In all my life I never desired to be extraordinary. I was content with my normal life. I lived ordinarily and got to experience the extraordinary in the form of books. Reading about men with the strive to make themselves amazing. Men with a strive for power. I never understood why they wanted power... not until... it was too late.
*ring ring*
A man groaned at the sound of his alarm clock, not wanting to leave the warm embrace of sleep. As he begrudgingly got out of bed, his features were exposed to the world. He had shoulder-length brown hair with grey-blue eyes. He was tall, standing about 6 foot 4 inches. He wasn't too fat, but he was no athlete either. Quickly after truly waking up, he got ready for work. After his morning routine and putting on his suit, he left home to get to the train.
It didn't take him long to get to the train. At this point, he knew the route like the back of his hand. As he sat down on the rather empty train he pulled out his phone. To pass the time he read the next chapter on a new web novel he had been reading.
[ oh! it's the chapter when the mc gets his body refinement method. it's probably gonna be some ridiculously painful method. I swear cultivation MCs are all Ms!]
Slowly the man's day passed. He met his friends at work, did his job, and now was ready to go home. In his head, he was still thinking of that crazy M from the book. he was so deep in thought making theories for how the book will progress, that he didn't see a bright red sports car run the light. So... It happened. The man was hit by the car and died before he hit the pavement. A simple man, living a simple life. Had his life snuffed out without any real consequence for the world. He will be in the news for a while, the driver might get punished or he might not. Quickly the man will be forgotten by the world and its people. Thus was the end of Ry-
Shockingly the soul of the man struggled. He fought against the will that wanted to take away his soul. He fought tooth and nail, but it is not so easy to fight death. His soul was still sucked away, and he was pushed closer and closer to the river of forgetfulness.
"GODDAMMIT... IF ONLY... IF Only... if only I was strong, would I have died? If I worked out and trained could I have had the reflexes to dodge that car? If I strived to be an executive would I have my own car so I wouldn't have had to cross the road? If only I was strong"
Sadly regrets don't help anyone. He was still washed away and his memories taken from him. The experiences of his life were slowly detached from his soul. He first forgot small things like what he had for breakfast, then he forgot things like his schooling, then his friends' names and faces, then the name of his mother and her face and voice, finally he forgot his own name. All that was left was a pure soul without any personality. Nothing of the man was left... except there was. There was a small seed left in the center of his soul. A seed of regret. The river tried to wash it away but it refused to leave. Slowly the seed of regret and the soul fussed. they were now inseparable. There was a faint whisper coming from the seed at the center of the soul. That whisper was just one single word...