
The old princes (In Eragon's world)

It is the story of the heirs of Eragon and Elidor, one of the royal family of the elves the other heir of the wild dragon king. Follow their adventures and see Alagaësia from another point of view.

Sygmaar · Bücher und Literatur
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55 Chs


What I want to do is going to be long and exhausting. I suddenly realized that I only used magic for short-lived or simple spells. I certainly don't have the strength to do what I envision, at least not quickly and even less suddenly.

My idea is feasible but it will necessarily take time. Having no better ideas, I will despite the extent of what I want to try but will cut the work into several stages.

Although I wanted to avoid using magic as much as possible, we need to secure our resting place, this is when we are most vulnerable.

So I start digging a hole about 6 meters deep by 4 meters long and wide using magic. To make this hole, I concentrate to the maximum to avoid another incident with my magic. Moreover, I immediately feel the fatigue caused by this expenditure of energy.

I repeat the process until I go around this half of the village that I currently have in view from my tree.

I wanted to continue but now I have passed the stage of fatigue. I'm exhausted ! I'm drenched in sweat, I'm hungry, thirsty and to top it off, the pain in my foot has greatly increased and this pain is not helping me to concentrate. Anyway night begins to fall but I lie down on the floor to try to adapt to this state of weakness.

However, I am in no way surprised by my condition. The energy consumed by magic is incalculable when I attempt to manifest a force, be it elemental, spirit or any other form.

It's not the same for anything physically achievable. When I levitate an object or magically move it, it will cost me the same energy as if I would have done it by myself in a physical way. Although it's actually a bit more complicated than that. You can refine your spells and your mastery of magic to drastically reduce energy consumption. For my part maybe in the past I was exercised in the art of magic but I have no memory of it so I use it instinctively.

Digging holes of this size then consumes the energy equivalent to what the physical activity of creating these holes would have cost me. Even with such a low mastery of magic, the advantages of using magic versus using the physical method are obvious. It's much faster, I have no risk of injury, I stay safe hanging from the top of my tree when doing my work and I don't need to create tools. I've created enough for today...

Once I feel the strength to move, I wake up Egan and it's leaning on him that we go back to where we slept the night before because that's also where I stored my fruit. I start to eat and drink as the empty Egan gulps down his seal in one go. He doesn't seem to be hungry and I'm surprised to see that his mouth is already clean.

He learns quickly and retains everything I'm happy to know that I would have no problem teaching him everything he needs to know.

I'm exhausted, magic is practical but costs a lot of energy, I feel like I could sleep standing up. It might even have happened if my foot didn't hurt so badly. When I lay in bed, it takes me a while to find a position that doesn't put any pressure on me and leaves room for Egan to climb. Once he joins me, it only takes me a few seconds to fall asleep.

The cozy feeling of warmth greets me as it has every morning since Egan slept with me. After a morning yawn I stretch out of habit to relax my muscles but contrary to the desired effect I contract and hiss in pain.

Egan opens one eye and glares at me before yawning and jumping out of bed. He looks at me and waits for me to get up but I only lift my upper body to inspect the source of my pain.

Ouch, that's not pretty. The foot has swelled again and the colors it now takes on leave no doubt about the seriousness of my injury. My foot is badly broken...

"I hope you really enjoyed the entertainment and the fun this awkwardness caused because now it's going to get a lot less fun." »

I lean on my other leg and the simple act of moving sends a flash of pain up my thigh. I swear loudly as Egan sniffs my foot without touching it.

"Egan could you bring me a stick that goes under my arm and can support my weight?" »

The request seems a little too technical since he doesn't seem to understand what I'm asking him exactly. I then concentrate on our bond and send him the mental image of me seen from the third person with a stick in his armpit on which I take support.

When he seems to understand what I want to do with this stick He immediately sets off but I call him "Wait, I haven't finished". I send him the same image but try to simulate a walk and when I take support on the stick it breaks and I fall on the side. I replay the same scene but with a bigger stick this time and take the exaggerated pause to lean on it several times to show him the importance of the solidity that the stick must have.

He sets off again and this time I let him go. I slowly climb back into bed to avoid any pain and go back to sleep.

The sound of a knock wakes me and I hear Egan rumbling downstairs.

'A problem ?'

He sends me back what he sees live and I am surprised by this novelty. So far he has always sent me souvenirs not what he sees live. I wonder how he did that.

When I see through his eyes the world is more precise but also almost foreign. He seems to see colors that I couldn't even imagine, it's really strange. However, it does not seem to see the full range of colors that I see. I had already noticed it when sharing memories so it doesn't bother me more than that.

To come back to the problem, he blocked his piece of wood in the door because it does not pass in length in the frame of the door.

I laugh and he scolds even more.

'Egan let go of the stick, look at the door and you will understand that the solution has your problem and is really simple'

He runs and I can see him watching the stick he brought and which must be more than 2 meters then the door, he tilts his head at an angle that it would not be possible for me to run then resumes the stick. He stops transmitting his vision to me and I can hear several things falling down before seeing him appear in front of me.

He puts the piece of wood on the bed and sits down. I try once more to get up and do it, but I can't avoid the pain despite my efforts. I go down leaning on Egan stick in hand and sit on the table I look for one of the knives I found to cut the too big stick that Egan brought me. When it seems like a decent length, I put it down, get up and lean on it, but the wood sinks into my armpit.

I barely concentrate to mentally connect to my energy, it starts to become natural and I do it more and more without even thinking about it. I modify the shape of the top of the stick so that it is perfectly smooth, a comfortable shape to lean on and makes it the right size.

Once satisfied, I lean on it and force myself by pressing your weight on the support to test its resistance. He resists perfectly and I mentally thank Egan.