
The return of the Lost princess

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The lost princesses

Once upon a time, there was a small village that was living very happy.in the kingdom the king and queen has no children so they called for the priest in the kingdom.

When he came he console the god and he told the king and queen they are going to give birth to a female child and the priest left with out a dime.

So when she gave birth, they both named her Erica. princess Erica grew up good and honest.she was beautiful and hard working. She felt for people that are poor, she helped so many people.

When she was twelve years they celebrated her birthday and people from the village came.so after some two years she gave birth to another female child and they named her Elene. Elena was so beautiful and Erica loved her so much. they were living very fine before their mother died and it remain the king and his daughters. So he told his elders that his going to get another wife but Erica said no that she can take care of her sister and the kingdom but her father refused and he when ahead.