
The past era of MIN SHIN JHYAE

MIN SHINJHYE was a princess of Kingdom MIN DONG. It was about the times her father king MIN SOO DONG was ruling the kingdom. Princess Shin jhyae was one and only daughter of his first wife whom he loved the most but she wasn't able to survive long after the birth of their first child because of her illness. Shin was just a baby who lost her mother. King married another women for his daughter to be taken care off. The second wife of king Min Young Oh was really kind and close to princess unless and untill she gave birth to her first son whom she loved the most and dreamt of making him the king after Min Soo Dong. Min Ji hyung, the son of king grew older and was really jealous of princess as she was loved by everyone in the kingdom and was really close to king. The princess was multi-talented and was a good Archer and had leadership qualities. Taking in consideration of her qualities and loyalty the king decided to make her the queen of kingdom. The king was getting sick as he grew older. The king made an announcement to make the princess queen of his kingdom. The next day of his announcement king passed away. After his death princess was made the queen of kingdom. This decision of king and other chief officer made Min Ji Hyung more jealous and angry. The step mother of queen Shin Jhae with her son planned to kill the queen and grab the royal position. Few months later Min Young Oh executed her plan. According to her plan she sent a letter to the enemy of king who was defeated by king in one of the war. His grudge against the king made him agree with the plan of Young Oh. The letter stated the deal that he will attack on kingdom and kill the queen after this Jung bin Seok, the enemy of king will be awarded by giving him some secrets of the kingdom where all the precious gems and stones are buried inside the soil. Jung Bin Seok attacked on kingdom just after the few days after he read the letter. Queen Shin Jhayae who was unaware of all this happening was startled by the attack and wasn't prepared for the war. She Faught till the end of her last breath but was killed by Jung Bin Seok. In her last moment she she saw her step mother with her brother shaking hands with Bin Seok. She was burried at the field of dandelions. Her soul wasn't able to escape the world but stayed their to take her Revenge. The decades passed by and she lived like a immortal warrior waiting for her Revenge to be done and in search of peace. After 200 yrs of her existence her enemy took rebirth in a family. She was unaware of his birth untill he turned 20 yrs old. She had a invisible sword in her chest that can be removed only by her groom. One day when.....