
Chapter 1- wow

Usually I sleep in a bed but just to say this most of the time I wake up I really don't know where I am. Which is actually really normal for someone like me.

Today I woke up in the garden of my house yeah I don't even know how I got there but that's really normal I mean it beats the garbage can by a lot.

Did I introduce myself? Uh well names Percy but you can call me the death merchant , actually on second thought call me Percy.

Anyways getting up from the ground and getting to my room is often a serious task for me. But today it seems to be my lucky day cause I literally didn't knock over anything and sat on the dining chair without a problem.

"Hey mom could I get some breakfast?"I shouted

"Breakfast its lunch time its lunch time, Percy" shouted my mom from the other side of the room.

Did I mention I have absolutely on time management skills? no? well actually I don't have any management skills per say .

but that's not the problem today you see my best friend Chet told me to meet him at sharp 7:00 in the park. Am I normally this late? absolutely.

If you thinking this story is a waste of time till now ,you are amazingly right and correct and now since I am admiting as well that my story is bullshit you would like to go back to your paused porn before anyone sees you watching porn.

but those of you who know me this is where things get interesting seriously interesting.

well after my bath,cold breakfast and running of course but I promise not more than sixty seconds are needed

7 minutes later ....

what did I tell you not more than 10 seconds? well yeah it took me more but who cares right now.

Anyways I am finally at the park if you could call this place a park. So meet my best friend Chet I know he doesn't look much but he's a cold blooded murderer

"who the hell are you talking to?" Chet shouted.

"the audience, damn it"

"what?" chet enquired from me

"you know the awesome people who read this story THE MOST AWESOMEST PEOPLE IN HISTORY WHO ALSO HAVE GREAT TASTE" I said explaining to this dumbo about you guys.

"whatever your late"

"maybe your just early " I replied in my awesome accent

did chet look angry after that? oh yeah he did. did he attack me ? oh yes

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