
the oath of a father Beyond the Veil: A Naruto Reincarnation

In the chaotic streets of the city, a young man's life abruptly ends, his existence forever altered by the cruel hand of fate. As he grapples with the harsh realities of his new existence, he is driven by a relentless desire to reunite with his family. Traversing the treacherous landscape between life and death, he confronts the shadows of his past and the daunting mysteries of the afterlife. Fueled by a father's desperate determination, he embarks on a perilous journey to safeguard his daughter's future, navigating a world teetering on the brink of darkness. a haunting saga of loss, resilience, and the enduring echoes of love that linger in the darkest corners of existence. just a side project, I'm tired of seeing these low quality fanfictions that keep tarnishing Naruto , I'm hoping to make a fanfiction that will be of better quality than these cultivation (Chinese) and harem FF . do leave some comments and reviews, I will do everything within my abilities to better what I do therefore you guys need to show me the way to betterment this is just a side project smh my novel version got deleted... anyway nothing except my plotline and the MC belongs to me everything else to the author of naruto if I used something from you or anything like that do tell me so that I see what I can do and take it down

Grigo · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

the end

As I strolled through the busy city streets, swiftly moving with the crowd, the lyrics of "A Thousand Miles" echoed in my mind, a carefree melody as I made my way home. I embraced the feeling of safety and contentment, believing that nothing could go wrong. Little did I know how quickly that sense of security would shatter.

With a peaceful smile gracing my lips, I continued my journey towards my apartment, anticipating the warmth of my family waiting for me. Yes, I had a daughter, a fact that might surprise many considering I had just turned 19 on the last day of December. Despite the challenges of providing for a newborn and a wife, along with perpetual exhaustion, I cherished this life and all its chaos.

It may seem strange to delve into these personal details, but the truth is, I am no longer among the living. Yes, I died. Remember that moment when I was serenading the world with "A Thousand Miles"? It was then that disaster struck. Metal beams plummeted from above, crashing down upon me in a manner reminiscent of Kaneki Ken, leaving me to ponder the simple question - why?

And then, a torrent of rage consumed me. It was raw, untamed fury fueled by agony and the sheer determination to survive, to ensure my daughter wouldn't grow up fatherless. Adrenaline surged through my veins, urging me to unleash a primal scream of anguish and defiance, echoing with the intensity of life itself.

"Aaaaarrrrrghhhhhhg nghhhng, NO! NOT LIKE THIS! RAAAAAAARGGHHHH!! PLEASE .... MY DAUGHTER I...I..I CAN'T ... MY...my baby ... I'm sorry "

Blood trickled down my forehead, mingling with sweat and some tears , obscuring my vision. Despite the chaos, I couldn't yield. Trapped beneath a fallen metal beam, like a nail driven into the ground, my body remained immobilized.

Suddenly, amidst the chaos and pain, a surge of determination coursed through me. With every fiber of my being, I fought against the weight pinning me down. Inch by agonizing inch, I strained against the metal beam, fueled by the thought of my daughter waiting for me at home.

In the distance, I could hear the frantic shouts of bystanders and the wail of sirens drawing nearer. Time seemed to stretch, each moment an eternity of struggle and desperation. But with every ounce of strength I possessed, I refused to succumb to the darkness encroaching upon me.

As if by some miraculous intervention, a glimmer of hope ignited within me. With one final surge of effort, I summoned every last reserve of energy and pushed with all my might. And then, with a deafening roar, the metal beam shifted, freeing me from its crushing weight.

Gasping for air, I lay there for a moment, overwhelmed by the realization that I had defied death itself. Through sheer willpower and determination, I had fought my way back from the brink of oblivion. And as the paramedics rushed to my side, I knew that I would do whatever it took to ensure that my daughter would never have to grow up without her father by her side.

As the paramedics frantically worked to stabilize me, I felt a strange sense of detachment wash over me. Despite their efforts, my time in this world was drawing to a close. With each fleeting moment, the world around me began to blur, fading into an ethereal haze.

Through the fog of pain and confusion, I caught glimpses of my daughter's face, her innocent eyes filled with unspoken love and longing. In that moment, I made a silent vow to her, a promise that even in death, I would always watch over her, guiding her from beyond the veil of existence.

As the darkness closed in around me, I welcomed it with open arms, surrendering to the inevitable embrace of oblivion. And as my consciousness slipped away, a sense of peace washed over me, knowing that my daughter would be safe, forever cradled in the warmth of my love, even as I departed from this world.

As the darkness of death enveloped me, I found myself confronted by an old acquaintance I had hoped to avoid for many years to come. Yet, despite its relentless grasp, an unyielding determination stirred within me. Though my body lay lifeless on the earth, my spirit refused to be confined by the shackles of mortality.

With every ounce of willpower I possessed, I fought against the inexorable pull of the afterlife, driven by a singular purpose: to reunite with my beloved family one last time. Through the veil that separated the living from the dead, I pressed forward, guided by the faint echo of their laughter and the warmth of their love.

Though my form was intangible and my voice but a whisper in the wind, I journeyed on, undeterred by the vast expanse that lay between us. For in that fleeting moment, all that mattered was the chance to behold their faces once more, to reassure myself that they would be able to carry on in my absence.

As I hovered on the threshold between worlds, I felt a surge of longing and desperation well up within me. Though I knew that my presence would bring them only sorrow, I could not bear the thought of leaving them without a final farewell. And so, with every ounce of strength and determination I could muster, I pressed on, driven by an unshakeable resolve to defy death itself.

And then, as if by some miracle, I felt a glimmer of hope ignite within me. Through the veil of mist and shadow, I caught sight of them: my family, gathered together in silent mourning, their grief palpable even from beyond the grave. And though they could not see me, I knew that in that moment, our spirits were united in a bond that transcended the boundaries of life and death.

With one final surge of effort, I reached out to them, my spectral form trembling with the intensity of my longing. And though my touch could not comfort them, I prayed that in some small way, they would find solace in the knowledge that I would always be with them, watching over them from the realm beyond.

And as the darkness closed in around me once more, I took solace in the knowledge that even in death, love endures, casting a light that pierces the deepest shadows and binds us together for all eternity.

Waking up, Stirring up from the rubble, a searing heat enveloped me, accompanied by a cacophony of moans and cries echoing through the air. Disoriented, I scanned my surroundings, only to be met with a chilling sight: mountains of corpses, their twisted forms contorted in agony. Faces, if you could call them that, were grotesquely disfigured, frozen in expressions of pain and terror.

With each step, I navigated through the sea of bodies, my heart heavy with sorrow and dread. The stench of death hung thick in the air, a bitter reminder of the atrocities that had befallen this place. Yet amidst the carnage, a flicker of determination ignited within me.

Drawing upon reserves of strength I never knew I possessed, I pressed forward, driven by a singular purpose: to uncover the truth behind this nightmare and find a way out. Every fiber of my being screamed for escape, for salvation from this hellish landscape.

As I traversed the desolate wasteland, I stumbled upon a scene that froze me in my tracks. Amidst the chaos, a lone figure emerged, their form shrouded in darkness. With a sense of foreboding, I approached cautiously, unsure of what to expect.

And then, as if emerging from the depths of my worst nightmares, the figure turned to face me. Its eyes, devoid of warmth or humanity, bore into my soul with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. In that moment, I knew that I stood on the precipice of something far greater than myself.

With a trembling voice, I dared to speak, to confront the darkness that threatened to consume me whole. And as the words tumbled from my lips, I braced myself for whatever horrors lay ahead, knowing that only by facing my fears could I hope to find the answers I sought.

"Where am I?" I asked, my voice trembling with uncertainty. The thought crossed my mind that this could be my second death, if one could even call it that. Though I had a faint inkling of where I might be, I needed confirmation.

The figure, an embodiment of fear itself, turned its gaze upon me and spoke in a raspy voice, sending shivers down my spine. "As you defied me on your journey to the other side, I've decided to indulge myself and witness what a being of such relentless willpower and rage can achieve when stripped of everything, surrounded by death."

My breath caught in my throat as I absorbed his words. Despite the dread pooling in my stomach, I summoned the courage to press on. "Your words confirm what I feared, but I must still ask: where am I?" The answer was already apparent, but I needed to hear it spoken aloud to solidify the grim reality of my situation.

The grim figure turned, his skeletal arms stretching towards the dark sky. "This... This is what you humans would call hell... though your understanding falls short. This realm is the abyss of demons—where those who've fulfilled their purpose languish, consumed by an unending hunger until fate calls upon them again." Grim, as I'll dub him for now, casually pushed aside a demon's lifeless form with his foot before fixing his gaze on me. "Your mission here is survival, growth, and empowerment. Feast on their essence, thrive on their fear, and learn from their despair. Your ultimate aim: to reclaim what's yours, to reunite with your family. Fear not, for though I am death, I am not devoid of compassion. I offer you a gift, a dormant power within every human—chakra. Familiar with the term, aren't you?"

Feeling a mix of awe and dread, I stared at Grim, the embodiment of the unknown, absorbing his words with a sense of urgency. The weight of his revelation settled heavily upon my shoulders, but amidst the darkness, a flicker of hope ignited within me. The promise of chakra, a latent power waiting to be unleashed, offered a glimmer of possibility in this bleak existence. With determination coursing through my veins, I nodded solemnly, ready to embrace the challenges ahead and unlock the potential hidden within me.

"Yes, I am familiar with chakra. So... are you suggesting that once I become strong enough or fulfill my purpose here, I might have the chance to reunite with my wife and daughter?" Hope filled my eyes as I finally voiced the question that had been weighing heavily on my mind. Would I ever see them again?

Grim turned towards me, the eerie glow in the hollows of his eyes shifting to a cold shade of blue. "Oh, human, we shall see when the time arrives. For now, strive to survive, for death would mark the end of your journey. Demons always return, their worth greater in this realm than yours. I've provided you with enough guidance to begin your quest, human. Farewell, and may your time here be... eventful." With those parting words, Grim's skeletal visage somehow managed a semblance of a smile, sending shivers down my spine at the unsettling sight.