
The Other Side Of The Full Moon

What happens when a girl with no memories lands in a world of unknown? A world of werewolves and other mystical creatures. A girl who goes by the name Meg, lands in Arcadia: a powerful werewolf pack where she does not fit in as she's only a human, a stranger, a sheep in the lands of predators. As she learns to defend herself against others, sparks start flying between her and Eros, but when their passion gets interrupted by jealousy and the vicious plans of the jealous woman everything turns upside down. With everything falling out of Meg's grasp she starts getting visions of the life she had before. Where she didn't recognize herself. As everything keeps falling apart and Eros trying to kill her she needs to find help, to save herself and her lover from the grasp of the dangerous woman. But what happens when Meg gets killed in the process only to be awakened by her wolf? And not just a wolf, a pure white fur wolf with a moon crescent on its head. Most importantly, she gets her memories back and is ready for sweet revenge, only question is: After that is done what is she going to choose? Her mate or her home and her people?

Sammie98 · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 9

As I was walking home I pondered the words of Alpha Eros, he wants to help me, but I really don't know if I should trust him or not. But what benefit would it give him, if any, to help me in the first place? Maybe he truly cares about his people and just wishes to help me.

The vision kept playing in my mind. Selene, he said my name was Selene, but where did I come from? I mean I have seen where, but what actually is that place?

'Another dimension?' I laughed to myself. But I really have no clue, I guess I will have to go with the flow, wait and see. I still felt hot from it, my skin crawling with a weird sensation. I really hope I won't get such extreme visions ever again because it terrifies me every time I think about it.

I slowly crept into the house expecting Kathy to be asleep, only to find her sitting on the love seat reading a book with a small candle lit up beside her. She looked deep in thought.

'You know we have electricity, right?' I joked. 'Your eyes are going to go bad and you will be blind.'

'Don't be kidding yourself, Meg. My eyesight is perfect and will always be.' She let out a puff of air.

I sat down beside my friend and let out a sigh.

'So how was the training?'

'Oh it was fine, I passed out.' I shrugged. I knew I won't be able to keep it away from her.

'Oh no, what happened?' She put the book down on the floor and turn to look me in the face.

'I had another vision, pretty terrible this time.' I looked at her sadly.

'Do you want to talk about it?'

'I mean, not really no, but I can't keep it from you.' I offered a smile to Kathy. 'I saw the same man again and he called me by some name ''Selene''. We were in a weird room, but it was blazing fire, I still feel hot from it. It was the reason I passed out, from the heat.'

Kathy kept quiet and just listened.

'The weirdest part is that I was like a guest in my own mind. It was so odd, I don't want to experience anything like it again.' I shook my head violently. I left out a few details, but she doesn't need to know everything for now.

'So your name is Selene?' She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

'Probably. But please don't call me that.' I begged her.

I just needed her company to help me forget the visions just for a short period of time. Kathy seemed to get the hint and started talking about tomorrow's big celebration.

'It will be amazing, I promise you. It has that older style to it, folklore music and lanterns and bonfires, lots of drinks and food. Everyone happy, it's truly amazing.' Her eyes lit up with joy and excitement, I couldn't help myself but feel excited about it as well.


When the new day came, I was allowed to stay in the bed till about ten in the morning, which was great because I really needed that extra rest. And couldn't make myself get out of bed any earlier, I was a little lazy this morning.

I got my coffee and some breakfast to keep me going, while Kathy was just going crazy raving about the day. that we'll have.

'Oh, I'm so excited!' She exclaimed. ' It's going to be so much fun, you'll see, you will love it so much that for next year's celebration you will be ready months prior.' She clapped her hands in my face.

If I will stay that long here, who knows what is going to happen tomorrow? Maybe Alpha Eros will change his mind and kill me, or maybe he will show me his mercy and let me go, but I doubt it would be the latter one.


We started getting ready right after breakfast was eaten. I was forced to get a shower. Kathy told me to scrub myself as clean as possible as it meant that my year will be positive and full of prospects, we'll see about that, but deep down inside I hoped it would be true.

Once I was out of the shower I had a few minutes to myself as Kathy went to take a shower herself, so I took my time drying my body and putting some nice smelling moisturizer all over.


Kathy did a number on me. Truly. My face was covered with make-up, it looked so natural yet didn't feel like it. I kind of hated the feeling of the many products on my face. But my eyebrows looked neat, light shimmer glittered my eyes and pink covered my lips. I looked quite good-looking and cute even. When it came to my hair, she thought it would be best to leave it basic enough, so she loosely curled it and put it in a half ponytail, leaving a few strands of hair in front of my face.

I'm not gonna lie, I did look gorgeous, but I didn't quite look like myself, though I was grateful for her effort to make me happy.

I put my earrings and necklace on, following some high heels. It was still a struggle to walk in them, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. It will be a task to walk in them to the town square though.

I turned to the girl beside me and I couldn't control my face. She looked so happy and beautiful that all I could do was smile like an idiot.

'Thank you, Kathy.' I whispered, giving her a hug.

'You're very welcome Meg, I really hope you will enjoy yourself tonight and maybe find some boy toy too.' She winked. My cheeks burned red and I gave her a little slap.

'Never.' I giggled, wiggling my eyebrows.

'Are you ready?' She asked.

'I think so.' I answered nervously.