
the road of nightmares

Nothing is as it seems

draken_fire_storm · Horror
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1 Chs

Broken Route

A man is driving through a foggy road and sees a woman in the road, he stomps on the brakes, luckily, he stops just in time, but when he gets out of the car to check on the women she disappears. The man gets back into the car he questions everything he saw, but he thinks it's just his mind pulling tricks on him because of the fog. He gets ready to leave until he sees multiple people from the fog coming to his car, he honks at them to get out and when he grabs his gun from the glove compartment, he gets out just to aim but once he gets out no one's there he gets back into his car and drives home. Hours after he gets home and sees dead bodies all over his house, he is shocked and scared calling the police, once they get there, there aren't any bodies the police suggest a mental hospital. Once they leave, he sees the same women from before he thinks that it is all in his mind, but once she gets close the women grow monstrous teeth and changes to a horrific creature. For hours screams could be heard from the man's house when neighbors call the police, they find a mutilated body on the floor of the bed room.

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