
The quiet girl

Claire_Harrison_0334 · Fantasie
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5 Chs


Moving to a new school a new school is the most annoying thing that parents don't and will never understand, imagine making new friends, hating another maths teacher,having to deal with a different environment, gosh I wish I could make my parents understand. Growing up being shy and introverted is already a struggle, fitting in the society is a suicide mission, now moving.

I'm Heather, 17 years don't worry about me complaining, my family is used to it they know I hate moving and start everything from scratch but they move anyway. I really don't understand their intentions sometimes but welcome to my family.

" Heather come down stairs you need to go to school right now it's a new school at least try to go early it's the first day for heaven sake " mum shouted from downstairs. Amazing this is how I'm going to start my day, on a Monday... I need a break already. I lazily crawl out of my bed to take a shower, I quickly prepare myself and head downstairs to see Crystal,my younger sister waiting for me.

My sister is a social butterfly she fits in everywhere she can make friends within two minutes. She is6 a girly girl with pink ribbon and outfits. I have to admit we are totally opposite. I wear baggy clothes, for comfort and I'm in love with really dark colours and I'm antisocial.

" Heather, I know you hate this but you have to do it I know your dad's transfer affects you I know you hate moving just be positive ok. " my mum was talking while looking at me in the eyes. " Look at your sister she is happy she can't wait to make new friends, for once be happy about the change of environment, and change your dressing code you aren't a boy I only have Tyler as a son ok. " she added.

My sister finds it funny that mum always have to remind me that she only have birth to one son. I'm not a son I should dress like a daughter, frustrating. I took a drink from the fridge and we ran out " I'll tell Tyler to come pick your lazy bones after school." Mum shouted. We just laughed and pretend not to hear. parents can be embarrassing sometimes.

As we were heading to school I was coming up with strategies on how to avoid people. How I'm going to stop playing video games and study more but I know that's a lie I'm an addict. I think I should start studying more and stop watching Netflix because it takes so much of my time. If I study more and get good grades, I will get a good job and move out of this dramatic family which expects me to be so loud. I think I'm going to do that.

My sister was talking all the way and most of the time I didn't even listen to what she was saying. I would zone out and come back only to find her talking. Well I love that part of her because I won't have to say a thing at all she always does the talking and I really enjoy that sometimes.

she is obsessed with makeup so she was talking about makeup, fashion, I'm least interested in fashion and the only thing I know how to apply is lip balm and lotion which most of the time my mum has to force me. I don't see the benefits after all I'm going to wear a hoodie and sweatpants. No one will notice whether I applied lotion or not it wasn't a bother to me but my mum would always shout at me.