
The Overlord Swordman Of The Universe

I don't know where to start, but, well, let's start with this. Once I was floating in a void, until someone or something came over to me. He said I was dead, so he asked me to go to another world, but I refused, he then said that I would just laze around in heaven, well he wasn't wrong. So he made a proposal, where I would become the overlord of the universe, he would give me the ability of a gacha, and ended up in One Piece World, I asked for All Haki, Sword Talent, and a Ship. He then told me to practice before throwing me into another world, as the overseer of the universe. After training for an unknown amount of time, the god returned with an annoyed face, before throwing me into another world, the world of the Marvel Universe.

Dabi_Bida · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 11

Seeing Barbara who was silent, Sarah finally decided to explain slowly, hearing this beautiful and gentle woman explain well, made Barbara understand.

"... Merchandise is non-refundable!" Kein said hurriedly, because he was afraid that Barbara would ask for a refund, seeing Kein like that made the corners of Barbara's eyes twitch.

"I didn't ask for money! I came to ask for an explanation!"

"Darling, I will explain in more detail." Seeing Sarah's figure, who was so enchanting like a goddess, made Barbara speechless.

Sarah then began to explain again slowly but in more detail to Barbara, hearing Sarah's explanation that was so calming and caring, made Barbara want, don't want to listen carefully and calmly.

"I see, so this shop is a magic shop, you guys only want to sell items that can help everyone, from items that can heal all wounds and ailments, there are also items that can instantly make someone strong, there are also tools to protect people. another, and so on." Barbara vigorously nodded her head.

Seeing Barbara who could understand Sarah made Kein's heart ache a little, he felt that he had explained enough well, but it seemed that Barbara was too stupid.

No no, you're the one who sucks at explaining, you don't know that he's one of the smartest DC characters, even though his fate is quite tragic.

"Then can you train me to be strong?" Barbara suddenly declared her wish.

Hearing that made Kein frown, he didn't know what the teenage girl in front of him was thinking.

"I... I want to be like Batman! I want to protect this city! I... I want to be a hero!"

Hearing the explanation and Barbara's determined gaze made Kein speechless, he didn't expect the teenage girl in front of him to say his biggest wish.

"Sure, but there is a price, tell me what level you want! I will make you as strong as you want, as payment for the criminals you catch, you must bring them to this place, depending on the level, if the level is high then the payment is also quite high."

Hearing everything that Kein said, made Barbara think hard, she was thinking about what level she wanted to reach.

Seeing the figure of the future Batgirl made Kein speechless, before finally letting out a long sigh.

"How about a level of immunity from bullets, and not being scratched by sharp objects?" This immediately caught Barbara's interest.

"Fine, but what's the payment?"

"I want every month, you catch 50 criminals whatever it is, from super criminals, gangsters, robbers, thieves, terrorists, whatever, the important thing is that their number is 50 people, this training will last for 5 years, so during that time you must continue to catch criminals ."

"Then I accept!" Seeing Barbara accept it so easily made Kein smile broadly.

"Alright, let's start the practice!"


Time flies very quickly, in the blink of an eye it has been a year since Barbara was trained by Kein, the reason for setting up the shop is not only to provide some tools to help the citizens of Gotham City, but also to get some people, who are willing to help her catch some criminals, to be made workers. those people manage the estate, just like in the Marvel world, Kein also intends to set up a restaurant in the Dc world.

Kein trains Barbara in a small dimension, which has a considerable time difference from the DC world, one year in the dimension world is equivalent to one day in the DC world.

(Note: Hello Back again with Dabi here, You know the holidays are over, Last Sunday, Monday school was back on, consequently it was difficult to write this novel, but because Dabi knows you must be very curious about the continuation of the story, Dabi finally decided to continue it , so here it is! Don't forget to leave the Power Stone!)