
Chapter 3: Human

A little black dot can be seen moving on a pure white canvas that is filled with larger green dots all around it with varying amount of spacing between each green dots, some near to each other and some far from one another.

You want the short and easy version?

Our demon?mc is walking amongst the trees on the snowy field.

"Kono koto iina, Dekikara ii na, Anna yume konna yume ippai aru kedo~"

Is currently singing a certain blue robot cat's theme song in a cheerful tune while walking and swinging his arms in a march of happiness.

Perhaps our mc is a happy go lucky person?

Maybe he's just singing in faux happiness to cheer himself up in this new world?

Perhaps he's just bored and feeling lonely thus singing this song to lift the quiet atmosphere around him?

Well readers? What do you think?

"Minna minna minna, Kanaete kureru, Fushigina pokke de kanaete kureru, Sora wo jiyuu ni,

tobitai na~"

….Or maybe he's just an idiot who easily forgets himself and about his whole situation…yeah, that sounds about right.

"Hai! Takekoputaa!"

Alright, enough is eno-

"Ah! I can see the village!"

Finally, now let's leave the narration to the mc and enter his POV, narrator out!


"*sneeze* Sounds like someone just insulted me…must be that brat Muzan, damn faux MJ, you will pay someday!"

*somewhere in the kibutsuji manor*


"*sneeze* Hmmm, did i caught a cold? Impossible..I'm a perfect being, there's no way I can catch a mere cold."


"*sigh* let's just continue walking, hopefully I can find something to steal here maybe get something to eat or other crap like that"

I continued walking towards the village in the distance while slowly walking into the main road once more and before I use the main road, I looked left and right, no, not for cars and motorcycles, I'm just trying to see if someone can see me exiting the forest or not.

Since I've already put my makeshift mask on once again, it will be quite suspicious if someone wearing a mask came out of the trees near the village and I'm trying to avoid that.

I continued looking left and right, and when I'm sure that no one can see me, I jumped from the treetop towards the main road.

What? You didn't think that I would've stood in plain sight looking left and right before exiting the forest right?

That'll be even more suspicious! That's why I surveyed the surrounding while hiding myself in the nearest tree to the road, and the leaves and height gave me some assistance as well.

Anyways, I patted the dust from my clothes before continue walking to the village, it's not that far now.

The plan is to keep gathering information about the next village and to keep moving till I reach a far enough village to escape the Kibutsuji's area of influence. Maybe with that, I'll be safe from being hunted or being recognized by the people due to the bounty posters.

While I was mumbling to myself and making plans for the future, I reached the village entrance without realizing it and only stopped after hearing the hustle and bustle around me.

'Ah, I've reached the village'

I thought in my head before walking through the village's entrance.

'Let's find an old lady to ask for information about the next village, they're the most amiable after all...most of the time.'

I started to look around a saw an old lady sitting in front of a house, maybe her house or a relative's house.

I started to go towards her and I notice at the corner of my left eye, a small group of people gathering in front of a wall.

I didn't look at them but with my demonic?hearing sense, I can hear what they're talking about.

"Can you believe it? A demon?"

"And a former noble! One of the Kibutsuji's too!"

"If a demon can even hide itself among the nobles, what's stopping it from hiding among us"

"Even worse, the demon might be among us"

*murmur* *murmur*

'Damn, the news travel fast, well those men did ride on horses, of course they've long reach this village before I did. Damn! I hope I can quickly move on to the next village before someone notices me or worse, point me as being suspicious cause I really do look suspicious'

I continued walking towards the old lady, albeit quicker than before.

"Excuse me ma'am do you know the path to the next village? The farther it is, the better."

She looked a bit surprised hearing me speak to her before an amiable smile came upon her face.

"Why yes dearie, I do know how to get to the next village, would you like to know how to get there?"

"Yes ma'am, I'd appreciate that."

"Well, you just have to go straight from hear on, after you reach the exit of the village, just continue along the main road and you will reach a four way intersection, from there on you can decide where to go."

"Going left will bring you to a village near a small mountain"

"Go straight and you will reach another village at a quarter of a day time"

"While going right will lead you to a mountain area, after going through the mountain, you will reach another village at half a day's time. Be warned though, the mountain area is filled with danger such as dangerous wild animals and poisonous insects."

"Thank you ma'am I truly appreciate your help" I said before bowing in front of her.

"Oh, you're too polite young man, it's merely a small guidance, run along now, if you hurry it up, you might just reach another village before nighttime. It's dangerous during nighttime."


"Because the wild animals will go out hunting at night and I've heard about the demon that ran escaped from the Kibutsuji manor as well."

"Oh..y..yeah, of course ma'am" 'damn, wonder if the whole village already knows about this'

"I think it's all nonsense young man, don't worry about the demon, hohohoho"

"Why?" I was genuinely curious.

"Because..if it was a demon..a real demon.." her voice is dangerously grim and the smile was wiped out from her face.

"The Kibutsuji's would've been wiped out completely and the village would be massacred before anyone realized it and when people do found out about the destruction?"

"It will only be when it rots and crows come all over to feed on the leftovers left behind by the demon."

I couldn't say anything due to her grim tone.

"No one would've been able to get a long enough view of the demon and live to make a bounty posters out of it and spread it around to hunt said demon. No, what I'm guessing is that they are hunting someone and used this slander to pin a blame upon him, a reason to kill said person."

"The only type that can plan for something like this, pinning a person as a demon is either a cold and ruthless person, a sly and smart individual…or another demonic being."

Silence pervade around us as the lady finished what she said. Her face still grim and not a moment later, the silent and heavy atmosphere around us was lifted and a smile came upon her face once more.

"But that is merely an old woman's rambling, you don't have to pay heed to it young man. Go on then, move along"

"R-right..yeah, I should…I should move along."

I then turned around and started to walk away before stopping and turn my head sideways to glance at her.

She was looking at me with her 'amiable' smile. That's kinda scary.

"I'll try to reach the next village before nighttime, I….I'll try to be careful, and hopefully I won't get jumped by any demon." I said carefully and slowly to her.

She seemed surprised with my words before smiling softly at me..somehow..I felt that her current smile is more genuine than her previous 'amiable' smile.

I then nod and continued walking but I stopped once more after a few steps. Because I heard her mutter under her breath.

"If you want to learn how to protect yourself, choose the right path in the intersection and go through the mountain to the next village, there, ask for a man named Joho and say that Ketsueki sent you, he'll know what to do."

I silently nodded my head and continued walking forward.

Not long after, I reached the village exit and continued walking through it but not before stealing a nearby umbrella. This is for assurance in case there's sunlight. And perhaps a few minutes later, I reached the four way intersection.

I didn't hesitate at all and chose the right path, and continued walking nonstop.

I wanted to walk among the snow and trees once again but the trees are far apart and not dense at this area, it will make people more suspicious when they see a masked person walking amidst the tress when there's a main road right here.

For that, I chose to walk the main road. While I was walking by the road, a few people passed by me and looked at me with a curious glance.

'Must be the mask..or the umbrella...or maybe both.'

I mean..wouldn't you stare at a person curiously too if they wrapped their head with a cloth mask and uses an umbrella while walking silently on the road? I sure as hell would!

Oh yeah, I'm using the umbrella due to the sunlight shining through the clouds a tiny bit. I got hit by it a little bit and DAMN! IT REALLY HURTS!

'The sun is indeed a deadly laser, I knew that fucker Is a jerk, mookey was right all along, at least the umbrella helps'

The good thing is that it's already in the evening and the sun is setting, therefore night is coming.

And you know what they said about demons and nighttime.

'The demons came out at night'

…yeah I made that one up.

Anyways, I can see the mountain from here and perhaps I'll reach it right before night time if I hurry it up a little bit.

I then continued walking a little faster than before, in hope to reach the mountain before nighttime comes.

~Night has come~

'Alright I've reached the mountain and it's barely nighttime. Now I need to find a place to hide and sleep till morn-'

'Wait…I'm a demon, yeah I need to remember that I am currently a demon..I am stronger at night, alright let's do this then. No rest for tonight..but I should also never forget my human side of course cause technically I'm still human too..maybe'

I then entered the mountain and started my trek.

'Let's test my physical capabilities'

I started jumping around the mountain path and into the trees while trying to grab the branches until I reached what should be a flat area, I stopped and dropped to the ground and I felt…I felt.

"Nothing" Not tired at all, no rapid breathing, no exhaustion at all..nada..nope.

"Huh perks for being a demon I guess."

I started to move back down to the other side before I heard a bestial roar.


The sound of birds flying from trees was heard not a moment sooner after the roar happened.

I seem to hear that roar and birds flying from the right, albeit further away.

I bolted to the source of the sound before my head even registered anything.

I soon reached the said place due to my enhanced speed. I then looked down from cliff I've reached and saw three hunter hiding behind the trees while two other hid themselves in the trees.

I then started to look around and soon after I saw a large ass bear. Maybe about 2.5 meters..Oh God! That's a large bear, the only bear I've ever seen in front of my eyes are cute small sun bears.

Before I could move or continue my idiotic monologue, I smelt something…something…delicious and enticing.

My stomach then rumbled and I can feel my stomach churning..I then remembered that I haven't eaten anything yet since coming to this world.

I felt something flowing out of my mouth and proceed to wipe it off only to touch something wet.

I look into my hands and saw..saliva..I was salivating.

'Ew' I thought for a moment and looked back towards the bear and hunters and saw what made me hungry.

One of the hunters was injured, he's bleeding out from his wound..a big gash wound on his left arm and OH BOY HE LOOKS DELICIOUS! No homo tho.

Let me specify that I am not gay and I'm straight, I'm only seeing food and nothing else.

'Should I eat him? Should I save them? MAYBE I should use this distraction to jump on the man and eat him?'


I got cut of mid thought after hearing the man screaming out of pain, his wound looks nasty and his friends kept pressing something into the wound, must be medicinal herbs or something.

Meanwhile the bear seem like it wanted to charge at them.

'Dammit, I nearly lost myself in a frenzy just now, I need to hold myself together! Remember your origin! You're a HUMAN dammit! We won't eat a human, EVER!!!'

The bear started to charge as I kept having a moral crisis and not long after it should reach the hunters.

'Dammit! To help or not?'

That was a funny question since I was already jumping towards the bear's back while thinking this

I kick the bear's back as hard as I can, used my whole body weight and made it fall to the snowy ground, hard and snow exploded all around us with a thud and the only thought I have at that moment was…

'Superhero Landing!!!'

As you can see, the mc seems like the calm and thoughtful type but when things get heated, he tends to rush headfirst. His head and logical part could'nt keep up with his body. He becomes reckless and you should be able to notice he tends to lose his concentration quite easily. He's also quite forgetful as he keeps forgetting that he's already a demon.

Anyways, have a good read

Hamster out!

TediousHamstercreators' thoughts
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