
Chapter 91

“In addition,” Henry said, “he’s given concerts all over the place, including Church of the Advent and Trinity Church here in Boston. I think he spent last summer in the UK performing in several cathedrals and other venues.”

“We can give you a CD,” William said, “and he has a website with a lot of information.”

“His partner, Noah Webster,” Henry said, “is a bass/baritone, and was among the finalists in last year’s Metropolitan Opera auditions.”

“Thanks, guys,” Marco said. “If I can take a CD home with me along with the other information, I’ll pass it along.”

When we arrived at the clinic the next afternoon, there was a middle-aged lady in the reception area. She was tall, quite slim for a woman her age, and had steel-gray hair. “Hello, squirt,” she said the minute she spotted us.

“Hiya, Gert,” Marco said. “It’s good to see you, too. I hear you’ve given up terrorizing interns and retired.”