
Chapter Two

She as one of the servants was to clean and scrub the floors of the great hall after every meal. Then attend to her duties in the kitchen scrubbing the pots, pans, and dishes. Then off to the barn to feed and clean the animals of the royal palace. How she ended up a palace servant she didn't understand.

Sure she wasn't as dark as most slaves. But she knew she was supposed to be in the fields working in the hot sun every day. But she was here in the royal palace working in the kitchen. Kami had blessed her so she never questioned it. It was something she did with no complaints.

She never even uttered a word to anyone but Mi-Sun or Mother. She mostly kept to herself. In all honesty, she felt very much out of place. She was the only woman of her hue in the palace. Mahogany brown with a gold undertone that almost glowed in the sunlight. But was outshine by the paler faces that surrounded her.

Once she finished her work for the evening she went back to the servant quarters. All the girls and women were running amuck giggling and talking amongst themselves. Spraying cheap perfumes and applying makeup. Everyone was wearing thin white linen dresses that brushed their kneecaps. Yet she paid no heed to their follies. They always gossip with each other

'They would gossip about the mice in the cupboard if they found it interesting.' She thought as she walks to her cot which was located farthest in the back. She turned on her side sleepy and exhausted. She would have to wake up before sunrise and do her duties. It was a grueling task.

Ying Yue the Head maid or Mother as all the servants called her oversaw them all. She stood there with a thick look of discontent. Yelling at some and praising others. They walked out of the room leaving the dark girl in her cot to fall asleep to silence.

Mother Ying Yue led all the girls through the labyrinth of halls until they reached the east wing. His door was embellished with white, gold, and black koi fish. A guard stood at the doorway overlooking them before opening the door to the massive chambers.

"Line up oldest in the front youngest at the end." Ying Yue says. The women and girls scramble to get in line just as the bathroom door opened. Hot steam rolled out behind him. He was wearing silk red pants that hung loosely off his hips and nothing else. The girls blushed at the look of him.

"Hikaru Ouji-Sama," Ying Yue says bowing walking up to him. "Here are all my servant girls from the ages 12 to 69." She says looking at the prince. Even as old as she was even she too admired his beauty. She stepped away to the front of the line giving the women and girls a stern look. He looks at her then walked over to the line of women. He wasn't going to choose any of them but did so anyway.

He slowly walked down the line as each girl bowed. Some gave flirtatious smiles some had a frost of fear in their eyes. He didn't know her age. It never came to mind. All he knew is that he wanted her. As he reached the end of the line he realized she wasn't in the room with them.

'Did she not come as requested?' The prince turned towards Ying Yue.

"You seem to be missing a girl." He says to her folding his hands over his shirtless chest. She looked down the line then back at him in confusion.

'Did she not realize that the honey-eyed girl was not amongst them?' he looked back down the line gesturing to the girls.

"I only counted 136 girls here... Someone is missing." He says he was getting a bit irritated. She seemed to realize she really was missing a girl. Her eyes went wide and quickly pulled a girl out of line.

"Mi Sun please go and get her." She says to a dark-haired girl who nods and leaves the room. She made her way through the halls and into the south wing where the servant quarters where located. Grabbing a lantern, she walked into the room which was dark and quiet.

The girl was laying in the bed asleep still dressed in her work clothes. Mi Sun didn't want to wake her but the prince wanted all the girls in attendance. She shook her awake quickly. Her eyes shot open and a look of confusion crossed her face.

"What's wrong Mi-Sun?" She asks in a groggy tone rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"You must come with me," She says forcing her out of the bed and pulling her through the halls of the grand palace to the east wing. She was still half asleep as Mi-Sun pulled on her arm in a rush. But the second she realized where she was she found herself wide awake.

'This is the prince's quarters.' She thought suddenly feeling afraid. Did she do something wrong? She couldn't think of anything she did today that would get her in trouble. She never interacted with any of the royal family outside of her duties. Which was sparse. She looked at the guard who looked mean and angry. He moved out of the way opening the door.

Her heart was pounding in her chest. Was she to be punished? Once inside the room, she was greeted by Mother Ying Yue who stood with a stern look on her face. She looked over her body in disapproval. She was still dressed in her work clothes. Her hair was free and curled around her head. She looked upset and shook her head slightly.

"Mother, what's going on? Am I in trouble." She didn't notice the other girls until they began to whisper. She turned her head to see all the servant girls then back to Mother. The prince was sitting on the edge of his massive bed that took up most of the space in the room.

Her eyes went wide as she looked at the other girls and women once more. Making a connection as to why they were so cheery earlier. She looked at mother who was giving her a stare that would send wolves running scared. She knew not to say anything or question what was going on. But whatever was going on she didn't want to be a part of it. The Prince got off the bed and stepped to her. Quickly yanking her head up and looking her in the eyes.

The smell of ginger wafted off of him. His eyes looked like the ocean came in and crashed upon his face. She didn't say anything she just looked at him unsure of what to say or even do.

He looked at her eyes which were glossy like getting a glimpse of the moon and stars in a new forged mirror.

'Did they wake her from her slumber?' he wondered. What if she dreamed of him as he dreamed of her? No, most likely not.

"Her..." he says Mother was taken aback.

"Ouji-Sama wouldn't you rather have a girl that is more up to standard." She says even though the slave girl knew what she meant. Someone that looked like them. She wasn't upset since others have said much worst.

"Ling Shaun is a virgin and is eager to please you." She says grabbing the pale child who was blushing from ear to ear bowing to the prince. He wasn't pleased by the request of the virgin 13-year-old girl.

"Have her bathed and bring her back here." He says stepping away his request was an order. Ying Yue gestured for Mi Sun to walk the slave girl to the servant's bath. Then to her other girls to leave his chambers. He waited in silence for his Slave Girl to return to him.