
The Revenge of Rana يؤيؤن ㅛㄴㅎㄴㅓㄷㅗㅑㅇㅓ

Mature Content 21+. Please be wise! Kirana must swallow bitterness when Adrian, her fiancé, betrays her love. Adrian married another woman while she was pregnant. Not only did Adrian betray him, but Adrian's family cheated and seized Kirana's family-owned company. Kirana's father even died because he could not accept that reality. Not quite there, the mother even suffered from depression. Kirana was desperate. Her world collapsed until someone came to lead him to get back up and prepare to demand revenge. However, can Kirana settle her revenge? When love comes back, it grows even wilder.

Yuanda9 · Urban
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24 Chs

23. The Plan

Adrian looked seriously at his interlocutor. There was not the slightest doubt from the words that came from Riko's mouth.

"You just got to know Kirana, and you don't need to do anything to her. I can take responsibility for Kirana and my child," said Adrian.

"You can't marry Kirana because you are already married."

"As I said earlier, this is my business with her. Please give me the information about where she lives now!" asked Adrian impatiently.

"Sorry I can't tell you, Mr. Adrian. As you said, it's your business. So it's none of my business," Riko replied, then left Adrian.

Now Adrian is confused about where to look for Kirana. He rubbed her face a few times because he felt frustrated.

Riko was humming in the car, waiting for someone while playing his favorite song to get rid of boredom. After a long wait, he finally smiled when he saw the figure he was waiting for, was walking toward him.

Kirana walked towards the house. Her eyes were puffy from crying all day long. She didn't notice someone was watching and following her. She e reached into the door lock in her bag, and then she could see another image through the corner of her eye and turned to look behind her.

"You! What are you doing here?" Kirana asked curtly.

"You look sad. Is it because I fired you earlier? You can work again tomorrow if you want," offered Riko, leaning against the wall.

"No!" refused Kirana firmly. "I don't want to meet a perverted boss like you every day."

"You tease me so much," said Riko, smiling.

Kirana didn't say anything. She opened the door of the house and quickly entered. However, before the door closed, Riko held it with his hand, just like what happened in the elevator this morning.

"Let go! Or I will scream." Kirana threatened. She was very afraid that Riko would do something strange to her again.

Riko replied, "I'm leaving now, but I'll come back next time." Riko let go of the door and watched Kirana close the door violently.

Adrian took a sip of a drink served by a bar attendant. He just sat alone. His gaze was blank ahead as if he was looking at a group of women sitting there. But His mind was elsewhere.

One of the women approached Adrian. She was beautiful with heavy makeup, a black dress above the knees, and a low cut at the chest.

"Hello, may I join you? You look alone." She greeted Adrian with a smile. Her hand still held the drink she had brought from the table earlier.

"I want to be alone," said Adrian. He only glanced at the woman.

However, the woman did not give in to Adrian's refusal. She took a seat beside Adrian by shaking her shoulder-length hair. Then she said, "Who knows? You need someone to listen to your problems."

Adrian turned to the woman. "Right now, I don't need to be heard, so go away! I don't want to be disturbed."

"Okay, I won't bother you. Just want to sit here." The woman replied, still with the confidence to soften Adrian.

The glass in his drink was empty, and Adrian signaled to the waiter there to ask for the drink back. Not long after, the waiter came to do what Adrian asked. When Adrian was about to raise his glass to take a sip of his drink, the woman handheld Adrian.

"I've got something that's going to be more intoxicating than this." The woman said, adding a seductive smile.

Adrian, annoyed, immediately pushed the woman's hand away and threw the glass on the floor. Suddenly his actions became the center of attention of the people there.

"I told you not to be bothered. What do you want from me? Money?" Adrian rebuked with clenched jaws.

He then opened his wallet, took out all the money, and threw it in the woman's face. The woman looked shocked and frightened.

"Take the money and get out of my sight!" Adrian snapped, his face red. The woman left Adrian without taking the money thrown in her face.

"Hei, why are you angry?" Suddenly Angel appeared and asked Adrian.

"What are you doing here? It's late. You should go straight home."

"I was just hanging out with friends for a bit," Angel replied.

Adrian saw a man standing next to Angel, looking him up and down. Being looked at by Adrian like that, the man looked confused.

"Is she your boyfriend?" asked Adrian, pointing with his chin.

"Yes, I mean, he's just a friend...." Before she could finish her answer, Angel was pulled by Adrian.

"You have to go home now." Adrian dragged his younger brother, ignoring the gazes of the people still on him.

"Adrian, let go! What are you doing? I can walk alone." Angel asked Adrian to let go of her hand.

Adrian put Angel in the car. Angel certainly was annoyed with Adrian's attitude, which had embarrassed her in front of her boyfriend and the crowd.

"What are you doing? It's embarrassing." Angel grumbled. "You think all the men in this world are just like you, impregnating women as you please!" said Angel angrily.

Immediately, Adrian's face turned red when he heard his sister's words, "Shut your mouth!"

Seeing Adrian's expression, Angel covered her mouth because she knew Adrian's temperament when he was angry.

When they arrived at the house, Angel went straight to her bedroom with a sullen face.

"Why are you frowning like that? Why can you go home together?" asked Julia. But the daughter did not answer and kept walking away from her. Julia looked confused.

"I sent her home while she was at the bar," Adrian answered his mother's question.

"So what? She just having fun," replied Julia. Her attention turned to Adrian's face, which looked bruised. "What's with that face of yours?"

"Nothing." Adrian also left Julia.

Julia shook her head and thought for a moment. Then she called Sintia.

"Hello, Sintia. Adrian is here, and you don't have to worry!"

"Is he not coming home again?"

"I'll persuade him to come back to your house later, but what happened to his face? Who was he fighting with?" asked Julia curiously.

"He fought with Zayn. The man Kirana was with at the time."


"That's right. Adrian took Kirana to Bogor. Then Zayn came to bring Kirana. They finally got into a fight," said Sintia in an annoyed tone.

"Kirana again. You don't have to worry! I'll talk to Adrian," concluded Julia, then she hung up the phone.

Julia entered Adrian's room. Her son looked like he had finished taking a shower and was combing his hair.

"You're not going home tonight? Poor Sintia alone."

"She's not alone. There are two helpers in the house."

"You don't leave your wife too often! You are still newlyweds. Especially now that your wife is pregnant, be nice to her!" said Julia.

"I'm just lazy to meet her. She will be angry and always ask suspiciously." Adrian replied, climbing up from the bed and continuing, "I'm tired, Ma, want to sleep."

"Why did you bring Kirana? You make me worry. Fortunately, your wife is still willing to forgive your mistakes. What do you still expect from Kirana, Adrian?"

"I want to be responsible for the baby that Kirana is carrying, Ma," said Adrian, hoping his mother would understand.

"But you will also have a child from your wife, your baby, Adrian."

"Never mind, Ma, nothing can undermine my intention to be responsible for Kirana's baby. I'm sure it's my child," replied Adrian. He lay down with the blanket covering his face so that Julia wouldn't say anything.

Julia was annoyed. She went out of Adrian's room. "I have to put my plan into action quickly."