
The Salvation : The legend of the westland

In a world of wars and betrayals, a world of racism and injustice, a world that applies the law of the jungle, a world ruled by force, only the strong write history. Religions and beliefs multiplied, and there were many gods, each sect believes in the god it deems powerful. The strong been worshiped and the weak waits for someone to protect him ,All this has produced for us one belief that has become one of the pillars in all religions. Most religions adopt the idea of ​​the "Savior", which claims in short that the world will remain full of evil and corruption until the appearance of the "Savior" who will fill the earth with justice and equity... Perhaps our problem on this earth is that most people are waiting for someone to come to fix their societies, instead of doing it. This is the story of the man who came from the western land and became the "Savior" only to destroy this belief. The man who thirsts for power reached its highest levels, and there he found the absolute truth behind what is called good and evil. How did he transform from a hero and king looking for justice to a man thirsting for power and revenge, from an innocent man to a man who might stain his fists with the blood of the gods if necessary, from a weak man to a man who rules the heavens and what is below.

T_mido · Fantasie
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45 Chs

The mask

AHMET reached the city and found it was ruined. All the buildings were destroyed. The city was full of crows. It was like a huge cemetery , remains of corps everywhere, skeletons on every inch , he walks among the corpses, sighing, searching everywhere for the bodies of his beloved , then he found the corpse of JIVA he took her and bury it then he entered the castle the smell was strong, the smell of rotting corpses .

He founded both ANGY and ROSY ,the remaining of their corps , he took them and burry them beside JIVA , he stand on their graves and said { i promise you , Vengeance will be my life, it will be my way , This unjust world only recognizes force , why is fate so unjust ?! that life does not recognize ideals and values ​​all that matters is strength and I will gain that strength that changes fate and makes even God tremble in fear } .

He put his bag on his back and left towards the north, wanting to see the body of his friend KERRA the one who saved him , on his way, he noticed that what the masked man took from the corpses was the liver , he reached the Demons Realm and headed to KERRA castle on his way, he noticed that people were behaving strangely. They worshiped the images of the masked man as their deity .

AHMET approached to one of the people and asked him about who this deity worships, and the man replied that he is the phoenix , They were hypnotized , he went to the castle and entered through a secret passage , he noticed that the castle is empty, then he entered through the window and then penetrated into the castle , then he looked at the great hall from above , he saw the three copies hovering around a coffin . In front of him the teleportation cercle and the corpse of his friend KERRA.

He used the thunder magic to explode a tower outside to distract the clones , two copies moved outside to check what happened and one copy stayed next to the coffin , he took advantage of the opportunity and use the void magic to teleport the corpse to another room . but the copy felt it and started attacking him , he dodged the first attack and tried to ran but the two other copies came back and tried to surround him , he used a teleportation cercle from his metallic arm and he got teleported to EDEN directly the copies tried to follow him but couldn't find him. They tried to feel his aura but he was far away .

He bury his friend KERRA beside the others and headed to DRADIA .

He wanted to check the conditions of the people there before moving . he passed by the half kingdom he went to visit family of JIVA , unfortunately all the family is dead only one left from this family is JIVA little sister JANA , she was in a miserable condition because she was too young to live without family she was living in the streets and stealing to eat , he decided to take her with him so asked her but she refuse then he gave her some golds she didn't want to accept it then he told her that he want her to work for him then he will pay her with gold , in the end she accepted .

He took her with him and headed to DRADIA , he arrived there ,and he founded that the city was safe, and it was not destroyed because it is a city hidden behind the waterfall , no one recognized him, he changed a lot , until he reached the small palace , he founded one of the masters there , when he saw him, he recognized him and bent down on his knees to him , AHMET asked him to rise up and he asked about many things then he asked him to take care of the little girl JANA .

AHMET headed towards IRAM because he remembered what happened to him with HYDRA , when they fought he was so scared he was terrified there must be something hidden in that city , something related to the masked man ,then remember when he was young in the tower the masked man there was different , It wasn't like the beast sleeping in the coffin.

AHMET arrived in the city of IRAM , the city was as he left it, the king of dwarfs DOOM took care of it , all criminals and outlaws have been trained by the masters , they became warriors and were reintegrated into society , he went undercover to the palace and searched all over it, but he found nothing. He climbed to the top of the tower and looked in all directions , he turned his face towards the ocean and found a small island in the shape of a volcanic mountain , he searched everywhere for a ship or a boat to go to this island , then he asked around, and the answer was shocking , no ship or boat has ever sailed from the shore of this city, because the current is strong, destroying ships by pushing them toward the rocks , he went back to the tower and sat staring at the island thinking how he could get there .

He couldn't find any way and then went to the beach where YURI founded him , he was looking at the waves hitting the rocks, then the clouds cleared and the full moon appeared in the sky, then the so-called tidal phenomenon occurred , The surface of the water began to drop and a path of rocks appeared leading to the island , he jumped between the rocks towards the island, he reached it and found an entrance at the foot of the mountain that was a cave leading to the center of the volcano.

The center of the volcano is a medium-sized lava lake in the middle of it a staircase that leads to the bottom , he head towards the staircase and descend towards the end of it with careful steps , he found eight skeletons of different sizes that must have been of different races and they were sitting in a circle , in the center of this circle a mask. It was a mask with one eye crying blood, while the other eye bore an inscription , This mask has a kind of black aura, in the ceiling of the room there is a drawing of a strange magic circle, while the walls are covered with phrases such as :

~ GOD is justice or is injustice.

~ GOD is good or is evil .

~ GOD is one or is many .

~ GOD is unique or just different .

~ GOD worth or worthless .

~ GOD is giving or taking.

~ GOD create or manage .

~ GOD is love or hate .

~ GOD is happy or sad .

~ GOD is immortal or eternal .

All the phrases are written in blood except for one phrase that was on the ground and was written with magic , it was :

~ A GOD slayer is not a devil but he is a being who surpasses all beings.

AHMET drew the circle in his book and wrote all the phrases. then he took the mask and put in his back pack ,then he headed to the exit suddenly the volcano seemed to erupt, and lava started flying everywhere , He ran full speed towards the exit but it was devastating , the lava started to rise , he was blocked there .

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