
The Ro dropped

This is going to be my first fan fic. The main character Jack Saber after dying at an early age of 18 will get another chance at life when he is reincarnated by a God of unknown with a system and some wishes to live his newly found life to his hearts content. P.S the worlds the MC goes to range from worlds like Danmachi and Fairytail to Pokémon. This being the case because I want to make it like that however I might just make separate fan fics like a series from world to world. But we will see how it goes.

JackbladesFF7 · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs


Jack wakes up to hearing Hephaestus working in her secret workshop at the back of her office behind the bookcase. Jack just stands there only in his fallout vault suit. Jack watching Hephaestus just stood their admiring her working hard. Hephaestus notices and gave a slight blush but Jack could not tell because of the workshop and how hot it was. Jack started to walk up when he met a hammer thrown at his face. "Put some clothes on before you come in here!" Hephaestus saw Jack in his vault suit and realized it outlined everything. Jack put his armor on and came back in. "Is that the eternal flame?" Hephaestus surprised he could tell said "Yeah." "Oh yeah isn't there a God and Goddess party tonight?" Jack asked Hephaestus. "Yeah how did you know?" Jack smirked "I just heard about through some people I met last night." Hephaestus confused "Who did you meet last night."

"I met the high elite members of the Loki familia and Loki herself. I actually have a meeting with her today as well." Hephaestus a little jealous "Why do you want a meeting with her?" "So I can travel with her familia deep in the dungeon." Jack thinking that would be the fastest way to get stronger. "What makes you think she will agree to your request?" Hephaestus asked. "Well I am a part of your familia I also blocked one of her level 6s attacks last night so there's that." Hephaestus would normally be shocked but after seeing his stats she wasn't as well as his skills. "So why did you want to know about the party Jack." Jack took this opportunity and without missing a beat said "I wanted to see you in a dress." Jack could tell Hephaestus was blushing for sure now. Before she could say anything Jack started to walk out "Sorry I got to go talk to Loki." Hephaestus watching Jack walk away was hoping he would forget about finding somewhere to live.

Jack started making his was to the Loki's manor. The twilight manor looked straight out of a fairy tail castles that would hold princesses at the top except it looked nice and not evil. As he was about to go through the gate he was stopped by some people. They were two guys who were lower level and were giving Jack a rough time and trying to stop him from entering. Jack was about to shove them out of the way when Loki came out telling them to let them through. She walked up to Jack and said "Don't cause trouble I know what you were about to do." Jack just laughed and said "I wasn't going to kill them." Loki was getting more and more curious about him. They care to a meeting room in the manor that wouldn't let any noise escape the room.

Jack sat down across from Loki who sat with no manors at all. Jack just sighed and said "Let me actually introduce myself. I'm Jack Saber a new member of the Hephaestus familia." Loki had a disappointed face but that didn't stop her from trying to scheme. "Damn I was hoping to have you join my familia. Why did you join the Hephaestus familia. Do you like blacksmithing." Jack laughed "No I actually hate blacksmithing." Loki wondered why he would join the familia known for blacksmithing. Jack continued "I joined the Hephaestus familia because I think Hephaestus is beautiful and I want to help her through her struggles. Also what I really enjoy is fighting." Loki a little jealous at his claim "Why wouldn't you join my familia then if you enjoy fighting. We are the number one fighting familia." Jack sighed "I told you already I want to be with Hephaestus. It's as simple as that." Loki trying to figure out his actions now was just left more confused. "So why did you want to have a meeting then." Jack started to think about the best way to say after a couple seconds he said "I want to join your familia on any major expeditions. Or whenever your elite group goes in the dungeon. This time it was Loki's turn to start laughing "Why would I allow for that what's in it for me." As her faces turned serious. Jack put a smirk on his face "Well you get two things out of it first you get me helping you. While I am new I think you can see my skills well after Bete went all out. Second with the Hephaestus backing I have I am sure that she will be more inclined to help you more on future expeditions." Loki realizing what he said "That was your plan from the beginning. Loki said with a little shock on her face. To with Jack just replied "What plan?" Loki getting a little annoyed he wouldn't explain it himself "You purposely took our table at the hostess of fertility knowing Bete would challenge you and you took the opportunity to make the bet. Then while I do believe you that you do really care for Hephaestus you also use her to further your goal of join my group without actually joining my familia." Jack laughed "your mostly right but for your information I got more planned ahead. Obviously I won't tell you now". Loki got serious and slammed that table. Jack was a little shocked by this as Loki said "If you do anything to harm my familia not even Hephaestus will save you." She said really coldly. "Don't worry it's nothing like that. I really like your familia Loki. Even Bete I want to be good friends with that guy he seems fun to be around. Also you have some girls I think are cute." Jack tried to reassure Loki. Loki smiled as she could tell he was speaking the truth and started to calm down. "Well keep your hands off Aiz." Jack started laughing "God you love that girl don't you. Hahaha well I can't promise that what I will say is that I'm giving someone else a chance to talk to her as well besides me." Loki getting a little upset "Who!?" Jack have another smirk "I will tell you if you agree to what I said earlier." Loki without hesitation as there was no real down side. "Deal. So who is he." Jack couldn't help but laugh just picturing her reaction. "Bell Cranel from the Hestia familia."

Loki's face was in utter shock. "That big chest poor Goddesses familia wants Aiz." Jack took chance of this as he wanted certain events to still happen as well as have Loki and Hephaestus talk for a bit. " You know I heard Hestia is going to that party tonight. You could even show off an expensive dress in front of her." Loki gave her trickster smile. "Kid you might give me a run for my money when it comes to tricking and manipulating people but why else do you want me to go." Jack was a little upset she noticed but he was happy with how far he got. He gave a smirk back and said "While your there I also want you to talk to Hephaestus about what we talked about." Loki lost her smirk "That's it."

"Yep" Jack said nonchalantly. Jack then started to walk out. Loki stopped him and asked where he was going. While Jack was walking out he told Loki that he needed some actual clothes besides armor.

The day went on and Jack was shopping for clothes until late at night wondering how the party was going.