
The Queen's Rise

The princess had been missing for fifteen years. Yet every year, Queen Viola presents "the princess" to the noble court. Unfortunately, none of these girls have been the princess. None have even looked similar to the princess, though the court accepts them as such. Until this year. Things are different, and I decided to keep this journal as proof of the Queen's deceit. My name is Laura. This year? I was the girl chosen to play the missing princess.

Heather_Waage · Fantasie
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17 Chs


Today I had to oversee the delivery of goods to the palace. To show that "The princess is capable in all aspects of running the castle and kingdom." Honestly, I've done it before. Running a delivery is a common task for the maids, and was something I learned as a part of my duties as a maid. Overseeing a delivery isn't all that hard. I honestly don't understand why the nobility feel the need to make it out to be such a big deal. All I need to do is make sure we have received all the items that the kitchen, various staff, and (most importantly) everything that the Queen has ordered and in the correct quantities. To make it easier, the delivery driver keeps a manifest of what he's carrying. I check it against the sheet of orders as the maids bring the items inside. Not that difficult, but apparently some of the previous look-alikes either had trouble, or just plain screwed the delivery up. All of the look-alikes have been maids, so far as I'm aware. Were they spoiled? Did their parents shelter them, or just not teach them right? I don't know, and I don't particularly care to find out.

-I'm honestly not sure, I never met the previous stand-ins. You are extremely competent. No complaints about your bearing or how you handled the delivery. You made sure it was as smooth as possible, given that about twenty-five different servants and maids were lugging things off of a caravan and into the castle.-

My life went from hoping to rise through the ranks enough to be the head maid eventually, to "play pretend princess" in one day. After the gig is up, my life is kaput. Handy thing is, as I was aspiring to be head maid, I know a great deal about the ins and outs of maintaining and improving the order of daily life in the castle. Not that hard, it's just a lot of small tasks that need to be done, done correctly, and done swiftly. I quickly discovered that I enjoyed the particularities of the training. I had fun and I even suggested changes that made things flow better, faster. I know that some of my suggestions saved the head maid from many a beating due to the general incompetence among the staff. She was so happy with the results that she took me on as a sort of apprentice. I worked with her, the head butler, and the other heads of staff that reported to her. Too bad that I'll never get to see my dream.

-I don't doubt your ability to maintain order. I've seen you in action, and you have truly spread your wings and soared. I was a bit jealous of your ease in a leadership role. However, if you've had that sort of training, then your ease at managing people makes sense. Heads of staff have one of the most difficult jobs when it comes to managing people.-

Apparently, Miss Teacup is still alive, and in the castle to boot. I must have missed a maid or two when I was asking around for information. I overheard a few of the older noble ladies discussing the possibility of the princess being a bastard-born to the king's "Teacup Mistress". Apparently, her existence is not so secret among the older generations of nobles. Whoever Miss Teacup is, she isn't talking. I wonder if it's possible that the real princess Loralina was unknowingly chosen to play herself and was then killed by the Queen? Strange to think about, but I suppose it's possible, and even probable. I know that I never imagined that I would be chosen to play Princess Loralina. The announcement came completely out of the blue. Normally the girl chosen has had more than a passing resemblance to the princess and had insulted or offended the Queen in some way. As far as I'm aware I have never given the Queen cause to be angry with me, mayhap my mum did something? I don't even look similar to the other look-alikes. Most were brunettes.

-She did have a reason to be offended, but it was nothing you did. Nothing you could have known. And you are more alike to the princess in looks than you think. In fact, you could say that you look damn near identical to what the princess should look like.-

Life continues on. The palace is like a well-oiled machine. All the cogs in their place, turning to the same speed. Unfortunately, if one comes loose, the whole thing comes crashing down. That's why the staff needs guidance and leadership. To keep the cogs moving. My meal was delivered by one of the kitchen staff. Actually, she is one of my oldest friends. She is also aiming to be the matron of the kitchen. She told me to buck up and make the most of the opportunity I'd been handed. I think she was a bit jealous, and I guess this is a pretty good chance to learn. Even if my life is potentially (and quite likely) over after this. She gave some sound advice if you ignore the threat to my life by the ruler of this castle. Well. It is what it is. Life. You make the best of it, you know? I need to stop being so maudlin. Getting depressed isn't going to help my situation.

I decided to throw myself into my studies, more so than I had before. Of course, I am still exploring the forbidden wings of the castle in my free time. My ever-changing list of tutors seems to have gotten the memo that I am one person, not five, and that twenty-nine essays are all but impossible for me to do in one week. In my studies, I have moved on from finance to economy and the production of goods. It seems that the current economic system is rather convoluted, and I can't help but wonder if that's the Queen's fault. It seems like goods are taxed at least five or six times before they make it to the consumers, where they are taxed one final time. If the goods are food at least. If the goods are some sort of furniture or so-called "luxury" item, then they are taxed either annually or some other periodic time increment depending on what they are. The Queen is squeezing as much money as she possibly can out of the people and traders who live and bleed for this kingdom. I find it quite stupid. The regulations and taxation are stagnating our economy, our financial stability. It will eventually fall around our heads. Ruin and famine will follow. Our citizens will be forced to take refuge with the neighboring kingdoms to survive.

-I had noticed that you were being overworked. I had a little chat with a few of your tutors. You're welcome. The Queen is definitely into some shady business. She pads her pockets on the people's suffering. She drains one kingdom dry, before moving to the next. A Royal Black Widow.-

I had a discussion about the taxes with my business and economy tutor. He suggested that I could manipulate the court with a few pointed comments at the ball. Should I try it? Is it a good idea? I mean. It couldn't hurt. Right? I'll be dead shortly after either way. Great. I need more information. I need to go to the library and research what exactly I want changed. What needs to be changed. I know the excessive taxing needs to stop. What else? And how to get the nobles to change? Maybe mention it harming their businesses and thus their pocketbooks? I know most of the nobility will ignore a plea about something being for the good of the common folk. They are ignorant, god-forsaken buttheads in that regard. They only care about themselves and what others can do for them. In this way, their attitude can work to my advantage.

-An unfortunate aspect about most nobility. Thankfully, in the nation that I come from, that sort of behavior is frowned upon. Every citizen helps each other if there is a need. Even the royalty does their best to help the common folk. My parents have gone so far as to ward the kingdoms' borders to keep out those who would harm the citizens.-