

I get on my phone. It's only 12:03. I text Dylan.

Me: Hey you up?

Dyl: Now I am.

Me: Omg I'm so so so so sorry.

Dyl: It's ok Bugga. You Ok?

Me: I don't think so.

Dyl: You can't sleep.

Me: I did for a bit.

Dyl: He was there wasn't he.

Me: ....

Dyl: Ella.

Me: Fine yes.

Dyl: And you started crying and now you can't sleep?

Me: Am I that predictable?

Dyl: I'm your Bff. Of course you are predictable to me. You are still adorable though.

Me: Hey Dyl...

Dyl: Yes L?

Me: Can I come over?

Dyl: To what sleep?

Me: Yeah....I don't feel comfortable here....I'm scared....

Dyl: Hehe of course you can Ella. But no funny buisness alright. ;)


Dyl: Sorry Sorry lmao.

What a jerk.

Me: I'll be there in a bit. You better make some room.

Dyl: Yeah I will. See you soon.

I open my window to test the weather. It's cold. I grab my warm coat. Taylor is in my bed still so I put her outside in the hallway so she can find her way to her bed. I pack my light blue backpack with leggings, a tanktop, bra and underwear. I quickly put some essentials in it especially a brush. I look at my desk and grab my phone, charger, computer, the book Liam just gave me and my book. I see the heart wish box. I Put it in the small pocket.

I look out my window. I can jump because I'm a vamp. I can make it. But I'm scared to. I jump and land like a superhero. I smile. Dylan only lives about 2 blocks down. I take my bike and bike down so my parents think I left early. I reach his house and I hide my bike in his bushs. Whenever I wasn't supposed to be here I'd hide my bike there so his parents wouldn't know. Even though they didnt care. His parents are pretty heavy sleepers. So I go throught the backyard and throw a rock at his window. He opens it and he's shirtless with shorts on. I see his really light tan abs and blush red.

"Give me a minute." He blushes and I hear him scramble and he comes back to the window with a gray tank top on. "How are you going to get up here?" He says.

I step back and get a running start. And jump right through his window.

"Awesome...." He says in amazment.

"Thanks for letting me crash. I can just sleep on the floor-"

"Are you kidding. You can sleep in my bed with me." He says.


"Yeah I mean come one Bugga we won't do anything plus it's cold in here I need some body heat." He blushes a bit.

I put my backpack at the foot of his bed and take of my jacket. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah." I see him get into bed and leaves a space for me on the left side of his bed. "Here come on." I lay down next to him under his sheets. I love his room. I shiver a bit though because it's cold. "Hehe you cold?"

"A bit." I say. He pulls me closer wrapping his arms around me. His heat makes me warmer.


"Better." I smile.

"Ella....Can I ask what happened..." He says.

"It was just emotional to see him again and how he said he didn't want to leave me and He thinks I forgot about him....it hurts...." I say. He hears the heart break in my voice I can tell when he sighs. He lays on hi back with his arm under my head by a pillow.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine Dylan! I just want to be here." I explain. "Here with you finally getting some sleep." I say as I lay my head on his chest. I listen to his heart beat. A couple minutes later he asks. "Ella you still awake?" No...But I pretend to be....I can't sleep but I try to....That's when I hear him almost drift asleep.

"I love you Ella." He says right before he falls asleep. I love you to Dylan....

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