
The Powerful Eye System in MHA

A normal man gets transmigrated into the world of My Hero Academia with an 'Eye System'. When waking up to the system, he learns he transmigrated into a body that's in front of UA to take the entrance exam but... HIS QUIRK WAS GONE?!? Fortunately, the Eye System had given him a 'Free Eye': Six Eyes, the powerful eyes of the Gojo Clan. This is the story of how a normal man transmigrated and became someone on the level of god. Tag: Multiverse Fic Inspired by "Eye System in RWBY"

Darkened007 · Anime und Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 26: Internship Part 3

A/N: Don't expect any major action/fight to happen in this mini arc, this is more of a slice of life compared to Izuku, Ida and Todoroki who had to face Stain and stuff.

(Eyes suggestions, their conditions to unlock them and possible conditions to upgrade them if they're upgradeable eyes Here) - Please actually put conditions and whatnot, as that's the important thing for this fic.


"Haahh... Haahhh..." Ren could be seen breathing heavily, wearing some black shorts and a black tank-top.

Opposite him stood Rumi, aka Mirko the Rabbit Hero, who had a cocky smirk on her face, "Come on~ Is that all you've got?" She asked. She was also wearing black shorts but instead of a tank-top she had a white, loose shirt which began to get a little see-through thanks to her sweat.

"Nope, I've still got more left in me!" Ren replied as he punched his palm to hype himself up before making his breathing steady, "Care to dance a little longer?" He asked as he got in his stance.

"Oh, why I'd LOVE to" Rumi emphasised as an excited smile appeared on her face.

And so, the two sparred for a little longer before ending day 2 of the internship. After the 1st day, after Ren and Rumi went out on hero duty, the two arrived back at Rumi's house and ended the day with a quick sparring match.

Today, there wasn't as many things happening compared to yesterday so Rumi and Ren got back earlier and fought some more and relaxed a little.

Because of this, unsurprisingly, Rumi and Ren got a little closer due to their constant sparring and how much time they spent together - it was inevitable after all.

Due to not having any temporary place to stay whilst in the area (Hiroshima just to remind people), Rumi offered Ren to stay in one of the many spare rooms she had.

With no shame at all, Ren didn't hesitate to accept her offer, 'A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do' He repeated in his head when he received the opportunity.

"Fooo~" Rumi exhaled a deep breathe, "You've already improved since yesterday, ya've got some crazy potential, kid!" She praised whilst patting Ren's shoulder, "You almost got me with that last kick of yours, shame you got distracted by my smokin' hot body! Hahaha!" She laughed shamefully, ignoring Ren's flushed face.

"It's not my fault..." He mumbled as he turned his head away to look at anything except for Rumi, remembering the final moment of the spar where - by some perverted miracle or misfortune depending on how you view it - Ren had delivered an axe kick to Rumi, which she barely dodged as she stepped back.

Unfortunately, she had miscalculated the distance of her step and didn't step back far enough as Ren's heel landed on the top of her shirt. Thanks to the momentum, and the shirt being oversized, Ren's heel managed to easily pull her shirt down to reveal her wearing a black bra which barely hid her breasts.

'Damn teenage hormones!' He cried silently, reciting a mantra in his head to stop the blood flowing down to a certain spot of his body as he shook away that memory to prevent the slumbering dragon's awakening.

Seeing Ren's embarrassed face, Rumi couldn't help but laugh harder, "Pfft- Hahaha! I didn't think you could get so red, you're like a little girl with a crush" She joked, causing him to go redder, "Don't worry, it's a good thing" She wiped away her tears of hardcore laughter before rubbing the top of his head, "I almost forgot that you're just a kid in his first year of high school, you seem a lot mature for your age..." She said with a warm smile, "Well, except for this! PFFFT-" She broke into laughter again.

With this, the two ended the 2nd day of the internship by going back to their rooms and getting some sleep.

"Mmmm..." Ren let out a small moan as he had a lovely morning stretch, 'Morning stretches hit different' He thought with a smile as his body began to shake a little with how good the stretch was.

Having woken up, Ren looked at the time and saw it was 10am which meant he got a nice 11 hours of sleep last night.

Wondering if Rumi was awake, Ren got changed from his sleeping boxers into some beige loose joggers and normal white shirt before heading to her room.

Noticing the door was open far enough, he peaked his head through the crack to see she was fast asleep in an... odd position: Her legs were off the bed; her left arm was above her head whilst her right arm was resting on her forehead, and she was snoring quietly with some saliva dribbling down her mouth.

'Looks like she's having an even better sleep than I did' Ren thought with a smile, 'Hm?' He then saw Rumi's sleeping body shiver a little as he blanket was on the floor, leaving her body out in the open to reveal her wearing some PJ shorts and a shirt similar to the ones she wore when Ren first met her.

Like the gentleman he wished he could be, Ren quietly entered her room and picked up the dropped blanket before placing it over Rumi, causing her face to have a small smile to appear on her face naturally and her body to stop shivering entirely. 

Obviously, he did this AFTER he took a few photos of her funny sleeping posture to make fun of her with.

'May as well cook something while I'm up, hope she doesn't mind me using the kitchen' He wondered as he headed downstairs and entered the kitchen, 'I wonder why she doesn't have any chefs or butlers or something if she's living in a literal mansion in the middle of the woods'

He then began to cook up some nice Western breakfast, a morning dish containing eggs, sausages, beans, toast, bacon, and some vegetables on the side.

When finishing with both plates, Ren picked them both up, one in each hand, and headed to the dining table where he was caught off-guard by a half-awake Rumi sitting there with a drooling face as she stared at the food in his hands with an unwavering gaze of hunger.

Ren snickered at this before placing one of the plates in front of her, "Here you go" He said before placing his own plate down and sitting opposite her.

With no time wasted, Rumi gobbled the breakfast down as if the world was going to end in 10 seconds with how fast she was eating. It was pretty intimidating how fast she was doing it.

"Ahhhh!" She let out a relieved sigh, patting her bloated belly, "That was nice~, whaddya think about becoming my personal chef instead of a hero, ay?" She asked with a wink.

"How about getting yourself a personal cleaner to wipe your mouth before you ask something like that" Ren replied, causing Rumi to respond by messily wiping her mouth clean with her arm.

"I'm ready to thrash you all over the place! How about it!?" She exclaimed energetically as she stood up.

"Can a guy at least eat first? Jeez..." Ren shook his head with a sigh before proceeding to eat his breakfast.

After finishing eating, Wednesday (Today/3rd Day of Internship) went by quick with Ren and Rumi having their usual back-and-forth banter, sparring, small hero duty session, and some nice food made by Ren himself.

It was now Thursday, the 4th day of the internship.

Rumi and Ren had finished their daily morning spar a while ago as they were now on hero duty.

"Help needed... at 8/11 store on **** street" A voice could be heard coming from Mirko's pocket.

Due to her being a lone hero that didn't have an agency or anything like that, she instead had more perks with the police that allowed her to receive a transmitter from them which lets her hear whenever there needs to be some saving in the area.

"Let's go!" Mirko ordered to Ren as she sped up a little more, earning a nod from him as he followed a few metres behind her due to him still lacking a little in speed compared to Rumi, which wasn't that surprising to him.

After a few minutes of running, they arrived at the scene of the 8/11 store being in flames with some masked men standing in front of the burning store.

"What's going on here?" Mirko asked the closest officer to her as she noticed that the police and criminals were in a stalemate currently.

"They've got hostages! A pregnant woman, an elderly couple and a few middle-aged people" The officer replied with some panic in his voice.

"...I see" Mirko and Ren both frowned at the situation. Burning a store was already bad enough, but having hostages which included elderly and a pregnant lady, really?

"EVERYONE BACK THE FUCK UP AND GIVE US A CAR!" The presumed leader of the small gang (10 people) of criminals ordered with a shout, "IF YOU DON'T FOLLOW OUR DEMANDS IN 10 SECONDS..." The man placed his gun and rested it at the back of the head of the pregnant lady who had tears streaming down her face as she prayed for somebody to save her and her soon-to-be-born child, "YOU CAN SAY GOODBYE TO THESE HOSTAGES!" The man declared.

"Damn it...!" The police officer who informed Mirko and Ren of the current situation cursed, "These bastards...!" His body began to shake in anger.

"Mirko..." Ren looked to Mirko on his side to see her having a pissed expression on her face, something he hadn't seen yet these past few days of being around her constantly, 'Wow... these guys are fucked'

"10...9...8...!" The man began to countdown loudly, "7...6-" Suddenly, as he carried on counting down, the man dropped his gun as his eyes went bloodshot, "AHHHHH! GHAUFFAAAAAAHHHH!" He screamed in agony as he dropped to his knees and scratched his face profusely.

"What the..." The onlookers, police officers and Mirko herself were shocked at what was happening as they saw the leader scream in pain and agony even though there was no evident wound on his body to cause that to happen to him.

Little did they know, under his blindfold, Ren had used his [Nightmare Eyes] - a pair of pitch black eyes that looked like a never-ending tunnel of darkness - on the leader before switching to [Jagan Eyes] to telekinetically throw away the weapons of the other criminals who had their guards lowered as they witnessed their leader gruesomely scratch his face as he carried on screaming.

"KiLl.... KiLl Me!! PLEASE!" The leader begged as his face bled profusely from the constant, rough scratching, "END MY SUFFERING, PLEASE! I BEG OF YOU!" He carried on begging as a few of his men began to check on him, "K-Knife... GIVE ME THE KNIFE!" He shouted at one of his men who held his arm out with a knife in hand that he retrieved from his pocket.

As the leader was about to grab the knife, his body seemed to stop as it was unable to move for some reason, "WHY...!? WHY CAN'T I MOVE!? JUST LET ME DIE!" He screamed as his eyes began to cry literal blood.

[Condition Met: Use Eyes of Petrification 100 Times]

[Eyes of The Frost Demon: Able to manipulate ice, create barriers, and create illusions for a total of 30 minutes. After usage, there's a rest cooldown of 3 hours to charge]

(A/N: Ice manipulation is of a minimal level, like ice spikes, walls, floor, etc. Barriers aren't too OP either, think of it as normal barrier magic. Illusions are kept to a minimal aswell, as it allows for Ren to make people hallucinate and stuff, nothing too extreme.

In other words, this isn't too strong right now but it will be, don't worry)

With the criminals focusing more on their leader's gruesome pain, it allowed for Mirko to deal with them one by one and setting the hostages free before being left with the petrified criminal leader.

"Please... KiLl Me" The man begged once more with an ugly cry which looked more like nightmare fuel than anything as instead of normal tears, there was blood dripping down his face.

'Wow... this eye is strong... in a gruesome way' Ren thought as he nearly gagged at how dishevelled and disgusting the now disfigured criminal looked, 'Then again, if he's that bad, he must've done some really bad stuff in his life... so he deserves it' He thought to himself to make himself feel better.

"I have something better for you, don't worry" Mirko replied with a scowl before calling over one of the police officers to cuff all the criminals.

"NoOoOo, PLEASE!!" The criminal's voice broke as he coughed out blood and was on the verge of passing out, "END MY SUFFERING, PLEAS-" 

"You're too loud, shut up will ya?" Mirko asked rhetorically as he knocked the man out, but was surprised to see his unconscious body shaking profusely. Nevertheless, she handed all the criminals over to the police to deal with until the fire department finally arrived and dealt with the fire.

"Thank you for your service, Miss Mirko" The authorities thanked Mirko who stood beside Ren with a smile on her face.

"No problemo! It's what I do" She said with a thumbs-up before turning to Ren, "Now, how about we return?" She asked to which Ren nodded as they said their goodbyes to the people and headed back to Mirko's.

- Meanwhile, in an alleyway in Hosu -

'So... this is what Ren meant, huh?' Ida thought with a disapproving frown aimed towards himself, 'I'm sorry I made you guys worry... I'm such a fool' He said depressingly as he was unable to move as he watched his friends Izuku Midoriya and Shoto Todoroki fighting off a villain who killed many heroes: Stain, the Hero Killer.

Worst of all, they were doing it to protect their friend, Ida himself, 'I'm so stupid...' His eyes began to well up with tears.

- Back with Ren and Rumi -

Having arrived back at Rumi's house, the two ended their hero duty and remained in their hero costume as the day was close to being over.

"Say..." Rumi, who had been oddly silent the whole journey back, spoke up randomly as they sat down beside each other on her couch.

"Hm?" Ren hummed as he glanced at Rumi to his side.

"That was you doing all that at the 8/11, wasn't it?" She asked. Before Ren could say anything back, she added in clarification, "The telekinesis to throw away the weapons, the man randomly screaming in agony, everything... was it you?" She asked.

Surprised at the sudden question, Ren's voice was stuck in his throat, 'Shit...! I haven't though about the possibility of someone figuring it out this soon' He thought.

"Hahh..." Ren sighed eventually, "Well-" He was about to answer her but was cut off by her speaking some more.

"It's fine, I can tell by your hesitation that I'm right... don't worry, I won't ask you any other questions regarding it, but lemme ask you this - as a hero..." Her tone changed into a more serious one as she stood in front of Ren and brought her face towards his, "Are you on our side? The side of heroes?" She asked with slight worry in her voice.

"Of course!" Ren refuted to argue his innocence, "I can't really explain my... 'quirk' situation" He muttered as he looked away before bringing his eyes back to Rumi's, "But I can promise I'm on the side of heroes, I'm not a villain!" He raised his voice a little.

"..." The two were silent for a few seconds as they looked at each other closely, before Rumi exhaled and had a smile on her face.

"That's good..." She smiled as she rubbed Ren's hair, "I would've had to put you down if you weren't on the heroes' side" She stated with a smirk.

"Hoh?" Ren challenged her declaration with a smirk of his own as he stood up as well which caused her to step back a little to give him some space, "Let's put that to the test, shall we?" He asked with a smile.

"Absolutely" Rumi replied with a warm smile as the two began their little spar, with Rumi ending up the winner once more unsurprisingly.

"Hahh... you're progressing way too fast, it's scary" She complimented whilst breathing a lot heavier compared to the end of every other previous sparring sessions.

What she didn't know, because she was unable to see it, was Ren activated his [Eyes of Ares] during the whole spar which he was unable to do previously as during their spars they were always in casual clothing (Or PJs in Mirko's case).

"Thanks..." Ren responded with a snicker, "I'm tired... I wanna sleep..." His eyes slowly shut as he fell backwards and slumped onto the floor, "*Snoreee...*" He began snoring loudly, causing Rumi to chuckle.

'How cute' She thought as she looked at his 'adorable' sleeping face, making sure to take photos of her own, 'Let's get you comfy, shall we?' She declared as she bent down and scooped his sleeping body into a princess carry, "Fuck me, you're heavy..." She couldn't help but mumble as she walked him up the stairs and brought him to the room he sleeps in.

(She made sure to walk in front of a security camera for a few seconds so she can rewind the footage and take a photo of the moment to laugh at him)

After entering the room and placing him in bed, she couldn't help but look at him for a little while longer in delight, 'Thank god you're on our side...' She thought with a small smile, 'I'm glad you're a good guy, Ren... Though I'm never gonna say that to you, EVER' She joked to herself as she left the room and walked to hers.

'Wait, is he gonna be comfortable in his hero costume?' She remembered after laying down in her own bed once she changed into her PJs, '...Oh well, I'm too lazy to get up now' She shrugged before closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.


A/N: Tell me what you think about the interactions, how to improve them, etc. I remember someone mentioning that MC should be less robotic as a teenager and should feel some more lust, greed, etc for someone his age which is why I added those parts (Him blushing, preventing an erection, etc) in this chapter.

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