

After they had their breakfast.

Diana and Athena prepared to head out to the church. The girl grabbed her hooded cape in order to hide her appearance. She didn't really want anyone noticing her and wished to live her life in the shadows.

On their way, Athena was shocked to see how terrible the village situation was. She thought what she saw last night was already disturbing and now she has a clear view of everything. She couldn't put into words what she was seeing and experiencing.

'What the heck has the Empire been doing? This is too much…' Athena was furious as she saw so many children and elderly all begging and lifeless. The more she witnessed what the royal family had done, the more she despised them. Her hatred towards them grew every second she saw something disturbing.

Northern Church

Athena noticed the girl was also not doing well. The building was outdated and in need of repair as well. She has not seen a single building without any mark of the war.

As they walked around, Diana introduced her to the priest and nuns who ran the church. Despite they were all amiable and smiling at her, she knew that they were all burying the pain they were feeling.

Finally, they found the person they needed to speak to in order to meet the man Diana was referring to.

"Serfred has been coping in his room since the war. He has not stepped foot outside the chapel ever since, he does not wish for anyone to see him and feel sorry for him." Father Roland explained whilst he glanced at the girl from time to time wondered who she was. Despite Diana having introduced who she is, he sensed that there was more to what he was told.

"Father Roland, can you please allow me to see him," Athena pleaded as she is indeed of a great man who can help her achieve her goal for the village.

Father Roland was uncertain if it would be a good idea for the girl to meet the man. But since Diana was showing such approval in her expression. He couldn't refuse to not allow the girl to meet the man.

He thought, 'She might bring some miracle to the man.'

Father Roland knocked on the door in case the man was asleep, "Serfred, you have some visitors."

"Diana you're here..." Serfred smiled to see the young girl who had always come to check on him. Even though his vision may not function well, he could clearly picture them out. Which surprised him to see another person standing behind them, "Who's the person with you?"

"She new to the village her name is Tina," Diana answered, hiding the fact about the girl's real identity.

"Tina, nice to meet you, my name is Serfred," He said as he continued to focus and observe the girl noticing something odd about her. When he recognizes a familiar feature about her, he realizes who she was. He noticed the girl smiling at him prompting him to not say a word.

'Why is the daughter of House Adolphus doing in the North?'

One would indeed question why a daughter of one of the great dukes be doing in the North when there is nothing to do in such a place. Surely she didn't come here to sightsee.

"Tina, may I know, why you're here?" Since he was not allowed to inform anyone about her identity, he was curious instead why she was here.

"To help you."

Serfred looked confused as he pointed his finger on himself, "Me?"

Athena went closer and seated on the edge of the man's bed. She scanned how bad his wounds were and sighs.

'Good Lord, if you really are out there, please hear my prayer.' She prayed as she hoped what she was about to attempt would work.

She clasps her hand together as she then places it on the man's broken limb. She was unsure of what to do nor what type of enchantment she needed to chant. She was unsure if healing is the same as being an Elementalist.

But to her surprise, what she expected happened.

Sparkling lights soon appeared as the girl's entire body was being surrounded by a white flaming aura.

It was the first time Athena was witnessing her aura as well. She was not the only one surprised by the phenomenon that was happening, but so were those inside the room.

Father Roland was amazed to see how powerful the girl's aura was, he couldn't hold back his curiosity as he stated. "I have studied healing magic for years, yet this little girl magic is far superior than mine. Diana, where did you say she was from?"

Diana was completely speechless of what she was seeing, for she thought Athena was an Elementalist. She may not be knowledgeable when it comes to magic, but she was aware of the fact that if someone studies other magic, they will be unable to practice being an Elementalist.

The girl looked puzzled at Athena and thought, 'I swear Athena was the one who restored the land at the back. But, how is she able to heal Serfred?'

Diana continued to ponder on things. From what she knows it is impossible for Athena to be an Elementalist if she is able to use healing magic. The more she thought about it, it just didn't make sense at all.

'Who indeed is Athena?'

Diana contemplates about Athena's identity. All she knows is she's from the Empire's capital. About who she is, she has not yet found out. But, seeing she is able to use such great level of magic made her conclude that she is indeed a child of a noble. A very powerful noble who's family has an Elementalist in their bloodline.

For it was the only conclusion that would make sense at this moment.

Diana had tears in her eyes which Father Roland noticed and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's a miracle."


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