

Being yourself is a gift, because not everyone can be like that. Adelaide is the name of the city where her parents met. Also dedicated into the name of a quiet girl who deliberately pretended to be someone else. No one understood her, until one day a young man accidentally saw Adel revealed the true identity.

Lana_Ra · Fantasie
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2 Chs


Feeling the fresh air at this summer is a pleasure for me. Somehow, sun bathing can give me a lot of energy. Maybe because I am not fit to live in four seasons country. Even though I was born here, in South Australia.

Looking around, scenery of green plants cooling my eyes. There was no one left, the whole group has returned, except me.

If only I could, I want to spend all my time here. However, just a few hours is enough to complete the mission.

I took off my sunglasses and a black hair wig. Stripping my wavy red hair, it felt like being released from prison. Relieved.

No need to hide yourself from those people for a while. Moreover, no need to be polite and put on a sweet smile on everything as if my life was fine. A gust of air raised my loose hair to cover my eyes. Melting sweat on the temples makes some hair sticky. I rubbed it immediately, but in vain. The air is very hot.

Not waiting for long, I followed the direction the air came from. My memory returned when I was five years old. Mama brought me here to show me a secret place.

I took off my backpack and carried it with one hand while approaching one side of the cave wall which was covered in vines. Nobody will know, behind the grove there is a vertical gap about the size of an adult, like a narrow alley.

Armed with memories that are only bits and pieces, I entered the small cave. Walking down this rather humid alley, I didn't notice the cobwebs that lay here and there stuck in the hair. I continued to step towards the light in front that seemed brighter. A gust of wind grew louder when approaching the lip of the hall. My eyelids spontaneously close before they reach the tip. The sun's rays are too sharp. Changes in light intensity are somewhat confusing, it feels more glare here.

After my pupils were able to adapt, there was nothing I could do but freeze. Natural scenery on the other side Umpherston Sinkhole is amazing. Just like the last time Mom invited me here.

At the end of the hallway where I stand is a rock cliff. Down there lay a canyon full of wild flowers. Not far from where I stood, I could see small, large rocks surrounding a clear water lake. The water of the lake comes from the top of the mountain which falls freely. The spark ejects the refractive light, forming a beautiful colorful curve. This is The Heaven's Secret Garden, Mama said.

Without wasting time, I descended the cliff using the natural stone steps leading to the canyon. The colorful wild flowers fascinated me. While walking, I picked up some brightly colored magenta and yellow sticks.

arrived in front of the lake, I took off my shoes and let my bare foot feel the coolness of the water immediately. My hands immersed too. I washed a cup of water on my face, very fresh. A sip of water passes through my throat. I've never tasted water this fresh. Amazing!

"What are you doing here?" A man's voice makes me turn my head.

Wearing a red polo shirt and faded jeans, the man took off his sunglasses and looked at me without blinking. He may be the same age as Uncle Armand, about five years above me. Her brown hair looked shiny, compatible with the color of her skin that was rather dark. The man seemed to dislike my presence.

"One more time. What are you doing here, Miss? This is private property." I thought this place was very hidden only me and Mama who knew. How can it be private property? This is not possible.

"Uh, I ... I just want to drink, sir."

"How did you get in here?"

"Emmm, through the secret passageway of Umpherston Sinkhole," I replied casually.

The man was a little surprised, but then walked closer. "Oh, yeah?"

I nod timidly.

He stopped when we were only a step away. The shadow of his body falling over me, he was very tall. I had to look up to see his blue eyes.

"Your face seems familiar," he said.

Oh no! My wig and glasses.

"Maybe you have the wrong person." I rushed down. How do I get out of this problem? Entering private property without permission will cause serious problems. Especially until someone knows my real identity. "Sorry, if I entered this area without permission. I will return to Umpherston Sinkhole," I continued.

Without waiting for his approval, I stepped out the lake, about to leave there.

"Wait, miss!" His hand suddenly grabbed my arm.

Footsteps that have not tread perfectly on the gravel on the edge of the lake, making my balance disappear. My side collapsed to its broad chest. Perhaps because they were not ready to accept the sudden momentum of the collision, the man's body was pushed back. Then without being prevented, we both fell into the water.

"Perfect!" I cried annoyed. Now my clothes are all wet.

"You! you do it purposely, don't you?" The man asked irritably. Either because I fell on him, or because he was soaking wet.

"Weren't you the one who suddenly jerked my arm, mister?" I argued no less fierce.

His eyes narrowed, as if skinning my face that deliberately challenged him. Unexpectedly, one corner of his lips pulled up. Then a few moments later he leaned closer.

My stomach shrank. This whole situation slapped my consciousness back. We are alone in a hidden place, which is his personal property. Even though he did something to me, I was still wrong. Immediately I stood up and away.

Before he could catch up, I grabbed my backpack and put on his shoes. I ran to the cliff where I had come without turning. With my breath racing, I stopped just above the cliff. He did not pursue apparently.

Before entering the hall, I turned towards the lake. The man just stood looking at me. His upper body is clearly printed on the wet shirt. Before losing the chance to escape, I rushed into the hallway.

A relief accompanied my steps along the secret path.