
29.Everytime We Touch.

Then the flank walking started again, and each lady had her own Salvatore. Oh, we went to meet every male flea and talk to them. I just couldn't get enough of my husband when I got hung up on this, offered my liver or whatever, and suffered.

The jelly, I was happily told that the jelly he soaked my system increased my sense of touch a lot. I mean, it even made flanks hurt a lot. I had to control myself not to gasp, and oh god damn, when he first hit my liver, it felt like he was sticking pure platinum in there, and then the massage and the sweat of pain on my forehead. But it was summer, so the bride could get sweaty sometimes. That's why you had to go sit in the shade, and then you get stomach pain too, so God damned if it wasn't painful to touch everywhere and hard. And this specimen enjoyed it.

He said to me, quite casually, " Darlin, you see, it's quite simple: you obey, you do as I say, and maybe it won't hurt much. The jelly is quite harmless. It was mostly nourishment because you're still pretty damn slim, but it had this neuropeptide in it, which increases your pain perception, and a lot, as you can see. But if you can be a good girl in both thought and behavior, I might not have to dig my fingers so hard under these ribs, would I?"

No need. I was just thinking about people's clothes, the weather, and what you could do in this yard. Then I tried. I started thinking of very naughty scenes, very violent sex scenes between me and Damon.

He was silent for a moment and said, "Darlin, try to remember that I'm not a fucking machine now, not at all, and I might find those thoughts disturbing. It's all very well for you to think about them between us; if you would at least try to think about Charles or the others, then I could say, Darlin, that there will be pain and lots of it."

Yes, I changed my thoughts then, and a lot. Clothes were a suitable target. Damon was still tense next to me, and I realized that a lot of male fleas had been invited here, and Mr. was probing their thoughts. And then he found the ones we said nothing to.

Wulfe and others of my five were here too and there was always almost a Salvatore talking to them and no doubt probing their minds too. Even Wulfe seemed a little distracted at times and it is hard work to keep ten curious and very strong telepaths out of his mind. I had no idea that the protection he had put on others would hold against salvatores and could he keep it in place while protecting his mind. 

Wulfe was maybe the biggest threat to these guys as we had such a bond or then they were trying to see what I went through, as I did not let them see much of the bad stuff. I was just that strong. I Was protecting my memories and my pack as well.

Some guys we'd walk away from and others we were friendly with, the syringe on display so that I always had to sacrifice my poor liver on the tray. But I had an experience with this, and it didn't hurt much. What can you do when it's the time we had today? You have just to be ready and be a good victim to his strong digging fingers and those damn flanks that hurt so freaking much.

The drug that hit me was so damn strong, and apparently, there was something in the jelly that interfered with the unloading of the medicine. We cut a cake; there were several cakes, and Damon always cut a cake with each woman. He had made these cakes himself and mine, too. As well as our rings. I was in the number's care two, and this one had very competent flanks and enjoyed immensely when he got to stick a needle into my lung. It seemed that I was the ultimate victim of this operation, as five and seven enjoyed this too when Damon had to cut cakes with girls. 

My four little ones had grown so much and they were talking to whoever wanted to chat with them. Derek and Princess had a fine time with these. I knew that Derek was as eager to stick his stick to as many honeys as possible, and no one was saved from my firstborn. All the salvatores kept him and all the other full-grown male specimens of our children away from me. Even Derek looked at me almost lustfully, but Damon saw it and soon many salvatores were introducing Derek to female fleas that had gotten into the party. I saw Princess talking to Taylor very eagerly.

Then Damon would always come back for me, and we'd go on eating, he'd feed me, and drink. We were so bloody in love with each other, and everyone absolutely believed it. It's good to be such a fucking powerful telepath that you can make the universe believe exactly what you want them to believe. But I'm not complaining. He took care of me, in his own twisted way, but he was there for me all the time. At least I wasn't bored, not at all.

I'll be fine as long as I last these three days and probably three nights. I don't even think about what's in store for the honeymoon, not at all. I just hoped that my life would get better than those seven years had been, well at least it was a lot more interesting.

I was so damn drugged and I saw Mariella stumbled too, in a grip with number two. Fine, good to give an entire pack of good flank weddings. 

It was getting towards evening, and the telepath next to me was tuned in; oh, we had a great dance and everything. Of course, our song was as always had been, Eternal Flame, but flanks prevented its effect on me fully. Good, because I would be quite confused if my drug haze would mix up feelings of arousal, too. Then there was Shania Twain, from this moment on, and you are still the one. Many songs are to be danced to and flanked to.

It's good dancing when ten minutes earlier you get a big fat flank and then a full-time liver massage for ten minutes, and oh goddamn, it was tender; you could just dance that one dance while Damon danced the other ladies. He did dance with me the most. First, he always flanked me and then we danced. Mariella laughed occasionally and had no problem with things, even though the two gave her flank, too. She wasn't so tender, or number two was not so tense.

I started getting more frequent glasses of champagne in my hand, and the injection's effectiveness seemed to increase with each glass. I noticed the same phenomenon in other women, but I was still focused on thinking about people's clothes. Creature beside me was as tuned as he could be and I knew soon he would get to release something inside him he probably did not have released in years. Or how to hell I would know that? 

Then I started getting three double tequilas, and I was soon done, more or less. After Damon told everyone that it was time to go and enjoy wedding nights and everything that brides had to offer, he took me upstairs. He told everyone when I could not walk so well anymore, that the bride was a little tipsy and tired, but the wedding night will be so memorable. Oh, really.

We had our room up there. I was shaky on my feet and didn't always understand everything. This was the biggest bedroom, the main bedroom, and this was once again put out for us to have a wedding night like no other. I got something injected into my upper arm, and Damon helped me out of my dress. He again put my dress in safe keeping to somewhere. Then he helped me to bed, and I passed out pretty quickly after that.

Damon put Mimi out for a while and started getting everything ready. He took strong platinum spiked handcuffs and put Mimi's arms in front of her with them locked, then he took his bag and got all his bladed weapons ready. He undressed his upper torso and then lifted the unconscious Mimi onto his shoulder, took her some distance away from the bed, and levitated upwards.

There was a sturdy hook in the ceiling, and Damon put a chain on it, and at the other end of the chain, he cuffed Mimi. He let her hang and adjusted the chain so that Mimi was on her toes on the floor. This would wake her up in a minute. He waited patiently, and this was something that he had waited for so long. It had to be Mimi. No one else gave him this satisfaction, only she did. Others were way too weak. Mariella especially, she was not a challenge, not like Mimi. 

I came to and found that I was suspended from the ceiling by my arms. Cuffed, drugged, just my toes reached to the floor. And then it hurt. Damon struck hard, suddenly and quickly. One minute I was on medication, the next I was in pain, and oh, how he enjoyed it.

He came right up close, pressed the dagger deep into my stomach, and twisted it there. Or shoved it into my heart from under my sternum, between my ribs. Went to my back and struck from there—many times and with different knives. The jelly was still working, and every blow hurt so badly that I wondered if I could even stay awake. He did not speak much. He stabbed, slashed, maimed, and wounded me, enjoying and unloading something inside him. 

Whether I was conscious or whether the pain was taking me between, I had no actual sense of things. Only pain, confusion, fear, and terror were in my life. Then he would calm me down, cut my neck open but keep me hanging from the ceiling, or cut my armpit open up to the artery. There were so many arteries in the human body and he tested, it was satisfactory for him to open some of my minor arteries, leave in there piece of nail or something while stabbing me, seeing me bleed all the time, smelling my blood too. 

The femoral artery was another one, and it was nice to leave a piece of nail there, so the bleeding didn't stop immediately. At the same time, I was stabbed and sent fear and horror. I was frightened, terrified, and unable to take any rational action. I was fully at his mercy, his victim, his plaything. 

This lasted for a long time, and or so it seemed. This again made me generate blood faster, so I didn't bleed to death so easily, but then it happened as this individual seemed to get sped up and more intense. And then this one had an extra pleasure.

To come behind me, press himself right up to me, take a long dagger, and plunge it completely through me so that the tip pierced him too. It didn't go deep, but I could feel him pressing the dagger right through me. All the time, fear and terror, those satanic heartbeats and strangling passionfruit vines as I tried to get away and always hurt.

I was not sure if this was some sort of vampire ritual; him getting my blood or my heart because sometimes he stabbed me through the heart too. So that my blood, my heart ended up in his, I know that is one way to make vampires; I was too drugged to understand that did he tried to pull more power out of my vampire side or was his play with me. Did he try to create a sire bond between us?

Then someone would hold me and calm me down, and it would hurt again and hard. Eventually, the darkness always pulled me along, and I was relieved for a moment to know I wasn't hurting all the time then. But it didn't seem to last long. My stomach and back were full of wounds. They hadn't even been healed once, but they weren't bleeding. They were just so freaking tender. I had my insides more or less mush, almost. I felt weak, confused, and tired, in pain, too. Day one and night one are done. More to come, I thought, just before I passed out. The wedding was much more than I had expected.