
The Otsutsuki Child

A white-haired boy lands in Takegakure. All alone separated from his family he tries to find a way back to them. I hope you enjoy my fanfic ;)

waryfishy · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs


Grabbing hold of Tomoko, Rinshiki jumped back to the other side of the training grounds.

The foremost person wearing a cat mask with red lines over it, pointed at Rinshiki, "Come with us and no one needs to be hurt."

The boy's bluish-white eyes narrowed and he readied himself to fight, "Why should I?"

The four masked shinobi quickly jumped after him, landing only a few metres away, "Because if you don't we'll kill her."

Rinshiki's eyes widened as he remembered the insects he saw inside Tomoko and that there was a clan that could control them.

"You're leaf shinobi aren't you?"

They didn't answer his question but that was enough for him to know that they were.

"No more playing around, come with us or she dies."

Rinshiki was about to answer with a definite no, when a loud booming voice echoed over the training grounds, "GET AWAY FROM THEM!"

The four shinobi stepped back, their eyes locked onto the grey-haired man standing on one of the massive roots.

Rinshiki smiled as he felt Hisen appear next to him.

"Are you alright?" he asked, placing a hand on his son's shoulder.

Glancing up at him Rinshiki rolled his eyes, "Of course."

Hisen laughed, "Alright, just stay back, I'll deal with them."

The leaf shinobi quickly drew their weapons and readied themselves to fight, "Just give us the boy."

Turning to them Hisen glared, "Never, I'll die before I hand him over to you!"

He then launched himself at them, forming hand signs while in mid-air.

Landing in front of them, he sent a roundhouse kick at the shinobi, only to miss.

But as his foot touched the ground, the hand signs he was forming were finished and out his mouth rushed a torrent of water.

'Water release: Wild Water Wave.'

Most of them managed to dodge but the closest shinobi was hit and launched across the training grounds.

Hisen raised his kunai and narrowly managed to deflect the shuriken heading his way.

He grinned and ran at the remaining shinobi, a kunai in hand.

Reaching them, Hisen slashed at the leading one's throat but the enemy managed to dodge.

He then wrenched his arm down, and Hisen grunted in pain as the shuriken he had deflected earlier hit his back.

"I'll kill you!" He spat out and quickly threw his kunai at the shinobi.

Catching the kunai the enemy stabbed at Hisen, only to be grabbed and pulled closer right onto another blade.

Rinshiki's eyes widened as he saw the Kunai penetrate Hisen's heart.

"No…" he whispered, slowly stumbling towards his father's fallen body.

"Grab him!" the wounded shinobi ordered.

Nodding, the others rushed at Rinshiki only to stop a few metres away, their eyes wide in fear.

The boy, who they had originally assumed to be a Hyuga, was now glaring up at them a pair of blazing blue sharingan fixed on them from where they sat right under his Byakugan.

From what they could tell he had four pairs of eyes two of which were significantly smaller than the others.

"Die!" the boy whispered, and in the next second, he was on top of them, wakizashi in hand.

The first one went down within a second, his throat slit open.

The second took a bit longer but again only a few seconds, which ended with the man's decapitation.

He barely managed to dodge the third's attack but luckily for him, it gave him an opening to stab the shinobi through the heart.

Lastly their leader, he was ready to fight, a kunai in each hand and a bird mask on his face.

He rushed at Rinshiki only to miss and be forcefully kicked across the training grounds.

Running after him Rinshiki began to form hand signs and finishing them spat a ball of water at the shinobi.

'Water release. Gunshot.'

It hit the masked man right in the chest, sending him on his back and landing on top of him Rinshiki buried his blade deep in the man's heart.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please tell me if you see any mistakes.

Hey, I'm still writing this story, just to let you know.

Then I hope you have a nice day or night depending on where you are, goodbye ;)