
The second son of the fallen Royal is reincarnated

In a world where one's value is determined by their status, Raven was born in the deepest parts of the lawless city. Raised in an orphanage along with other kids, he trained to be a knight of a low rank Nobel family and rose upon the ranks and made it to captain at the age of 27, ten years later a war broke out and house Silver was destroyed. As his mind was slowly fading away, he couldn't help but think what would life been like for him if he was born as a nobleman himself, "would I be corrupted by greed? Or would I uphold the values of my home like the prideful master of house Silver?"

Victor_Progress · Fantasie
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13 Chs

The Demon of the northern lands

Two days passes, Raven got notification that he had 30 applications for the posts as well as all applicates have arrived. He notified Leo to guide them to his personal training grounds.


Greetings, I am Raven Nightingale. 


Greeting, young master:


Let me be the first to say this, although I acknowledge your courage to apply I must tell you that your test would not be easy. For the next two months I would be personally training you and due to your results I'll pick from there the 10 who stays. Don't worry, you'll still be getting two gold coin per week up until the end of the training and to those who would be chosen you'll be getting 5 gold coin.

As time quickly goes by, Raven notices the Elven girl he freed from Ryback is there as well as the boy he helped when he first entered the village. A month later, Raven is called to his father's office.


Raven, I've recieved word that a new C rank dungeon has opened up in one of our former mines, however the people of the North East have sent their troops to loot the dungeon.


In our territory? 


Yes, I've already sent word to the patriarch about it. As a result he sent a lieutenant there however there hasn't been any word from him since.


So as a result you're sending me?


I know it's un ethical for me as your father but-


Make no mistake, that wasn't a complain. It's my duty to serve you and this house. I will leave at once. 


Thank you, son. And, Goodluck. 

Raven gets his sword and heads out, as he watches his son leave, Joshua can't help but think if he made the right call.

After instantly teleporting to the village via teleporting gate, Raven finds it in ruin, most of the buildings there have been destroyed and there's still a fight going on no to far from where he is. He quickly rushes there, only to find monitors rading the village, he looks over and sees a knight wearing a blue cape fighting the two monitors alone, he doesn't seem to be afraid even if the odds aren't in his favor. Raven decides to change in and help. With only a single strike from his Meteor thrust he overwhelmed them.


Are you alright?


Yes, thank you for the help.


Don't mention it, I'm Ray Nightingale.


I'm Erick Grayson, I surve as the lieutenant of the blue Falcons.


Oh? This makes my job easier, I was sent here by my father to investigate why you haven't reported to the patriarch yet.


I was originally supposed to scout the area but was ambushed by the North-eastern troops, majority of the troops are just orange Rank but it's thier captain that is the problem.


Let me guess, a green Rank?


Yes, I have to report back to the captain and request back up.


How many men are following his command?


15 at most.


Are they aura users?


Yes, 10 are Orange while the rest are red.


If that's the case we are more than enough. 




You are a yellow rank, correct? If you follow my lead we should be done with them before sunset.


What nonsense are you playing at? If you didn't hear me their leader is a green rank, we'd die if we face him head on.


And why would we die?

Raven gets up and manifests a small peace of his aura into his right arm, Erick then realized who was standing infront of him. That "Ray" was short for Raven Nightingale, a boy who made waves after the ceremony, a boy who defeated the other children like it was nothing including the sword protege of the south and was call a monster by even the captains, The boy who took down Ryback and his whole guild a month ago, some refer to him as "The Demon of the northern lands."


Wait, you're not by any chance Raven Nightingale, are you?


I am, why? Is there a problem?


No, I was just asking. Okay im ready to hear you plan


Oh man, this explains the badass entrance he did. If the rumors are true and I don't cooperate with him, he might kill me. 


Now then, shall we get going?


Yeah, but, what's the plan?


You take care of red users and I'll take care of the Orange ones, after that we meet up and attack the Green one together.


But, why would you need me for that?


I'm just in the mood to fight along side someone. By the way, the people of this village, whare are they?


I told them to go to the church for safety.


Good, now let's go.

Erick and Raven booth take off for the mountains, on their way there they are ambushed by 3 orange ranks and one red rank from the enemy side.

Red rank:

It's just a yellow rank and a kid, we can take them.

The enemy attacks from all sides thinking they could end this quickly.


Secret swords art, a thousand Heavenly slashes.

Raven attacks them in an instant and shocks Erick as he was to slow to react to what just happened. One moment he saw people attacking, the next he saw a rain of blood in front of him.


Don't slow down even a bit. I can feel a huge aura, we're almost there.

Raven and Erick reach the mine, the eleven remaining members if the enemy forces arive to "greet" them at the entrance.

Enemy 1:

A lieutenant and some kid? I guess this days they'll let anyone partake in missions in this country. 


Hey, Erick.




Remember how I said I'd be helping you fend them off so we can take the boss on together?


Why, is there a change if strategy?


No, this was always the strategy.

Raven launches himself in the cave and seals off the exit, leaving Erick to fight off the evelen enemies on his own.


That brat, I'm gonna kill him.

Inside the cave, Raven walks for a while and reaches a room, in there he finds John, a green rank like him and the leader of the enemy troops.


I didn't know I'll have a guest, excuse the poor display of hospitality.


It's alright, I'm not here for long.


I must ask, how did you get past my 15 men?


I killed four and left Erick to fight off the rest. Judging by his strength, he should be fine.


And your not worried about yourself?


No, I'm actually excited. It's been a while since I fought someone on equal level.(takes out his sword)


"Equal level", huh. So you're telling me that despite your age you've reached the rank of green? Interesting(Takes out his sword)

I am John, worrier of the Noth east under the leadership of Baron Morales of the Willsion faction, and you are?


Raven Nightingale, second son of Joshua and Erica Nightingale. Nice to meet you.


Oh, so your the one they call "The Demon of the northern lands"? Interesting.

Both parties charge at each other, their swords clash and a Shockwave is sent out as their swords connect, although he's in his mid twenties, this is the first time John has had so much fan fighting a kid like this. John only respects strength and everytime his sword clashes with Ravens he can feel his strength and determination to win.


That look in your eyes. I haven't seen it since I was a kid, my old master used to have the very same look.


Yeah, and what look is it?


The look that no matter what happens in this battle you would come out on top.

Raven ducks the horizontal slash from John's attack. And goes in for a thrust.


That sword art as well, I've never seen it before. Tell me, did you create it yourself?


I suppose you can say that. You know for a bad guy, your very chatty.


"Bad guy" huh. Well I am chatty cause I know I'm being toyed with. You haven't used any aounce of aura in your attacks yet.


Same as you.


Well, I guess I looked down on you because of your age. But it's clear that your more skilled than the average. Fine lets end this. Dancing sword art, 100 rose thorns.


Secret swords art, internal meteor thrust. 

Both give it their all as both attacks clash even though he is overwhelmed by John's attack Raven doesn't stop smiling and pours everything his got into his attacks once more, resulting in him winning.

A few seconds later


What? You're not going to take my life?


That's not necessary, you've already lost your lower half. It's only a matter of time before you die.


True.(Coughs blood) hey, Raven. I got a request to ask. I got a little sister she's 14 this year, two years from now when she turns 16 she'll be married off to "The sword protégé" in the south.


Why are you telling me this?


It's obvious, he hates her. Although his skills are good, he doesn't hold a candel to her. My sister loves the sword more than anything, if she marries him,she'll be forced to give it up so that he can't seem as inferior to his people, please you have to find a way to save her, your her only hope.(he loses consciousness)


You didn't even give me time to reject your proposal, selfish bastard.

Raven heads back to the entrance and create a new path out, there he finds a pissed off Erick who just managed to kill his last opponent.


Raven, you prick. How dare you leave me alone like that. I could've died.


But you didn't. Besides, I wouldn't give you more than you could handle. I knew you had it in you to win. 


So, did you win?


Yeah, call the Patriarch and let him know what happened.


Where are you going?


Back to the village, I gotta let the people know they are safe now.

At the Patriarch's estate, a "Shadow" notifies him of his nephwes achievements.


He won against John of the Morales family? huh, this kid is more of a monster than I thought. I'll send the captain of the Blue Falcons there for clean up.....Raven your reputation is growing quite big for your age, at this point you'd be placed as a lieutenant or even vice captain of a squad when you join.

Back at the village, Raven and Erick walk to the church where the villagers are hiding. Raven opens the door and looks at the scared people.


Greetings I've returned.

Village elder:

Sir knight, have you taken care of the intruders?


Yes, thanks to the help of this young lord.

They look at Raven.


Let me introduce you to Raven Nightingale, the son of the Baron in charge of this lands as of last month. Some of you may know him as "The Demon of the northern lands."

By just mentioning that name, everyone gets scared, thinking that before them stood a man who could easily destroy them if they prove him.


My fellow people, on behalf of house Nightingale under Baron Joshua, I humbly apologize for coming late. (He bows his head infront of all to see.)

Village elder:

No. Please young master, a man of your status masnt bow to his servants.


You are mistaken, you are more than sevants. You are people of the land governed by my father, meaning you are my familes children. Protecting you should be our priority.

Before the villages can answer Raven senses a great aura approaching the church, he takes out his sword and tells Erick to guard the villagers, he heads to the source of the aura and finds a man with blond hair,wearing a black leather jacket and black leather pants with a scar across his left eye sitting on a rock. The man takes a small rock and tosses it at Ravens stomach. Raven couldn't even react to the speed and gets knocked out by the hit. A few hours goes by and when Raven finally awakens he finds himself in a medical bed in the village.


Where am I? What happened?

Raven rushes to the outside and finds the villagers walking around happily. And he hears a familiar voice calling for him, when he looks to his right he finds Erick walking with the man who knocked him out.


Oh, you up already? Good


Erick, Stand back that man is dangerous.


Wait Raven, he's not an enemy. This is Captain X Drake of the squad I'm in.


Captain of the blue Falcons? Why did you knock me out, Drake?


Cause you were pushing your body to the limit, sooner or later you were going to pass out anyway, I just helped speed up the process. So, you're "The Demon of the Northern Lands", huh? Gotta say seeing you up close, you're not too bad. Word is you beat this guy up to a pulp a month ago.

He points at james at the back.


I won't lie, what you've accomplished in a short period of time is pretty amazing, Green rank at the age of 13, created and perfected your own sword art in less than a year. It's no wonder people call you a monster, but I'm only going to say this once. Point your sword at me again and you'll die, I don't care if you didn't know if I was an enemy or not, a filthy commoner blooded person like you should know his place.


If that's the case I-


Relax, I'm just kidding(laughs) you should've seen the look on your face. Look kid, I was a lieutenant under your dad back in the day, I actually got this scare from a mission he assigned me. It was nice meeting you kid, and I hope we do run into each other again.

Drake,James and Erick head for the teleporting gate and leave the village. Raven also heads back to his home estate, there he finds his parents both waiting for him at the gate, they rush and hug him.


Mother, father, I'm home.