
The rise of the battle saint

Johan Seo was a successful office worker who got promoted to become a branch manager. one night while celebrating, he died in his sleep. who knows maybe someone poisoned him or he just drunk to much. but Johan's life didn't actually end there, he was given a chance to live another life but in different world. he was transfered into an Elf Prince's body named Lex, but the prince is pretty much crippled, he's not loved by mana. but on top of that he has the ability to learn any skill just by seeing it. this is the story of Johan, no, Lex, to became the battle saint.

ZEROFUKU1001 · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
70 Chs



Lex and Paul headed to the training ground, there, Lex was welcomed by the soldiers.

"The prince!"

"Your highness!, we missed you!"

Lex gave them a smile."Where's Bryce?"Lex asked.

"He was sent for a mission."one of the soldiers answered.

"Hey, enough chit chat."Paul called for Lex.

"Hehe, please excuse us."Lex said to the soldiers.

"Hey, it's the first time I saw the Princes together."one of the soldiers whispered.

"Yeah, I heard they're not in good terms."

"But, why are they together now."

"Hey, we can literally hear you."Lex butted in while smiling 10 meters away.

"Sorry!"a the soldiers in unison.

"Should we start?"Lex turned to his brother and asked.

"I'm born ready."Paul replied.

Lex then brandished his sword, While Paul releases some mana in his hands.

"Hey, they'te fighting!"one of the soldiers shouted.

"Shut up!it's just a sparring!"Paul shouted back.

Lex smiled after seeing this.'he really has a temper.'

Lex charged to Paul."hey, focus."Lex said as he slashed his sword to Paul.

"Hey, not fair!"Paul shouted, he dodged the sword by tilting his body side ways."¥!£#^÷£₩"Paul said, he seems to be chanting.

Lower level spells is not hard to cast, so they can be casted just in mind, the earth spikes is one of those, but, high level spells were hard to cast, so they need chanting to support the casting.

{You've learned "inferno sphere" skill}

Lex didn't bother about the notification since he has no intentions on using it anyway, he then used his [Earth spikes] to block the fite spheres that is coming to his way, he successfully blocked it but the spikes were shuttered, this shows the difference between high and low level spells.

'He can cast a spell?'Paul asked in his mind.'guess he's not a trash after all.'

The Paul continued on showering Lex with [Fire spheres] while Lex is Blocking every spheres by using [Sword dance].

They continued this way for minutes.


"Your Majesty, there's a news from the training ground."An old guy in a blue robe stated.

"What is it?"King Lith asked.

"There's a news that the Princes are fighting there."the old guy answered.

King Lith and Queen Pauline looked at each other, after seeing his wife's worried face."alright, let's fo check it."

On the training ground*


"Haha, are you gonna kill me?"Lex asked while smiling.

"If you die, then your incompetent."Paul replied.

The soldiers were worried and confused at the same time, they were worried that the Princes may get hurt, with that level of attacks, they most likely to kill each other, and they were confused if they would intervene or not, they want to stop them but the Princes may get upset to them, they seemed to be having fun trying to kill each other after all.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A series of explosion is sounding through the whole palace, even the people outside the palace were getting curioused on what is happening inside.

"Dear, let's walk faster, what if they kill each other?"Queen Pauline worriedly suggested.

"Calm down dear, we'll be there soon."King Lith assured his wife.

A minute later*

"Just what is happening here?!"King Lith's shout echoed through the whole training grounds.

Lex and Paul stopped from they are doing.

"W....were just sparring."Lex said in a wry smile, the expression on his father's face gives of a 'you're f*ck*d up' vibe.

"Y..yeah, just sparring."Paul said with the same attitude as Lex.

"Sparring?"King Lith asked."What kind of sparring would make this kind of damage?"

Lex and Paul looked around, they saw the place full of craters, big slashes on the floor, fire everywhere, and a few broken equipments.

"Hehe."the two merely gave it a laugh.

"Dear, I think they're telling the truth, it's just they're strong."Queen Pauline said, her worried feeling inside of her was replaced with pride, her son's were strong, and on top of that, they seemed to be finally getting closer.

King Lith sigh, he can't really hold his ground against his wife."ok, but you two, stop going around killing each other, do something else!"King Lith said while pointing to Lex and Paul.

"It's your fault, you let loose too much."Lex said to Paul.

"Shut up, it's your idea."Paul rebutted.

"Heh, it's your fault that you can't match me without using skills."Lex added.

"I said shut up!"Paul lost it and fired another sphere of fire.


"I said stop!"King Lith shouted.

"Haha it's Paul!"Lex said.