
The path of a normal guy

Hi, my name is Alexander Kingstone, and this is the story of how fate wanted to fuck me with a 13-inch dildo, so I fucked her back by surviving and becoming more powerful than her ------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel, I am trying to become a serious author, I will try to commit no errors in my grammar, if there are just tell me. Chapters will come out whenever I can, I still have to go to school

daoistofeverything · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Chapter 1

Sometimes life can be pretty hard, the previous moment you are jerking off to hentai, and the next moment you find yourself in a forest escaping from a wolf that only wants to eat your dick.

This is what happened to our protagonist, Alex Kingstone, Alex is the diminutive for Alexander, he is, or at least was, a normal 17 years old kid, living a normal life in the future world, his family was normal, he didn't have an ancient clan that teaches him a secret technique, he wasn't the richest and most intelligent being on earth, and he surely wasn't the strongest being on earth, he was just a normal kid wanting to live his normal life.

But Fate wanted to fuck him, and she did.

One day after coming back from school he just wanted to relax, and since his mother still had to come back from work and his brother was still at school he decided to jerk off and relax.

But while he was searching for the perfect hentai, as a true man of culture, his phone stopped working.

Alex:' Again, this is the third time this week that it stops working.'

But this time he didn't have time to turn it on again, why? Because the moment he removed his phone from in front of him, instead of his room he found the nose of a dog.

Alex:'A dog?'

He looks up wanting to understand what the fuck is happening, and instead of a dog, he sees a wolf, or at least he thinks this is a wolf, he never saw one in real life, if not in a photo or a zoo.

Alex's body completely freezes, fear fills every pore of his body, the wolf looks at him, with his claws piercing the ground, his mouth is watering because of hunger, his breath stinking of raw meat and saliva, his stomach rumbling, and it being way skinnier than the ones at the zoo.

It opens his mouth, ready to kill him by biting his throat and make him choke on his blood.

By instinct, Alex takes the nearest stone on the ground and he smashes it against the head of the wolf.

Fate hates him, but luck doesn't, the stone smashes against the eye of the wolf, stunning it and making it walk backward.

Seeing the chance he begins to run as if his life depended on it, and it does, he never was an athletic type, his body surely isn't comparable to the usual mc, with a six-pack since birth and an arm that can uproot a tree, but he still runs, because he hasn't that much of a choice.


His blood freezes when he realizes that the wolf is right behind him, the only reason he is still alive is that the wolf wants to play with him and make him suffer till the last point.

He begins to hyperventilate, his body aches, and his brain hyper fixating on every small detail trying to find a way to survive, giving him a headache.

Finally, he sees hope, there is a broken rusty sword on the ground, if he can reach it he could survive.

But... apparently, luck also hates him.

Due to the root of a tree popping out of the ground he stumbles and falls to the ground, near the sword, but before he can get himself back up and get the sword to kill the wolf, or at least try,

The wolf gets on his back, blocking him by using one of his claws to block him by piercing his leg, he swops one of his front claws slashing my back and causing a deep cut.

The pain gets overshadowed by the fear of death, and by the instinct to survive.

He reaches the hilt of the sword, the wolf opens his mouth ready to eat him.


A body falls to the ground, dead.

Blood begins to flood on the ground, hitting Alex's clothes.

From the mouth of the wolf, the sword pops out blocking it.

Mental and physical exhaustion finally hit Alex, and because of them, he faints.

From his leg and back blood is still flooding, but they are slowly closing themself.




In his sleep, Alex dreams about his mother, she is hugging him, but suddenly she moves him in front of her and begins to speak.

Mom:'' You have to wake up.''

Alex:''What? What do you mean mom, I want to be with you.''

He wanted to continue speaking, but before he could she slaps him and as if nothing happened he wakes up in the same spot where he fainted.

For few seconds he stays unmoved, thinking that all of this is just a stupid dream, but when he feels the blood on his clothes, the pain from the cuts, the smell of raw meat, and the cold air of the night he realized this no dream.

Alex:'I have to stop spacing out, I shouldn't have fainted, what if another animal was attracted by the blood?'

He takes a deep breath and goes near the body of the wolf, the body is facing the ground, while his head is stopped from touching the ground because of the sword.

With a kick he makes the wolf turn around to take the sword back, even though he might be weak he has seen and read enough tv series, books, and fan-fictions to know how to not die in an idiotic way.

It takes few seconds, the sword was stuck in the skull of the wolf, but after few seconds he finally can get it out.

Due to the strength, he used to pull the sword he falls to the ground, hurting his back even more.

Alex:'Fuck.' He thinks while biting his pills to not shout and attract even more danger.

He gets back up and when he is about to get up his stomach begins to protest.

Alex:'When I got back home I didn't eat for more than 2 hours, and considering how much I have slept it's normal for my stomach to rumble, but what should I eat? I am not an expert survivor that knows what and what not to eat.'

He looks around, and the nearest and most secure thing that he could eat was only one, the wolf.

Alex:' I have no choice, I hope that seeing all those episodes of Wolf Grylls helps me.'

With the sword in hand, he first pierces the lower part of the wolf's stomach, and it takes a while to reach the upper part of the stomach due to the dullness of the sword.

When he was able to slice the stomach, he begins to remove all of the organs, Alex almost puked several times, but his survival instincts didn't let him puke the little food that he still has inside his stomach.

After removing the organs he removes the paws and the head of the wolf, and the last part is to remove the pelt from the wolf.

This part was the longest one, it took more than 5 minutes to remove all the pelt, several parts of the wolf meat were still attached to the pelt, but the rest of the meat was more than enough, he didn't throw it away since he could use it as a coat during the night.

Alex:'Perfect, now I need a fire to cook the meat, I don't want to get salmonella.'

He searches for some not wet sticks, tinders, and stones, he puts the sticks and the tinder on the ground near the carcass of the wolf he then puts the sticks and tinders on the ground and the rocks around them to not let the fire spread, to start the fire he take a stone and begins to smash the sword against the stone in hope to create even a small spark.

After several tries and his hands almost becoming numb, he finally can create a small spark, when the spark falls on the sticks, he immediately drops the sword and the stone and begins to blow on the fire.

And after few seconds, the bonfire is finally lit.

When he was the fire he had to resist the urge of shouting due to happiness, he instead slashes a piece of metal with the sword and he attaches the piece to the sword.

He nears the fire and he begins to cook it.

While cooking he stays always on edge, ready to run with all his might if he needs to.

When the meat is ready he begins to eat it, the usual tenderness he felt when eating meat cooked by his mother disappears, instead it feels like eating a piece of rubber.

Alex:'What was I expecting?'

He continues to eat and after eating to his fill, till only 3/4 of the wolf remains.

He then immediately extinguishes the fire and takes the pelt of the wolf and goes to the nearest tree.

Alex:' If I sleep on the ground animals might find me and kill me, trees lessen the chance of this happening, the only problem is getting up there.'

By using his sword and the branches of the tree he... falls to the ground, reopening the cuts on his back.

Alex:'FUCK.' He bites his lips even harder, causing a drop of blood to fall to the ground.

He gets back up and he tries again and this time he can reach one of the highest branches of the tree.

Using his sword he tears a big piece of his t-shirt and he uses it to attach himself to the trunk of the tree.

Lastly, he puts the pelt on his shoulders so to create a bit of heat.

Physical and mental exhaustion begins to hit him, he begins to relax and to look at the night sky.

While looking up he discovers something that made him realize the most important thing since he arrives here.

On the night sky apart from the millions of stars... there are two moons.


The previous exhaustion disappears, clouded by the sudden realization.

Alex:'Wait, so I was transmigrated here, so that means...Staus.'

And just like he hoped a transparent white screen appears in front of him.


Alexander Kingstone

Age: 17 years 8 months 26 days

Race: Human

Affiliation: None

Class: None


Title: Wold traveler


Combat Skills:

Basic Unarmed Combat Lv1


Secondary Skills:

Basic Common Language Lv.1

Basic Running Lv.1

Basic Skinning Lv.2

Basic Cooking Lv.1

Basic Climbing Lv.1


Resistance Skills:

Basic Fear Resistance Lv.2

Basic Pain Resistance Lv.1

Basic Poison Resistance Lv.1

Basic Cold Resistance Lv.1




Luck's love

Fate's hate


Alex:'The skills are understandable apart for some of them, what makes me nervous are my title and the traits.'

He tries to click on the title, and another screen appears on the side of the main one.



World traveler

You are one of the beings that have successfully traveled between worlds without becoming dust


- Gives the Ability to understand and speak the most used Language of the world you go to



Every human trait, thanks to it they were able to survive in a world where God walks between them


-Makes it easier to unlock skills.

-Speeds the level up of skill and resistances

Luck's Love

You have been kissed by luck, in hope that you survive and make a great show.


-Your life will be easier than others

Fate's hate

You have been killed by fate, in hope that you die and make a great show


-Your life is harder than others.


Alex:'... So I became the entrainment of two beings that shouldn't exist... What a great start.' He thinks while slowly falling asleep due to exhaustion.

And just like this the first day of the adventures of Alex ends.

But don't worry this is just the first day of many others.