
New world

"Theoretically, the country that has been summoned is supposed to be weaker than the one summoning, but we can see that this doesn't apply to the USSR. They lack magic, so they are assumed to be weak, yet they possess something stronger than magic, revealing some inconsistencies in the rules," Garrick analyzed.

"Then why don't we learn from them? If there are any of their technologies available, Valerie could research it, and if feasible, we could develop a prototype in a short time. We may not be able to learn everything, but as long as we acquire their knowledge, from their books, products, or whatever, we can study and replicate similar theories." Brutos said.

Brutos did not say this without reason. Valerie has the most advanced economy and technology among the three kingdoms. The only reason they always lose the war is that they emphasize businessmen and civil servants while suppressing military attachés.

The direct consequences of this policy are causing serious corruption in the country, basically, there is no one able to deal with those corrupt individuals. Thus, the ones who bear the brunt of the war are the children of the poor. They know that even if they win the war, they gain nothing. Most of the time, they ran before the enemies arrive, why sacrifice for the nobles?

The management of the country is also aware of the situation, so these individuals are merely used as cannon fodder. The main strength in the army consists of wealthy children who train for longer periods and are equipped with advanced gear.

However, their opponents are the Karak, a nation that is always at war, with horrible enemies, undead and orcs. Those wealthy children, despite their extensive training, are still considered weak both physically and mentally.

This brings the Karak convenience; they do not need to invest much in researching and developing their technology. Instead, they rely on seizing Valerie's equipment. What they need to do is take it apart and replicate it.

"No, you cannot!" As soon as Brutos finished speaking, Aric refuted.

Aric took a deep breath and started explaining to them what is the most frightening thing about the USSR.

"This is not only about weapons, technology, or economics. It is about what they call 'ideology', what they believe, 'Communism.' What is horrifying about this ideology is that they can make the whole country serve the war." Aric continued to explain what he knew about the Soviet Union, especially the theories of communism and socialism.

"This is the worst part, we can't copy it. If we do, before the USSR arrives, the first to die will be us, the king of the country. All those farmers and workers will rise up and resist us, starting a revolution. If we cannot crush the resistance in a very short time, it will be too late. The Soviets, who see revolution as their main objective, will send officers and weapons to support them unless we kill every single farmer and worker in the country."

"Gentlemen, we should know that we cannot have a chance when facing the Soviet national system. In fact, during these few years of temporary peace, we should already be aware if any Soviets have come into our country and spread the ideology of Communism. The war has already begun."

Both Brutos and Garrick remained silent, a heavy look on their faces. They had considered many possible reasons for why the Soviets stayed strong but never thought of this 'ideology'.

"I do not know much about the military and all this stuff. But I suppose we still have some chance, right? I mean, if their soldiers are not afraid to die, ours can be too. Just pay those farmers a higher price, and they will be willing to sacrifice their lives for you. What we lose is just a little bit of wealth, but we gain an army that is equivalent to the USSR." Brutus said.

You fucking idiot, it is useless. The prerequisite of your suggestion is that your soldiers see hope for victory so they have a chance to enjoy the wealth. But what if they don't see it?" Aric refuted him again, furious at his stupidity.

"'Cockroach', why are you staying quiet? Say something. Do you have any suggestions?" 

Garrick had been deep in thought, his head down, but he slowly raised it after Aric called his name.

"What is your suggestion?" Aric asked once more.

"Gentlemen, I was thinking, why don't we do the same thing as the undead? Summon another superpower that can fight against the Soviet Union."

Garrick's words shocked the other two.

"What the hell, are you crazy! We're just letting the wolf in if we do that. One Soviet Union is already troublesome enough, I can't imagine what it would be like if there were another one." Brutos screamed wildly, seeming to see no hope in such a desperate situation.

But the situation is different for Arik, at least Garrick's plan seems feasible.

"Continue, Garrick."

"Well, I was thinking, why don't we leverage all our national advantages? For instance, Brutos can do what he just mentioned, and you and your army can implement reforms that are effective against the Red Army. With all your help, my country can create a massive portal that allows an entire nation from the other world to send their army."

"Of course, the country in the other world may be as strong as the USSR, but consider this, when two powerful tigers meet, they will inevitably clash. Only one superpower can remain. At that point, we could simply show our submission to that country in exchange for protection."

"Now, let's consider the other scenario. If the country on the other side is weaker than the USSR, then we might have a chance to survive the USSR invasion without submitting to anyone. We should invade the country on the other side with full and brutal force. Once all our armies and key personnel have crossed the portal, we will close it to prevent pursuit by the Soviets, and we will unleash all our might to destroy and conquer the world on the other side."

Garrick has finished his speech, but the other two remain in shock. It must be acknowledged that this is a bold, creative, and courageous plan.

A moment later, Brutus spoke first,

"I agree with this plan, Valeria will support whatever is needed."

"Same goes for the Karak."