
For our peace, we suffered.

In this land of Forlance everything was peaceful, so much variety of people. Yet no one could for see what would happen... The humans all of them, they've decided to try and throw the other races into slavery. They weren't the strongest race, but they were the ones who had the most power... They've had too many people...not to mention...the silent ones, those who not speak are the strongest. They have unmatched skill in weaponry, they seem calmer then the rest when at war. It took not too many time to conquer most of Forlance. The world splitted up into multiple factions... Thagoth, those who still believe in peace. Glorians those who will not forget, those who will wipe out the humans for what they had done. The humans. And those who didn't want to pick sides, those who have given up the war but still own land. The Pathians. Humans were a rare sight to be in other factions... If any human tried approaching the Glorians border would be killed on sight. In a small town in the Pathian's side of the world... Was an ordinary man, he wasn't strong for war. He just watched the world go as it's suppose to. He'd walk around town when he had nothing to do. His life was quite boring, his best friend Doug didn't come along with him to the Pathians...he stayed to fight. He's still trying to get along in his small town, the race diversity made things a bit...awkward. Eventually this man felt weird when he woke up...he looked around himself... He didn't quite notice the see through tablet before him until a few moments passed.

"What the?" -???

Enter your name:

"Hm? My name...? My...name...I'm...Jeremy? I think..." -Jeremy said he didn't quite know what was going on...his memories seemed all blury... He was trying to recollect his thoughts. Then another see through tablet appeared.

Please choose a faction: Humans, Glorians, Pathians, Thagoth.

"Faction...?" -Jeremy didn't know what was happening, all he knew that what appeared before him was nothing ordinary. He chose to ignore the tablet... He got up from his bed and got dressed and went outside...the tablet kept following him. He tried swiping it away from himself.

"Get away from me!" - Jeremy yelled out as he swung his arms around. He closed his eyes. Eventually he felt something. He opened his eyes to see the mayor orc. She seemed angry.


"But- I- huh?"-Jeremy

The orc lady didn't even listen to the words of she walked away as fast as she could from Jeremy...seemingly he had no option now but to move... He didn't have anything to do...he packed up from his temporary home...which was under one of the town's residents. He took up a map, Jeremy saw the faction's name on it...he didn't understand what they meant exactly...but it was clear that the tablet which has been following him around is related to this. He went over to the local library before leaving...he asked around about the factions but the others just laughed it off thinking it was a joke. Jeremy took some books and read around, he could make a bit out but most were in unfamilliar language...as he finished up reading the one book he could understand...another tablet appeared before him.

Acquired skill:Wisdom lvl. 0 

Another tablet appeared just like it.

Acquire skill:History lvl. 0,

"The hell are these...."- Jeremy muttered to himself.

He himself couldn't figure it out , he feared to ask about it as he might seem insane... Eventually he said his goodbyes to his acquaintances as he didn't make any friends in town yet. He decided he'll try his luck in Thagoth... It will be a long journey, but he felt something will happen in Pathian... He didn't understand why this could be...he just had a gut feeling. Days went by and eventually Jeremy began feeling hungry. He decided to try his hand at hunting...he picked up a stick which looked sharp enough to poke with. There appeared another tablet before him.

"Acquired Skill and Weapon Skill: Foraging lvl 0. Passive ability:Foraging expert. With each level increase rarer items will have a higher chance to be found. Weapon skill: Spear lvl 0. Equipment: Common Clothes, Wooden Spear quality:Low"

"Huh....Foraging expert...that might be useful..." -Jeremy

Suddenly Jeremy heard a growl nearby. Jeremy saw another tablet appear but he was focusing on the noise. He looked up to see a wolf approaching him. It seemed to be alone, must have got lost from his pack. Jeremy didn't really know how to fight that well, but he managed to poke the wolf and it began trying to keep his distance. Eventually Jeremy managed to stab through his head. Another tablet appeared before him.

"Acquired Skill:Natural Sensing lvl 0. With each level the user will be more aware of their surrondings. Hunting lvl.0."

"I'm getting used to this..."-Jeremy

Then a tablet which seemed like book page appeared...it had an image of a wolf

"Beastiary Updated: Wolf"

Jeremy swiped at the tablet as it seemed to be just boring information about wolves...then he remembered that he had that faction tablet before him the other day... When he went to sleep the other day it was gone... He found it weird but rather than being bothered he grabbed the wolf's body and made fire. Another set of tablets appeared as he skinned the wolf and began cooking it.

"Acquired Skill:Survival lvl 0. Cooking lvl 0. "

"Some of these skills don't seem too useful...meh, who knows... I wonder though...just what are these tablets..." - Jeremy yawned.

He decided it's time to go to sleep. He layed down next to the fire, he rested his head on a rock...eventually falling into sleep. In the morning he heard a weird beeping sound which made him jump up, he saw a tablet before him.

"Danger! Your natural senses are telling you that multiple dangerous entities are nearing you!"

Just after reading the last line could Jeremy hear the rustiling of leaves behind him. He quickly turned around to see a pack of wolves led by an alpha blood wolf.

"...What the?!?!?"

(To Be Continued)