't working.

Blitzo throws Striker off of him, knocking the cowboy into the wall, the eerie trepidation in Blitzo's movements as he tries to sneak past the unconscious snake imp sprawled out before him was nerve-wrecking. As he was almost past the nefarious cowboy when a hand shoots up, gripping his ankle and pulling him down. Striker and Blitzo grappled on the floor, before the seasoned killer grabs him by the wrist, hauling him onto his feet.

Blitzo's tail wraps around Striker's throat, but before he could choke out the cowboy, Striker flings him onto the bed, quickly straddling him as Blitzo bucks his hips, fighting him every step of the way.

Striker is quick to cover his mouth with the cloth while fighting off Blitzo's hands, capturing and holding them above his head, watching as Blitzo continues to struggle."What the fuck do you think you're doing? Get off me!" He cries, twisting his body.

"You inbred country, joe," Blitzo growls before his face was once again covered with a cloth. Blitzo hisses into the cloth, craning his neck from the drug riddled cloth, inching closer to his face.-The Cowboy had gotten so starved for Blitzo's affections, he wasn't thinking clearly. He punched Blitzo in the stomach, causing the boss imp to wheeze in pain: inhaling deeply he wheezes trying to catch his breath while fighting off the cloth. He cried into the cloth tears matted his eyes as he struggles with his capturer. Reaching up he grip striker's arm in a desperate attempt to break the cowboy from his trance the look of betrayal seer through him. Striker grunts as Blitzo grip on his bicep loosens."

Finally" Thought Striker as Blitzo drifted off into unconsciousness, the fire imp closes his eyes as Striker took a shaky breath watching as his mate descended into a fretful slumber."How could you.." thought Blitzo, "I thought you loved me the Boss imp whispers.. his lasts thoughts were of his family, of Striker... and the potent fear that lurks within._The outlaw had spent weeks sleeping in an empty bed while Blitzo had sought comfort elsewhere. It had driven the cowboy crazy. Brushing the tears from Blitzo's eyes, the dull ache in his chest returned, crippling him with the knowledge of what he had done.The mating mark burns his flesh as the desire to take Blitzo's unconscious form is upon him hitting him : like a ton of bricks. Gritting his teeth against the searing pain and liquid desire that burned through his body. The thought of Blitz being unfaithful hammered in his heart. Striker swallows thickly as he tries to quell the building, lust coursing through his veins.-The Cowboy leans over, his eyes ladled with lust, swirling eyes rake over Blitzo's prone form, landing on the towel. He throws the towel into a corner of the room. spreading Blitzo's legs, licking his lips before crawling up his parted legs and whispers into the shell of his ear."I'm done!, do you hear me!? Done with it all, the circuits and the clientele!

"A clawed finger traces Blitzo's face. I'm willing to fight for you, Blitzy, no matter how many times you stray! I'll be there to take you back!' '"It's infuriating to see you with him. I can't think straight when he is near you." He chuckles darkly.

"Your mine, from the first moment we met back on the farm, I knew you were the one for me""I'll splatter the walls with his blood and brain matter. I'll have you crawling on your hands and knees, licking the walls. You run from me. You hide behind these walls that I can't get past.""When did I lose you?" Striker whimpers. resting his forehead against Blitzo's."No matter, in the end will sort it out we. We always do, Striker says, hands grasping Blitzo's thighs, dragging his body downwards his head lowers, fangs extend sinking deep into crimson flesh he suckled and nipped, before taking Blitzo in whole, He began to suck wrapping his tongue around his hardening member

.He could feel Blitzo respond, moaning in his sleep Striker peers up through half leaded eyes. "Surrender to me, and I'll lay the world out your feet, he thought as he continued to have his way with Blitzo

Heck, the way he felt that night, the whole Ares Goeita bloodline, might've well been under fire. He pulled Blitzo's unconscious form closer wiping the seamen from his face. Tonight, he would decorate Blitzo's body with little love marks.

And to think this was all for the love of a little devil .A fiery imp with a damaged heart.-Blitzo awoke with a sudden jolt, and a stinging sensation between his legs. He groans in pain as remnants of a dream trickled away. His mind clears, he could feel Striker spooning him from behind, felt the weight of his head resting on the crook of his neck, the soft trickles of breath tickling his skin.

The Boss imp closes his eyes. How long had it been since they were like this? Just the two of them, twisted in each other's arms. Blitz couldn't honestly remember. Blitzo purrs, feeling Striker's tail coil around him. His leg draped around Striker's, his tail hung loosely over the cowboy's waist.

Blitzo snuggles closer, slightly wincing in pain. "Too bad this can't last," the thought feeling a slight chill slither down his back as Striker's tail squeezes his thigh."What the!"- Blitzo thought, feeling the grip on his shoulder tighten, as Striker turns him around, pulling him closer, mud oozing, dripping off his naked form

"What the!"- Blitzo thought, feeling the grip on his shoulder tighten, as Striker turns him around, pulling him closer, mud oozing, dripping off his naked form . His tail kept rubbing against Blitzo's inner thigh. Pulling the boss imp flush against his growing errection.

Blitzo was trying to claw his way out of his muddled mind, but he kept sinking in deeper .Stryker moans into his ear, his voice a high-pitched parody of his usual southern comfort., his swirling eyes dull and colorless as clay rakes over him as he continues to rub himself against Blitzo." I wish you could see yourself Blitzo, the way I do- a hot mess, unable to tell reality from fantasy, no matter darlin I don't care if you're broken, I'll still play wit ya," he purrs seductively into his ear.

Blitzo grimaces, feeling uneasiness as he recoils against him.

"So long as you give me what I want and do as I ask, there will be no problems". Stryker hisses, ripping open his nightshirt. His clawed fingers splay out across his chest and stomach.

"And hell knows, you might even enjoy this sugar-cube"

Stryker could feel the imp below him tremble at his touch. He bent down, kissing his stomach, nipping a trail from his sternum to his belly button.

Blitzo struggles." Oh, I know, you'll give me exactly what I want, won't cha Blitzy?" he purrs" No one can reach us here." He hisses, "No one will hear your screams, as I tear into you, BlitzO," Blitzo screams being flipping over onto his stomach, by Stryker, who has Blitzo's tail wrapped around his hand and his knuckles are deep into Blitzo ass, his claws scraping the inner walls as he scissors him open with his fingers. Blitzo whimpers, his body burning as he shivers against Stryker as the snake imp licks the contents off his fingers, his claws digging into Blitzo's spine, creating small rivulets of blood. He keeps the squirming scarlet imp embolized by placing pressure onto the fire imp's neck, watching him squirm and writhe in fierce agony as he presses his face into the pillow to quiet his desperate cries.

Gripping his hips, he slams into Blitzo's backside with a burning thrust: that rips a pain-filled scream from the scarlet imp's lungs, digging his claws into Blitzo's thighs, thrusting deeply as Blitzo's body jerks around him

.The crimson devil's claws, thrashing and tearing the surrounding sheets, his vision blurs with unshed tears, as his voice cracks, growing hoarse as he sobs into the pillow.The Cowboy took what he wanted. Blitzo cranes his neck, gasping for air, hearing a snarl of disgust from above. He grimaces, wincing in pain as Stryker reaches up, gripping his horns to get a better leverage. The boss imp could feel his insides split as the cowboy's tail wraps around Blitzo's neck.

Choking him, the city imp struggles trying to ram his head into Stryker's face. But the walking nightmare had Blitzo's arms pulled around his back, his other hand was down Blitzo's pants kneading him.

Stryker continues to thrust, each thrust more punishing the last. Blitzo cries out: pain tearing through his lower body, splicing him in two.

The hallucination chuckles darkly, as Blitzo's body went limp in his arms. Lapping up the blood with his forked tongue Blitzo hisses feeling Stryker's hot seed fill him as he continued to thrust riding him out, he sunk his fangs deep into Blitzo's neck.

Blitzo jerks in pain feeling Stryker's claws embed themselves into the small of his back: burning pain searing up and down his backside. while listening to the domineering laughter echo all around him. he could feel Stryker harden within him. as this serpent's muzzle lapped at his neck. Blitzo made a pained noise at the back of his throat as the cowboy began all over again. this time tying Blitzo's hands behind his back with a shredded piece of bloodied bedsheets.-The Boss imp panted bucking into Striker's touch as the hand that cupped him from behind kneaded him. His eyes flickered behind closed eyelids, panicked caught between a lucid nightmare and a waking dream.

All he knew was that he was being held down, his arm were at his side and someone was yelling at him to wake up. He was trying, but his eyes refused to open. fear pounded in his chest goosebumps ran down his spine.

Suddenly his eyes shot open fear pulsating through them as he gazed up at the shirtless cowboy straddling his legs and pinning him down.

The hired gun gave him a worried look, "not again! thought Blitzo as he struggled against the wrangler. "Sleep well darling?" Striker purrs into his ear while caressing his face. Blitzo tried to move his head away caked in cold sweat his body trembles his mouth opens in a silent scream

.But no sound came out, his voice was raw and sore: feeling like he had swallowed a box of razors. A searing pain cleaved through his body causing Blitzo's body to jerk and writhe in agony. Blitzo tried to curl up on himself: and that's when he felt it: a pool of warmth spreading outwards dripping down his backside.

Striker froze getting off him, the scarlet imp made a move to get out of bed and away from the imp lying next to him. the tan cowboy reaches out for him as his rear end throbs, twitching painfully, twisting his insides causing his stomach to churn violently. A warmth slid down his leg pooling at his feet.

Blitzo looks down at the pooling blood at his feet, fear-stricken he backed up looking pointedly at Striker. his inner thigh burns with a stinging pain. He crumbles to the floor clutching his head blood bloomed staining his pants his body continued to shake as the hit man sprung out of bed and hurried to his mate cupping his face Striker searches his eyes he tilts his head trying to get his mate to look at him.

Blitzo's mind ran wild, as he tried to figure out if he was still dreaming or not. Blitzo's voice cracks sharply, as panic and fear ensnares him. Only a few words were legible, spoken hoarsely."

Ple-please no! stay back, NN- no more, make the pain stop, please stop! Ssstryker he cries clutching onto the cowboy's bicep. Striker's eyes are wide as he searches the room for an unseen intruder. The Boss imp swallows the hard lump forming in his throat, before giving up completely and sinking into his mate's arms burrowing his head into his chest.

Searching for comfort, his legs gave out from underneath him, Blitzo sank to his knees: feeling dirty and used. Striker pulls Blitzo closer... silently wondering what the hell was going on.

Blitzo flinches upon hearing Striker hissing into his ear, he jumps upon hearing the fizzing rattle of his lover's tail as Striker rattles off a warning to anything lurking in the shadows. Wrapping an arm around Blitzo's waist he hauls him up onto his feet, but once he sees the blood seeping out from underneath Blitzo's waist band he sprints towards the bathroom his tail flicking the door shut.-He would call Moxie as soon as he drew a bath for Blitzo, he told himself, but he knew he was lying. The specialist would only jump to horrific conclusions before trying to separate the two.

The blood was coming from somewhere, Striker had to find out where, and who and or what had done this to his mate?. Everything was laid out before him but everyone kept on dancing around the truth

.Feeding him bits and pieces of information pertaining to that dreadful night. but never the full story. And that frightened look, Blitzo had given him was directed at him. and the way he had said his name made the cowboy regret everything he had done to Blitzo the previous night. it had sent shiver spiking down his spine he could feel the constant tremors coursing down Blitzo's body. As he turns on the water, he faces his mate wiping a tear away from Blitzo's face with the pad of his thumb. "Blitzy... Can you hear me darlin

"Blitzy.. he calls again. But Blitzo was still trapped in a catatonic state on his feet unable to speak.

Striker licks his lips before continuing on, " I'm going to undress you sugar-cube, there is nothing I have seen" he reassures. Making sure Blitzo was looking him in the eye, as he said this. "I know every curve of your body, the taste of your lips against mine. You're going to be alright Boss man" he tells him. "your number one is here to help ya and I'm going to fix ya up real good partner.. Its just you and me sweetheart"

Slipping his hand around Blitzo's waist, he waits until Blitzo gives him a nod before continuing, peeling Blitzo's clothing off.. first the shirt.

Striker found it hard to breath, his chest was shredded with claw marks, his neck was peppered with bruises and welts and a large bruise. Striker grips Blitzo's wrists his own body trembling tears prick his eyes as he turns off the faucet. His hands return to Blitzo's waist peeling off the bloodstained pajama bottoms. Striker bit his lower lip until it bled "You still with me Boss" he whispers his voice catching in his throat. Moving him towards the tub, I'm going to put you in here now, the water is warm and should ease your pain. "everything is going to be okay, sugar cube, I'm not going anywhere Blitzy" he says cupping Blitzo's face, his tail wraps around Blitzo's thigh. Blitzo freezes, as the cowboy tries to rile him out of his stupor. Blitzo shakes his head, whimpering softly as he tries to pull away staring blankly into Striker's eyes. The Serpent swallows thickly knowing he had crossed a line. Unsure of what to do he continues to comfort him the best of his abilities. "well get through this, you and I, will find a way around this Blitzy, I promise ya partner" he says kissing his neck while Blitzo shivers in repulsion.-The Cowboy continues his onslaught, kissing his neck softly, nipping lightly. The scarlet imp struggles. Striker shoves his snout into Blitzo's collarbone. Catching a whiff of another male.

But it was odd it was his scent he was smelling.

A strange cologne fills his nostrils a snarl grows at the back of his throat.

Was this all part of the dream again?" thought Blitz, as the sound of soft rumbling began to soothe him. Blitzo's head fell onto Striker's shoulder.

He wasn't sure

.Was he safe? in the arms of this man?" the boss imp couldn't tell, which disturbed him.-The Bathtub bubbles with the sweet scent of milk and honey, candles were lit and flickering, causing shadows to dance across the room. The bathtub wasn't as big and extravagant as Stolas's but it was both deep and inviting built into the floor with sandy Finnish that reminded Blitzo of those long sweltering nights cast out underneath the stars. it was his favorite memory.-The county imp places Blitzo onto the lip of the tub, Blitzo splashes his feet in the water as the cowboy strips off his clothes and locks the door just in case the lithe imp decided to bolt.

Blitzo watches him from where he was perched, trying to decide if this was all but a dream and looking for any signs of deception within the cowboy.

The serpent felt a soft pang of guilt swell within his chest as he looks up into his mate's amber eyes. Blitzo was bleeding into the tub, looking embarrassed. Striker slip into the tub, reaching out he takes Blitzo's hand.

The imp shook his head no adamant of not joining in. He pulled back, trying to get Striker to understand his throat ached Blitzo could barley make a sound as Striker pulls him into the tub.

The Boss imp rubs his sore and tired eyes, it was getting harder for the city imp to tell the two apart. he had to be extra cautious.

Blitzo knew he couldn't keep this up forever, that if he kept going the was he was, treading the fine line between sanity he was going to wind up blacking out somewhere and risking the lives of those he loves in the process. Blitzo braces himself against the lip of the tub, feeling the water burn the cowboy's arm was wrapped securely around his waist as the circuit star continues to wash him down, as gently as he could. Blitzo winces, trying to form words he needed to know that this wasn't a dream.

Washing away the blood and seamen, leaving kisses here and there trying to get Blitzo to focus on something other then pain. His back grows rigid and he pauses feeling Striker place his claws against the grooves of his skin. Blitzo hisses biting back a scream of pain.

The savage rawness of his mate's backside made his inside knot sending a ripple of anger sweeping through his body.

A perfect match but he couldn't remember scratching him to the point of drawing blood and certainly not to the point where he was crying out, begging him to stop."

Who or what is haunting ya darlin?" If only I was there when you needed me Blitzy, maybe then we could've avoided this whole mess. I forced you onto that filthy Goeita" he growls.

"Blitzy, what happened that night you disappeared?, no one is telling me- how can I help if I don't know what's going on?'

Silence...Striker swallows past the lump in his throat, "Whoever, or whatever had done this had turned Blitzo silent and that troubles the cowboy, there was someone out there with his face, with his voice.. going around impersonating him endangering his mate, leaching off of Blitzo.

The worst was, he couldn't do a damn thing about it. "Sugar-cube, overlord slaying can wait" he says thickly. I'll let my client know later on, that I'll be taking care of you today, I'm sure she can clear things up-- I'm sure she can fix ya" Striker promises him.

The cowboy's stomach sours upon realizing if he had been more attentive more assertive then this whole thing could've been prevented. This thing, that had stolen his identity had latched onto his mate was driving them apart

.The wrangler had no idea what he was up against, but he had to think of something Blitzo was depending on him. This only solidified his resolve not only to put an end to IMP but to do the same to Stolas as well.

Blitzo was his, and his alone.