
Trip To China (1)


You've killed a mythical being.

EXP: +500,000

First Mythical King killed:

EXP: +10,000,000

First Chieftain giant killed.

EXP: +6,000,000

Dungeon EXP multiplier activated. Total EXP gained: 33,000,000.

<Current EXP in storage: 469,804,596>

<EXP required to level up: 1,500,000>

<You can use the EXP to level up your main class>

<Your subclasses have already been maxed out.>

Dungeon Stat bonus activated. The stat points you'll gain while inside the dungeon would directly influence your growth. While inside the dungeon, all previous rules related to stat increase are revoked.

You've earned 50 stat points for all your stats by killing the Chieftain Giant.

Current STRENGTH (STR) : 1201[+85] (due to the gears)

Current DEFENSE (DEF): 626[+226] (due to the gears)

Current STAMINA (STA) : 693

Current INTELLIGENCE (INT) : 944

Current AGILITY (AGI) : 506

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