
The Past?!

Shikadai finally got a week off after all of those missions. He can finally catch a break. Or at least, thats what he thought. Boruto has other things in mind.

ZephyrVII · Anime und Comics
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1 Chs

A Scroll?

"Be careful on your way home guys!" Moegi sensei yelled.


We had just finished the last mission we had until our week long break started.

"You guys wanna go get some ramen?" Chocho asked.

"I have to be home by a certain time today else mom is going to kill me" Inojin said.


"Oh great, I have a mamas boy and a lazy bum on my team. Wonderful." She said rolling her eyes.

"You know how scary my mom can get. Anyways, later" Inojin had barely walked three steps before Boruto had come running to us.

"You guys wont believe what I found!" He yelled with stars in his eyes.

I froze. Ah hell nah. There was no way this guy was ruining my break. I did the shadow possession justu on him and canceled it almost immediately after, causing him to fall on his face. I looked at my teammates and they looked at me. We then did the most logical thing in that situation... we ran. And I'm glad we did because not far behind Bortuo was Lee.


"So, how was your mission Shikadai?" Mom asked me. We were now eating dinner.

"Troubl-" I started saying before mom glared at me.

"It was alright I guess" I said lazily.

"Alright?" Dad said. "Patrolling was my favorite back then."

"Yeah and its easy but, Inojin and Chocho wouldn't stop arguing about who had the softest hair"

"Alright enough about that, eat your dinner" Mom said.

Dad continued. "You an Konkuro were the same weren't you? Never stopped arguin-"*Bang*

Mom stabbed a knife into the table. "I thought I said to Eat. Your. Dinner."

Me and dad gulped.

*Knock knock*

"I'll get it" I said getting up.

When I got to the door I groaned. You've got to be kidding me. Boruto was standing there with a determined look on his face. One that said I wasn't going to get away this time.

"Can't we just do whatever it is you want to do, tomorrow?" I asked.

"No! It's important!" He yelled.

I knew I wasn't getting away this time so I gave up. Plus I was really tired. He pulled on my arm and dragged me.

"Mom! Dad! I'll be right back!" I yelled to my parents.

"Alright! Don't stay out to much longer!" Mom yelled back.

"Ok, where are we going?" I asked Boruto.

"You'll see" He said smiling mischievously.


We were walking to the Hokage faces and went inside the 4ths. Thats when I saw that it wasn't only me he dragged here. Sarada, Metal, Inojin, Chocho, and Himawari were here as well.

"Isn't Himawari supposed to home?" Chocho asked

"Yes but thats not important right now!" Boruto said.

"Why are we here?" I asked yawning.

"Look at this" Boruto held up a scroll.

"What about it?" Sarada asked sarcastically.

"Well read it" He said. He opened it so we could all see.

"Time?" Inojin said.

"Is it gonna brign us to the past?!" Himawari asked jumping up and down excitedly.

"Yeah!" Boruto yelled.

"You don't think this will actually work do you?" I asked

"It won't hurt to try" He said. "Alright, everyone in a circle and hold hands."

This is stupid but ok. We all got in a circle and held hands while Boruto chanted the words on the scroll. I looked at the scroll once more and froze. My eyes started to widen. The words were starting to glow and move. We may actually be putting ourselves in a bad situation.

"Wait Boruto!" I yelled. He didn't stop and kept going. There was wind blowing around us now and it started to pick up. We then started glowing.

"YOUTH!" Metal said.

"BORUTO!" I yelled before everything went black.


~Boruto POV~

"Ugh" I started to get up and looked around. Everyone else was laying down around me except Shikadai.

"Shikadai!" I yelled and woke up the others.

"What the hell" Sarada said

"Noooo my baby!" Chocho said as she got off of her chips.

"Huh" Inojin was just as confused as the rest of us.

"Ugh. That was not as youthful as I thought it would be" Metal said.

"Where's Shikadai" Himawari asked.

"Tha'ts what I was wondering" I said looking around and stopped when I saw the Hokage faces.

"Umm, guys?" I asked. Everyone stopped and looked my way and also froze.

"Kai" Sarada said, but when nothing happened she ran up to me.

"What the hell did you do dobe?!?" She yelled.

"Whats it to you teme!?!" I yelled back. Inojin then pulled us apart.

"We will figure that out later. For now we have focus on finding Shikadai."


~Shikadai POV~

I woke up and found myself in the same spot I was in when I blacked out. Except this time the others weren't there. Then it clicked. Judging by how much cleaner the place is and how it doesn't seem to be crumbling away do to the fourth shinobi war... we were back in time. If the others aren't here then that means that they must've been brought somewhere else. But where? They weren't in the village, otherwise they would've made a commotion by now. But then again, they could still be asleep. I don't know, my brain hurts. I got up and started looking for them. If I found them then I planned on going in hiding. Just in case of emergencies. I'll make myself known to everyone but Boruto, cause he'll just give me away. I wont be able to hide from jounin though which is why I'll use a seal to mask my chakra and follow them the old fashioned way.

It didn't take long to find them as they were quite loud, or a least Boruto and Sarada was. I did exactly as I said I was and made sure everyone but Boruto knew I was there.

"Lets go to the village now" Inojin said.

"What? But what about Shikadai?" Boruto asked.

"He'll find us. Plus, he might be in the village" Sarada said.

"True true" Boruto said putting his hand on his chin.

"Alright then! Onward!"


It took quite awhile for them to find the entrance since the paths were a bit different, but they eventually made it. And thank god the guards were chunin.

"Who are you guys?" The first guard asks.

"Boruto!" He said while pointing a thumb at himself.

"Last name?" The second guard asks.

"He doesn't have one, none of us do. Were adopted siblings" Sarada answered.

I smiled. As long as we keep low they will probably take pity on us and let us through...

'Damn it' I thought to myself and face palmed.

The guards looked at each other and then back at them and the first guard started talking.

"Do adopted siblings belong to different clans or is this something new?"

'We didn't take off our clans symbol. And it seems the guards have noticed to. What a drag.' I thought to myself.

The rest of them froze and looked at each other.

"Shi-" Boruto started but was knocked out.

It seems the guards called for back up cause others came and knocked the rest of them out.

They took them inside the village and headed to the T&I unit.

'Oh great. Now I have to be even more discrete.'


~Boruto POV~

"Lets us go!" I yelled.

"Not until you tell us who you are and how you got here." This bald man with two scars on his face said.

"I told you my name is Boruto!"

"Not enough information brat" He replied back.

"Well what do you want me to say!"

"Your full name"



"STRANGER DANGER!" I yelled with anime tears.

The bald man sighed and seemed to mutter something under his breath before a lot of people suddenly showed up. And one of them looked like my dad?


~Shikadai POV~

'Did he really have to say Stranger Danger?' I thought and then I heard him scream again, but this time there were a lot of people surrounding him. They looked like our parents but younger. Oh right, were in the past. The one who had the same colored hair as Inojin stepped forward along with Ino-san and the third Hokage. My dad along with his dad was also there. Team 10, team 7, team 8, Gaara's team and team 9 were all there. This was going to be such a pain.

Inoichi put his hand on Boruto's head and and probably checked his memories. When he was done he looked absolutely shocked.

"Don't worry guys, I only showed him unimportant memories. He still doesn't know who we are." Boruto said with a smile.

I facepalmed again. 'How can he be so stupid. If he knows were from the future then you might as well show him the rest of your memories. I bet he'll know who you are just by looking.'

"Who are you?" Inoichi asked.

'You've got to be kidding me.'

Inoichi then put his hand on Borutos head again but this time he touched the Hokage. Probably to show him the memories.

When they came back the Hokage looked just as shocked, then smiled as if he realized something.

"These people aren't from this time frame." She said.

Everyone else froze.

"Are you sure Lady Tsunade?" The bald man asked.

"Are you finally going mad grandma!?" Naruto yelled.

"Haah, Inoichi? Can you please show them all?" She asked.

"Yes Tsunade-sama" He then did the same thing he did with the Hokage but with everyone else.


"How?" Naruto asked.

All the people from my time pointed at Boruto.

"Hehe" He laughed nervously.

"We will let you guys go with your respective families, and will inform you when we find a way to bring you back." Tsunade said. "Alright, now say your name and go to your family."

Metal went first.

"Wooaah! He kinda looks like you Lee!" Naruto said.

"Not kind of. Its like an exact copy." Neji said.


"Hurry it up brat" Tsunade said getting annoyed.

"Yes ma'am! My name is Metal Lee! My father is Rock Lee"

"Anyone couldve guessed that" Tenten said.

"And my mother is Tenten!"


It was so quite you could hear a pin drop.

"WHHAAAAAAAT!?!?" Everyone yelled.

"Tenten... I never knew" Neji said looking at Metal. "I mean, he does have your eyes"

"Wha wha wha wha" Tenten turned into a broken record.

Lee's face was red.

Metal then walked towards Tenten and Lee and sat in front of them.


Chocho then went up.

"My name is Chocho Akimichi. Mom isn't here and I'm pretty sure you know who dad is."

She said walking towards Choji.

"Wow son! She looks adorable!" Choza said.

"Wait, whos your mom though?" Choji asked

"Her name is Karui" Chocho said.

"Never heard of her"

"She's from Kumo"

"A girl from Kumo... Congratulations son!" Choza yelled


Inojin walked up.

"My name is Inojin Yamanaka." He said and started walking towards Ino.

"Wait, whos the father?" Inoichi asked looking like he was about to kill whoever it was.

"You really want to know?" Inojin asked Ino.

She nodded.

Inojin turned around looking for someone and when he found them he started walking towards them.

"Why is he coming this way?" Naruto asked.

Inojin stopped in front of them and grabbed Sai's hand, pulling him with him until he stopped in front of Ino.

"Mom meet dad. Dad meet mom" Inojin said.

They froze. For a long time.


"My tuuurn!" Boruto yelled and everyone looked his way.

"My name is Boruto Namikaze Uzamaki! My dad is Naruto Namikaze Uzamaki an-" He got cut off by Naruto.

"Woah! I thought you looked like me!" He said. "Whos the mom"

Boruto was about to continue until he stopped for a second and thought.

"How about you guess that for yourself" He said turning around. "Here, I'll give you a hint."

He grabbed Himawari and her in front of Naruto.

"Hi! My name is Himawari Namikaze Uzamaki!" She said and everyone froze.

"She... looks like Hinata doesn't she?" Sakura asked.

"Correct!! Moms name is Hinata Hyuga!! Or at least she was a Hyuga" He said.

Hinata fainted. Naruto looked about ready to.


Sarada went next.

"My name is Sarada Uchiha. I think you can guess who my papa is?" She said looking around.

"She just called him papa?" Naruto asked.

"Ok, whos the mom?" Tsunade asked. She was curious who was able to spark the emo boys interest.

"Her last name used to be Haruno... But it is now Sakura Uchiha" She said.


"Oh my" Temari said.


"Well, that's everybody." Tsunade said and Shikamaru sighed.

"Thank god" He said.

"I have a question" Yoshino asked. How she got there I didnt know.

"Hmm?" Boruto asked

"Does Shikamaru here have a child?" She asked

"Mom!" Shikamaru half yelled and everyone chuckled.

"...'' Bortuo just stood there.


"Whos gonna tell him?" Sarada asked.

"Tell me what?"

"Boruto, we didn't want to tell you this cause you would've given us away, but..." Inojin started

"Shikadai has been following us this whole time" Chocho finished

"I'm guessing this Shikadai is Shikamarus kid?" Tsunade asked.

"Yup!" Himawari said.

"You can come out now Shikadai!" Inojin yelled.

I jumped from my hiding spot and landed perfectly on the ground.

"About time" I said cracking my neck. I landed right in front of my family to, oh great.

I turned to Boruto and everyone else.

"Yo" I said raising my hand.

"Don't yo me!! I thought you were kidnapped or something!!" Boruto yelled.

"And whos fault would that have been?" I asked lazily.

"The person who brought us here" Sarada answered.

"I didn't think it would actually work ok!?!" He yelled.

"Are you Shikamarus son?" My grandmother asked me.

I nodded my head.

"AHHHH! HES SO CUUUUUTE!" She yelled hugging me.

"So so! Whos your mother?" She asked looking me in the eyes. "I cant get over his cuteness! Look at his eyes!!" She continued on.


"Ok ok. I'm calm now, so whos your mother?" She asked again.

"Ah, uuuumm" I started to get nervous. Has no one stopped to think that this could mess up the timeline?

"If your worried its gonna mess up the timeline, it won't. It said it in that scroll." Inoichi said.

Oh... how convinient.

I sigh and up. Dad and grandpa looked curious to.

"She's from the sand village" I said.

"Ohh really?" Mom asked even more intrigued.

". . .Her name is Temari" Everyone paused. For a long time as well. Very long...

"That's..." Grandma statted to say with her face turning dark.

"AMAZING!!!" She yelled. "CONGRADULTIONS SHIKAMARU!!" Dad just stood there.

"The sand girl?" Grandpa asked.

Just then a portal opened up and Uncle Gaara came out of it. Everyone froze.

"Uncle Gaara?" I asked

He walked up to me patted me on the head and turned around bringing me with him.

"Lets leave quickly. Your mother was a whole lot scarier when she was younger and I'm not gonna lie, she scared me." He said walking towards the others and grabbing them as well before going back through the portal.


The portal closed and we were all in the Hokages face again, but this time are parents were there.

We all then went home and went to bed. My long awaited bed.

{A/N: I don't know. Don't ask😂🤣}