Long ago, the God created the first woman and man in this world, Lilith and Adam. Lilith was supposed to be the wife of Adam but she refused to lay beneath him during sex, Adam disagreed so Lilith Fled from the garden of Eden. God created another woman to be Adam's wife from Adam's rib, it was Eve, his first wife. On the other side, Satan married Lilith and she became the mother of all Demons, She ruled as the queen in Pandemonium, The assembly of all Demons. The God ordered an angel named Sam, to kill Lilith. and Lilith died. Maeghan, Oppenheimer, the first wife of Satan became the ruler of Hell again. Decades have passed, the world was divided in four Universe, in the Universe of magical world, where a woman was being chased by the villagers. she was running to save her life, but unluckily, she was captured. She was bitten and tortured harshly and was killed through fire. At the same day, a huge thunder fell down on that place where she was killed, it makes the villagers run away. the dead woman flew away due to the strong wind. Her burnt black dead body was slowly healed in that desserted area, meanwhile, her eyes slowly opened, her brown eyes slowly became a red, and all of her injuries were all completely gone, she was alive, but in different soul and person... that day, THE RETURN OF LILITH, began.
Long Ago, the God created the first woman and man in this world, it was Lilith and Adam.
Lilith was supposed to be Adam's wife but she refused to lay beneath Adam during their sex. She believed, they were created equally from dust on Earth. Adam did not liked it and he disagreed to Lilith, because of it, Lilith left the garden of Eden.
While Lilith is searching for her new place to live in far away from adam, she met satan. Satan married Lilith, and Lilith became the mother of all Demons. She ruled as The queen of Hell in the assembly of all Demons, and when human was created, Satan and him planned to conquer the world and the Kingdom of heaven. Satan Gave Lilith a superhuman strength and the element of fire, and while satan is doing the ritual, God immediately ordered an angel to kill Lilith, it was Sam.
They must prevent Satan from giving Lilith a power. Lilith died on the hand of Sam.
Decades had passed, The world Were divided into Four Universe. The Magical, The Heaven, The Hell and our universe.
In the magical universe, A King slapped his arranged marriage wife. Her name is Lily.
"Y-your majesty, m-my deep apolog—" before the woman finished her lines, the king slapped her again.
"You don't have the right one to say such a cruel words on my beloved first wife, you're just the mother of my future child. Know your place" The king said coldly to Lily and then he left her.
Lily cried in silence. She touched her bally belly and she felt the baby's kick in her stomach. A war happened between Dorgan's clan, Where Lily belong, and the kingdom of Vesusta ruled by King Raven, the father of the baby in Lily's womb.
King Raven loved Aurora so much that he would let her cut his leg for her sake. But to turn back the peace and stop the war between the Dorgan clan and the Vesusta kingdom, King Raven had to marry Lily or else, many innocent nitizens will die again. King Raven wanted to refuse but he don't wanna see her beloved first wife Aurora's Tears again because of the war.
The life of Lily started to messed up when she met King Raven. She don't intend to fell in love to the king but the king was too handsome and it was the first time seeing such a handsome, royal and formal man. because of it, she felt jealous toward Aurora that makes her think to kill Aurora, She thought that if Aurora will be gone, the king might fell in love to her too.
But things aren't the same as what she expected. She was just saying some cruel words to Aurora and the king already hated her so much, what about if she hurt Aurora physically? The king might kill her... Literally.
Staying there for a long time made her realize that she doesn't belong in where she is, that king Raven will never be hers.
She pull out her hairs due to hatred and pain, thinking that everything she is suffering right now for the sake of her clan is enough.
She stood up from her bed and she caressed her belly and a drop of tears fell there. While she is crying, the slave entered her room.
"Your majesty, I am here to comfort and confront you under Queen Aurora's command" the servant said to Lily.
Lily, the pity woman smiled at the server. "I don't need it, by the way. I just wanna visit my village today" Lily responded, she may be smiling but she couldn't stopped her tears.
"If that will make you comfortable, I'll go with you." The server said.
Lily just nodded as a response and she didn't bothered to do some retouch, and her bruise remained visible and uncovered so that others could see how she's feeling right now.
She Didn't inform king Raven that she'll go out of the kingdom.
Using a carriege, She and the server travelled through the Dorgan village. Dorgan village is a small part of Dorgan Kingdom, but this small part of Dorgan Kingdom is already huge like the Vesusta kingdom.
When they arrived, the villagers immediately approached them.
"PRINCESS LILY IS HERE!!" some of them shouted and more villagers came out from their wooden houses. They were smiling happily, until they noticed Lily's unhidden bruises on her face that was made by the king's slap.
Their huge smiles slowly fade. "Who is this person that will do such harsh thing to her highness!!" One Oldman angrily asked.
Lily smiled sweetly and sincerely to them. "I just got accident " she lied.
"WHAT? WHY ARE THEY NOT CARING ABOUT YOU? WHAT IF YOU SLIPPED AND THE BABY DIED?!!" another person shouted, it was a fat woman.
"No, don't worry, I'm already fine" Lily said smiling. Dorgan Kingdom is the only kingdom who treats each one fairly and protect their rulers, and whoever hurt their precious rulers will be unforgivable in their eyes, unless their rulers is the one to forgive.
Lily did her best to prevent her tears while staring at the villagers. people here are all creative and supportive to each other, this is the village where her father met her mother and this is also the place where she grew up and live happily and free.
"You didn't said you will visit here, we did not prepared anything for you. " another man said.
"It's fine, Just seeing you all for the first time in whole year is okay " Lily said smiling then she started to walk. "I'll just gonna visit grandma" she said while walking toward a mahogany small house.
She entered here without knocking and the framed photos of her gone grandmother is the first thing that flashed before her while standing at the door. the villagers made sure that this place will be save and besides, it is also important to them, so even a single dust will not be seen here, it is so clean that even a ghost wouldn't like to live.
"I just wanted to sleep here, then I'll go back to Vesusta tomorrow if you manage me to go back" Lily stated, after it, she sat on the bed.
"What is her highness mean?" a woman asked.
Lily did not gave any respond and she just shrugged her Shoulders.
She lay on the bed and closed her eyes. The villagers thought that the princess wanted rest so they left her and prepared for a huge dinner for everyone.
When the night comes, Lily go out from her Grandmother's house to join the Dinner.
Everyone is eating in a huge and long table, and it looks like a banquet with one, long table.
Everyone are quite, waiting for Lily to say anything. after a while, Lily cleared her throat and then she started to speak. "This might be the last time we'll met and i would like to say I'm so glad that I was born in this place" Lily said and she smiled after it.
Everyone were confused for what she have said. what does she mean? what is her highness talking about? everyone asked in each other.
Lily don't want to end her life, she just don't want to live her life like this but she couldn't do anything, she can't have the king and the king hated her.
She wanted to say everything what she wanted to say to the villagers but she couldn't, she's dumbfounded and frustrated as she remembered all of the king's mistreated to her, her heart started to ache that makes her breath hardly.
She clenched her fist, 'it's all Aurora's fault, if only she's not here, Raven will not hurt me, she's always the reason when I'm getting bitten' she said to herself.
'no!! it's not Aurora's fault, it's all king Raven's obsession to the queen, I don't deserve to be hurt like this!!! they deserve to' she thoughts while clenching her fist hardly.
"your highness, are you okay?" The servant touched Lily's hands when she noticed that Lily looks uncomfortable.
"N-no, I-I'm okay" she said, stuttering.
The servant stepped back.
Everyone noticed Lily's unusual gesture, but they remain quite and continued their meal, respecting the privacy of their highness.
Lily also continued her dinner silently... the dinner finished with full of tension and no one dared to toast a champagne.
AFTER the dinner, Lily go back to the Vesusta kingdom.
As she arrives, Aurora sincerely approached her. "P-princess Lily, I'm so sorry for what Raven have done" she said.
Lily just nodded as a response and then she ignored queen Aurora, she just went straight to her room while clenching her fist, trying to prevent her anger toward Aurora.
When the midnight arrive, Lily stood up from laying on her bed, she went straight to her desk room and get the knife she stole on her village when they were taking the dinner.
She hide it in her gown and walk silently through Aurora and Raven's room. SHE IS PLANNING TO KILL THEM BOTH.
No one is here while she is walking on the hallway, she thought this is a good opportunity for her to end her sufferings.
She slowly open the door of Raven's room where they both sleep with Aurora, when it's already opened, she gently entered here with full of anger, her eyes are blank and there's no a single emotions on her face.
When she reached the bed, she stand beside Aurora and she stared at it... The Queen is in a deep sleep. using her power, she put a poison on the knife and is ready to stab the Queen.
She raised the knife, preparing to stab Aurora, with full of hatred, pain and sorrow and without any hesitation, she stabbed Aurora!!!
A blood flooded on the bed, Lily did not realized a servant is on her back. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" the servant screamed.
Lily was shocked and she dropped the knife, the king woke up and using his magic, he lightened the whole room, that is when King Raven saw what happened.
"AURORA!!!" he shouted and hold her beloved queen gently.
Lily panicked and she recoiled because of worries. The king cried while staring at his loved Queen. "CALL THE DOCTOR!!!" he angrily commanded.
The servant immediately responded to the king's order while Lily is dumbfounded...WHAT HAVE SHE DONE?!! WHY DID SHE DO IT?!
She's confused, she's frustrated, she's DUMBFOUNDED, full of guilt and worries.
When the king stared at her, she immediately kneel down before the king.
"Y-your m-ma-majesty!!" stuttering, she said, her tears fell down from her eyes to the floor.
"Y-you...HOW DARE YOU!!!" the king shouted full of anger, a lightning came out from her right palm and in a blink of eyes, it immediately attack Lily.
Lily got hit by the lightning, she flew away and her back got hit to the wall. she felt pain from her back, neck and womb and a blood flooded from her legs, she slowly touched it while shaking...."AAAAAH!" she screamed when she realized the baby in her womb is dead.
"The doctor is here!!!" In the middle of the scene, the servant came back with a doctor. the doctor didn't know who is he going to treat first, she's Lily's uncle but for his entire life, he work to the king with his whole loyalty.
"TREAT THE QUEEN, IMMEDIATELY!!" King Raven shouted.
"Q-queen aurora's c-case i-is not that d-dangerous, she just got injury on her shoulder, I-I'll treat Princess Lily first———"
"I DON'T CARE ABOUT LILY, EXECUTE HER FOR TRYING TO KILL THE QUEEN!!!" The king cutted the Doctor's words.
Lily heard everything and she wanted to escape, but she's in pain right now.
'Why am I weak?' 'please...someone, help me!!!' 'Give me power!!!' She's shouting, but she's voiceless. no one can hear her, no one will help her, if only her mother is alive, no one will treat her like this.
A rivers of tears fell down from her eyes. She forced herself to stand up and tried her best to escape but the power of the king that hit her is too strong.
A Group of army came in to the room and they immediately captured Lily and they brought her to the center of the Kingdom where she'll be executed as the king's order.
She wanted to prevent anything, she wanted to stop, she wanted to just vanished, she's begging for help, she's shouting to stop but no one listened, while they are on their way through the execution hall, Lily cried like a baby that is begging for a milk to her mother.
When they reached the execution Hall, someone kicked her that causes her to flew away.
"What happened? why is she being brought to the execution hall?" People and nitizens from their houses are looking to the center of the kingdom which is the execution hall.
They were all shocked after hearing the announcement.
Lily tried her best to run away from them, seems like her luck isn't completely gone, she managed to escape from the execution hall, unfortunately, the villagers and some people from Vesusta kingdom chased Lily to kill her. even her clit hurts, even her womb hurts, even her whole body feels a unexplainable pain, she run for her life.
She run as fast as she can. "PLEASE, DON'T GIVE UP!!! I'M BEGGING YOU!!! MY FOOT" she begged while crying.
Too unlucky, she was captured by the people, everyone trow a kick, punch, and magic to her, she is tortured harshly by them. a huge fire came from nowhere that makes everyone run away.
The fire from nowhere immediately kill Lily, it seems like someone helped her to end her sufferings.
A huge thunderstorm fell down from where they are and everyone run away for their lives. the corpse of Lily were left and it's smoking due to the fire.
A strong wind brought Lily far away from the Vesusta. The wind put her down slowly and gently to a deserted area.
Her injuries and bruises that was created by the fire slowly healed, her eyes opened slowly and the brown colour of it turns into red colour. Her self completely healed, and she woke up... as another person and soul.
The spirit of Lilith, The wife of Satan is in her body and herself completely changed... on this day, the RETURN OF LILITH... begun.
Far away, a man is standing right before the window of his own Kingdom.
"your majesty, Her highness is awake" A servant said.
The man smiled, "ehh, so it was a huge success? bring LILITH, to me... oh, or should I say, the new LILITH?" the man said with an evil smirk.