
Patience Is Everything, Boy!

Parthib's eyes turn sad and he asks disappointed "Am I not rich enough to be taught by you? Am I not privileged enough? Why? Why am I the only one to get rejected?"

Tamizh stops entering the Practice hall and speaks looking him in his eyes "You can't get anything just because you are rich. You need to earn your chance like others".

Parthib speaks sincerely "I have been requesting you for months and your answer is still the same. I am ready to do whatever you ask for!"

Tamizh smirks "Then you have to wait for your turn. Patience is everything, Boy".

'This guy looks funny when he is helpless!'

Parthib's face turns gloomy hearing her words. He has been hearing these exact words for months now!

He speaks looking down "I will be here tomorrow too. I will earn my place".

Tamizh turns back away from him and frowns feeling some weird feeling like she had uttered and heard these words before. Of course, she uttered those words to many people but today it felt oddly familiar hearing his words.

As if he had said those exact words before! And the crazy part is she never talked to him more than a sentence in months.

She shrugs it off 'Maybe I rejected many people like him? But why does it feel odd when I speak to him? I have met him before obviously but why do I feel like...I know him already... not as an annoying boy keeps appearing for months to teach him sword fighting but..how to put it in words...today I feel something strange. Why does it feel like meeting a person after a long long time?'

She subconsciously touches her injured hand and gulps muttering "Everything is weird today".

She stops herself from looking at him again as this sudden strange feeling scares her.

Tamizh enters the Practice hall allotted for her. As soon as she entered the hall, the students of the new batch become silent as they heard their teacher is quite cold. They might get thrown out of this class forever if she doesn't find them qualified! But to the opposite, if they had met in the City Library no one would believe that she can be cold like this!

Some of her colleagues there know that she is a silent and calm woman but no one has seen her talk much or get mad at anyone. Because she never loses her temper. She is always on guard to not let her nightmares ruin her in public.

It did ruin her life in another way though.

Tamizh walks towards the Podium which is built exclusively for her and lifts her sword.

She declares loudly "Are you aware of the first rule?"

Everyone nods silently.

She speaks cooly "Then I should begin the first test".

She looks at Parthib, who gazes at her sadly near the doorstep and smirks spinning the handle of her sword just with her fingers.

Everyone stares at her fragile fingers astonished.

'How could those thin fingers be strong enough to even lift that huge sword?! And she is spinning it as if spinning some bamboo stick! Did she learn 'Silambam' before?! Because I have only seen the Masters of Silambam art spinning the sticks this skillfully!'

(Silambam is a weapon-based martial art originated in modern Tamil Nadu. It's basically using a Bamboo stick as your weapon!)

Tamizh suddenly flicks her sword towards the assembled students as if her sole intent is to slice someone's foot today.

Wait! Who in the world would dare to throw a sword on the kids of City's most influential people?! But nope! It's the first stage of her test which will test whether they actually deserve to hold a sword in their hands. In her class to be precise.

Not anyone can get to hold a sword in Tamizh's class! By tomorrow half of the people who annoyed her for months to admit their kids will never ever contact her in fear. What if she just stabs them in her next class?

And those who just want to show off or got interested just after watching ancient movies will lose their momentary interests!



The sword slide on the floor spinning fast.

Everyone was so busy jumping away from the sword and forget to notice the disdain filled eyes of Tamizh. She purses her lips in displease seeing everyone is leaping aside.

'Why in the hell would they leap away as if it's a vulture?! The sword is aimed straight and they could have just stepped aside from its way! Why would they do backflips and all? Is this a gymnastics class or what? And what's with that dude? Why is that guy breathing heavily as if he just escaped from a hunting lion?'

She notices only a few guys just took a step aside and stood straight calmly.


Her eyes follow the sound and see Parthib stopped the sword by holding it in his bare hand. The sharp edge has cut his palm resulting in bleeding.

One can bet she is impressed by this boy!

Tamizh sees some flashes of images before her and blinks her eyes in confusion. She starts hearing some sounds in her ears and takes a step back.

"From now You are a student here. But be careful ...I will remove you anytime if your skills disappoint me!!"

Tamizh spoke the words meanwhile she heard the exact words been told by some other woman in her head.

Parthib nods eagerly hearing her. A faint smile spreads on his lips which contrasted his previous gloominess!

Tamizh feels strange seeing him and frowns 'Why can't I focus?? Did I hurt my ears? What's with that voice in my head? It sounded so familiar. Is this a mere Deja vu? But isn't it too extra by hearing the voice in my ears?'

She sees everyone doing the instructed warm-ups for their first day and purses her lips in deep thoughts 'What is happening to me?? Oh my god!! Am I getting Mad?!'

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