
The Sea God

Fantasy Romance
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What is The Sea God

Lesen Sie den Roman The Sea God des Autors DaoistXLN2Xl, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel....


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All the Women Are on My Side.

Su Mingyuan has become a villain in the world of urban novels. As long as he plays well according to the villain’s setting and completes the plot, he can get villain points, and he can return to earth if he saves enough 100,000. Unexpectedly, Su Mingyuan, who had saved enough money, unfortunately, encountered a turbulent flow in time and space when he crossed back to Earth, and the time went back to his first day as a villain. Everything has to start again. “It’s merely a matter of starting over; the required villain value is less than half what it was the last time, and my acting abilities have improved significantly since the last time. I’m able to deliver stronger performances and am able to acquire a greater number of villain values more quickly…” Su Mingyuan is optimistic and confident. “Let see, I will do my best to taunt the male and female protagonists to hate me and then be punched in the face by them!” “See if I don’t do my best to ridicule, make the male and female protagonists hate me, and then hit me crazily in the face and step on me.” “When it comes to acting as a villain, I’m a professional!” To begin, the first step is to attempt to harass the male protagonist’s sister, so that the two create an intense dislike for me. Hey, what’s wrong with you heroine? Not only do you not resist, why do you seem to… enjoy it? Can you be serious!? I’m a villain! Wait… wait! Why, apart from you, the way other female protagonists look at me seems to be wrong? They came up one by one as if they were going to… eat me?

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Walking Dead Fanfiction

This is a Walking Dead fanfiction. I'm not a good writer by any means; I'm a college student and on break, so I thought I'd write this. Im feeling motivated at the moment, but human nature is fickle, and I'm human, so once I lose interest or get busy, I'll probably drop or just stop updating. The stories meant to follow James Cardigan, and it's supposed to be self-insert or reincarnation, but I don't really have chapters planned or anything planned, to be honest, so give some thoughts or ideas, and I might implement them. (If you want it to be self-insert say so; if you don't want it say so, it's pretty adjustable.) I don't want this to be a crack fic where MC gets power-ups and goes on a rampage, banging every woman he meets; I would rather try to build a realistic world (as real as one can make a zombie-infested world), one that follows characters around or close to the MC, main POV being from the MC—focusing on the survivalist theme of the original work. Also, it's supposed to be set at the initial onset of the virus outbreak; there's no real cause given that causes the mass outbreak of The Walking Dead in the series. Like they have to die to turn into a walking dead, so what caused all the mass death that caused the virus to balloon to where it was when Rick woke up a month later? I'm trying to unravel this mystery while writing this initial opening. Give me some advice feedback, criticism, whatever, anything welcome. (don't own anything from the original work)

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During his junior high school years, Nagaki Ryo was widely regarded as a highly talented and brilliant student. However, when he reached his third year, everything took a dramatic turn. He underwent an astonishing transformation and became known as a delinquent, earning the infamous title of "rampaging demon." This sudden change in his character led to a notable shift in his relationships, with many people gradually distancing themselves from him. After graduating from junior high school, Nagaki Ryo faced numerous rejections from schools, except for Taino Highschool—a renowned institution notorious for harboring factions of delinquents. It was at this pivotal institution that Nagaki Ryo's path intertwined with that of Saki Mauto, who held the reputation of an "evil lord" and was considered one of the rising stars. Saki Mauto nurtured a deep resentment towards Nagaki Ryo due to the latter's refusal to join any factions on his first day of school. In an attempt to ascertain the veracity of the rumors surrounding the "rampaging demon," Saki Mauto challenged Nagaki Ryo. He aimed to determine whether Nagaki Ryo was truly deserving of the title. As time went on, Nagaki Ryo's enigmatic past began to unravel, exposing a shocking reason behind his choice to become a delinquent. Now confronted with Saki Mauto's challenge, Nagaki Ryo is faced with the decision of whether to accept it or let it pass. The true extent of the "Rampaging Demon's" strength is yet to be fully revealed. Author's note: The cover visuals utilized in this narrative do not belong to me. I sourced them from Google and edited them accordingly. All credit should be attributed to their original creators. If you happen to know the creator of these visuals, please inform me so that proper credit can be given.

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