
Chapter 24

Amanda Estelle

Logan said that he'll take care of some stuff before he will tuck me to bed. He insisted that he wanted to tuck me to bed and I'm not complaining. I love having him beside me, I love having all his attention for me and I always love when he smiles at me.

I was walking towards my room with a cup of tea when the Queen walked out from her room. When she saw me, she gestured me to come closer to her.

"Your Highness." I bowed a little.

"May I have a word with you?" She asked.

"Of course." I said and she gestured me to follow her. I gulped nervously because I bet she'll talk about my relationship with Logan. We walked into a study room and she gestured me to sit down on the sofa. She sat on the seat right across me.

"I bet you know what I'm going to say." She said as she crossed her legs.

"Yes, I know."