

Unknown to Desmond, when he was just one year old, he had instructed the system to track down any traces of abnormal energy in the vicinity. Surprisingly, as he grew older, the system revealed that the source of this peculiar energy had remained hidden beneath his very own house.

The revelation struck Desmond with disbelief and shock. He had assumed that the energy would be located somewhere in the expansive meadow, never imagining that it would be lurking beneath the foundation of his home. His immediate instinct was to investigate the location, but fate always seemed to conspire against him. Whether it was his ever-watchful sister, Alice, or his vigilant mother, someone always managed to disrupt his plans. It was only natural for a one-year-old baby to require constant supervision, but for Desmond, burdened with the soul of a young man, it proved exasperating.

Desmond found himself growing bored as the initial excitement and intrigue that accompanied his reincarnation had dissipated. His days were now filled with learning the language of the saint world and engaging in playful activities with his sister. However, a sudden impulse prompted him to thoroughly scan the entire courtyard. To his surprise, his intuition proved correct as he stumbled upon the realization that certain individuals seemed to be constantly surveilling his residence.

With a hint of mischievousness, Desmond embarked on a covert mission to uncover the identity of these mysterious watchers. He discreetly examined the documents his mother would often bring home from work and strained his ears to capture fragments of his parents' conversations, desperate for any clue. However, despite his efforts, he met with disappointment, unable to discern the true nature and purpose of these individuals.

Just as frustration began to take hold, a fortunate turn of events occurred. Desmond overheard a conversation between his parents, shedding light on the identity of those vigilant figures. They were revealed to be the subordinates of the grandmaster.

The revelation left Desmond disheartened, realizing that all his endeavors had been in vain. He grew increasingly frustrated, his helplessness accentuated by the fact that he was trapped in the form of a baby, incapable of taking direct action. Yet, his unwavering determination to protect himself and his loved ones in the future fueled his perseverance.

As the years rolled by, Desmond's parents became consumed by their demanding occupations. Their presence at home became scarce, leaving Alice, who was typically full of joy, feeling desolate and lonely. The strain of this abnormal growth had begun to take its toll on the family dynamics, casting a shadow of melancholy over their once-harmonious household.

Alice, who typically enjoyed spending time with her father, received permission from her mother to utilize her free time by going shopping in the market accompanied by her servant and bodyguards until the afternoon. Once she returned, she would often engage in games and activities with Desmond during the evening hours.

In contrast, as Desmond grew older, his father took it upon himself to impart the fundamentals of swordsmanship to his son. Desmond immersed himself in rigorous training from morning till night, diligently honing his skills. Not only did he inherit the swordsmanship abilities from his father, but he also received guidance in spellcasting from his mother.

When Desmond showcased his progress to his parents, they couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of pride. They recognized that it was rare for children to possess the capability to master both spells and swordsmanship concurrently. Desmond's remarkable talent surpassed their expectations.

However, in comparison to Alice's progress, Leona couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment. Alice didn't approach her training with the same level of seriousness as Desmond did. She often prioritized shopping over her practice sessions, unlike her younger brother.

As a relatively new family in an unfamiliar kingdom, Leona and Bastian deemed it prudent to keep a low profile. They were cautious about showcasing Desmond's extraordinary talent, especially given their infrequent presence at home. They entrusted the protection of their family to the individuals hired by Grandmaster Weston.

In the present time, as Desmond concluded his training, he deviated from his usual routine. Instead of remaining in the garden for his customary meditation, he entered the house through the back kitchen door and summoned a servant.

The servant, who was nearby in the dining room, promptly responded, "Did you call for me, young master?"

Desmond's voice carried a sense of purpose as he instructed the servant, "Prepare a meal for tonight and set it on the dining table. Also, when Alice returns, inform her that I am in deep meditation and cannot be disturbed."

The servant, perplexed by the sudden change in routine, hesitated but refrained from asking questions. "Yes, young master."

Before the servant could utter another word, Desmond interjected firmly, "I know you are perplexed. Just relay the message to Alice and make sure she understands that entering my room is off-limits, or I will not engage in activities with her anymore."

"Yes, young master!" The servant's voice resonated with deference and loyalty as she exited the room, leaving Desmond to his own devices. With a cautious air, Desmond stepped further into his private sanctuary. The heavy doors of his opulent wardrobe creaked open, revealing a hidden recess concealed behind his meticulously arranged clothes. Amongst the array of garments, a glint of metal caught his eye—the real sword bestowed upon him by his father on his first birthday, safeguarded discreetly within the secret compartment.

His fingers grazed the hilt of the sword, tracing the etchings that marked its significance. It was not merely a sentimental keepsake but a tangible symbol of his preparedness. Desmond's mind, clouded by doubt and suspicion, dared to imagine a treacherous scenario where even his most trusted servant could succumb to greed, orchestrating the demise of his parents while holding him and his sister hostage. Such musings fueled his resolve, prompting him to fasten the weapon securely around his waist.

"Now is the time to put this long-awaited spell to the test," Desmond murmured to himself, his anticipation palpable. However, before diving into the arcane incantation, he felt the need for certainty. With a commanding tone, he addressed the system at his disposal, seeking confirmation of the spell's compatibility with a non-wizard of his stature.

[Creating Task...

Used 1 Slot

Status: Working 0%]

[Working 50%...]

[Status: Completed]

[Saving to Database…]

[Data Saved!]

[System Conclusion: This spell's energy consumption is a mere 0.010 per second, rendering it suitable exclusively for those of the wizard class or individuals possessing rare traits. Non-wizards with traits below rare will deplete their energy reserves swiftly upon casting.]

"Seems I can only wield this spell for approximately seven minutes before my energy wanes. It won't suffice to reach my intended destination. Hmm... perhaps a bodily enchantment could expedite my journey."

Engrossed in his preparations, Desmond waited until the ambiance within his residence grew tranquil, the servants preoccupied with their chores. As the door of his chamber swung open, he recited the incantation with purpose.

"Custom Spell: Light Distortion."

"Swordsman Skill: Body Enhancement."

Gradually, Desmond's flesh hardened, starting from his legs and gradually enveloping his entire body in an ethereal veil. His form wavered, fading into near-invisibility, akin to a phantom in the dimly lit space. Conscious of the precious time ticking away, Desmond surged forward, hastening toward the rear of his residence through an inconspicuous back entrance.

Emerging into the meticulously manicured garden, Desmond surveyed his surroundings with heightened senses. His discerning gaze settled upon a dense shrubbery, concealing a hidden door that led to the depths of the basement. Swiftly, he displaced the bush, revealing the concealed entrance, and ventured inside.

The hallway stretched before him, its walls adorned with flickering candlelight casting eerie shadows. Each step Desmond took resonated with purpose, his breath growing rougher, a testament to the distance he had traversed. Gradually, the veil of invisibility dissipated, rendering his figure visible once more. "This room lies quite a distance away," he muttered, his voice hushed in the oppressive atmosphere.

Catching his breath, Desmond cast a fleeting glance over his shoulder, his gaze landing on the door that had granted him passage. "Ah, the door," he mused, a flicker of unease crossing his features. With deliberate care, he restored the bush to its original position, meticulously concealing the entrance he had utilized, and closed the door with a resounding thud, ensuring its secure seal.

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