In a realm ruled by mystical energies, Vaporeon Black, previously known as Mordred in the mortal realm, hungers for supreme authority. Once a skilled martial artist, Vaporeon's prowess in combat falls short in the enchanted world he now calls home. Fueled by an insatiable thirst for control and driven by ruthless ambition, he aims to master the darkest of sorceries. As Vaporeon delves deeper into the realm of dark magic, memories of his past life as Mortis Noctis, a powerful dark sorcerer, resurface. These memories unveil a time when Mortis Noctis held great power, only to be brought down by his own unchecked ambition and betrayal. Intent on avoiding the same fate, Vaporeon heeds the lessons from his past, using them to navigate his quest for power. Encountering treacherous foes and uncovering ancient mysteries, Vaporeon clashes with skilled light mages and cunning adversaries. His journey is fraught with fierce battles, strategic alliances, and an unwavering pursuit of supremacy. From the shadows, he endeavors to forge the Abyss Core, a crucial element in mastering the ultimate dark magic.