
The path from a summoned hero to a god.

Vincent Gold was a normal teenager until him and his classmates were summoned by a god because of a hero summoning ritual given three perks and two classes he must fight and save the world from the demon king… or does he. Watch as Vincent Gold goes from normal student to a supreme god in this story of a man…. Well no spoilers I don’t own mcu, fandom, or any other movie, book,game, show, or anime. and I don’t own the books picture. Don’t ask what the mcu parts for as spoilers

godking_leviathan · Andere
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12 Chs

Meanwhile (short chapter)

Meanwhile the other groups were caught by the kingdom (a/n: still having trouble naming the kingdoms). They were lined up and slave magic was used to collar them preventing them from escaping again. But it got worse not only were they enslaved to fight for the kingdom but were used as toys and as goods being rented to the nobles who found some of them "desirable" a sad fate for those who was caught. But they weren't the only ones as Ashley and those who stayed was treated less then dirt making them realize Vincent was right.

Luckily for them though in a short few years something will happen to free them but as a narrator I will not spoil the fun. So instead keep watching the suffering of those who failed to escape. And for those who are curious about the teacher… well he was killed off after the first batch of escapees were found. As in the kingdoms eyes the teacher was a threat over their control of the "hero's".

Ashley's pov-

It's been months since Vincent escaped and the ones who wasn't with him was caught. I don't know if I should blame him for our situation or put it under the category of him being right. But that doesn't change that we are suffering we have little amounts of food, very little rest, and no money. But even then it's better then those who tried to escape…. I don't want to even think of what happened to them… what we saw happen to them. Some are already broken after this amount of time…. All we can do is hope someone saves us.

Time skip 6 months later(present time for last chapter)

In this long time we who survived have become battle hardened those who haven't are either dead or broken. We had no choice but to grow and evolve

[ name: Ashley Doe

Mortality: rank 1

Class: Mage:rank 1

Sub class: spellsword]

When you look it seems normal but what the kingdom doesn't see is this

{name: Ashley doe

Physical: rank 1

Class: /do to survival stress growth rate is tripled until safe\

Mage:rank 1

Rogue:rank 4

Sub class: spell sword

Cheats: boosted regeneration, boosted defense}

I became a adept rogue equivalent to a captain in the the kingdoms army and that's not taking in account that I have a body and regeneration that makes it so even elites can hardly hurt me. But still I have a ways fo go if I want to be free…. I need to work harder to save everyone.

Pov 3rd-

While Vincent was now spending 6 months in his sub class studying and becoming rich Ashley and the others would end up becoming higher leveled because of the need to survive by the end of the the next 6 months Ashley would be a rank 2 mage, rank 4 rogue, and became a rank 2 high mortal making her more powerful then most soldiers except generals. By the time she reached this rank the time would come to escape as the war began. The war between the kingdom and the demons.

But that is a story for another time.