
The Terrible Escape Plan

In my whole life that is five thousand four hundred eighty days (if my math is right), I have never been betrayed so badly.

Aurora, that treacherous impostor, took all our secret plans and missions. I felt as if a pilum had been stabbed in my heart.

"Aurora is not betraying us," Chris muttered looking at his leather satchel where he used to carry his inventory.

I badly wanted to believe him, but I could not. Daniel was right, I could not share secrets anywhere. While we were waiting for our deaths, I saw the silhouette of a man running towards us stealthily. I alerted Chris and pointed in the direction. As the figure got closer, I realized who it was. The man was...

"Daniel?! Why is he coming over here? Does that old man want to get caught too?" Chris asked me in confusion.

By then, Daniel entered the prison bar. He sat beside us, relieved when he saw us.

"Why did ya come o'er here, Dan?" I demanded, "Do you want to also have an early death? We will be called for execution in ten minutes. That's when their so-called 'party' star-."

"Hush, Dave. If Daniel came here there must be a reason. What is it, Daniel?" he asked.

Daniel pointed to the bar and said in a worried tone, "Five minutes. That's all we have. I have diverted the guards but they will soon come to know. Quick!"

"Where?" I and Chris asked at the same time.

"Hush! Just follow me if you want to escape the camp," he chided. Then looking at Chris said, "Gather the ammunition quickly."

"Pfft...okay," he muttered. I and Chris followed Daniel to our cabins. We packed our stuff and followed Daniel towards the exit of the legion.

"There are no guards to be seen," I mumbled, wondering how Daniel had diverted the guards.

He whispered and said, "You see, I have some power over the guards near my area. Their poor little minds did not know that I was supporting you guys." Whoa! No wonder.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a guard spotted us. He ran towards us.

"Out. We have to go out of the camp to escape. Quick!" Daniel shouted.

We followed him. The guard did not follow us but went to call the rest of his mates. We went through a million corridors. Soon a bunch of soldiers were chasing us.

As we neared the exit, I moaned and looked at Daniel. I wanted to so get out of camp that I forgot a teeny-weeny detail. The electric metal doors can only be opened by a special remote. Daniel started fishing in his pocket and the guards started closing in. But, to my surprise, just at the right time, Daniel pulled out a red remote. He pressed the button and the doors opened.

Daniel smiled looking at my gawking face, "Always keep a remote. It comes in handy."

Suddenly a guard shouted, "There they are!" Which broke our conversation. We ran out of the legion. And, immediately the alarm sounded. Taftor and Hunder came out of nowhere and captured Chris.

"You're not going anywhere Mr. Clazio," he said, while my friend hopelessly sat there helpless.

"I think not, sergeant," I said with a firestorm raging in my chest. I took a blood pilum from the ammunition Chris had collected from the armoury and thrust it through Taftor's heart. The guards ran towards Taftor while the other half surrounded us. The remaining legionnaires were nearing... Hundred metres....fifty metres...Chris took a laser gun and shot it at Hunder. And, Chris was let loose from Hunder's grasp.

And then, the three of us broke out in a run. But, the legionnaires were closing in. One of them threw an axe, right on my left thigh. Pain broke out through my body. They were so close now, just twenty metres away from us. Daniel threw a yellow stone towards the ground and a portal formed. And then, with my last and final strength and willpower, I jumped towards the portal.