
The most awesomest book ever

God makes invincible guy that has adventures and kills people secretly for fun.

verbodengaming · Fantasie
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The beginning

In the beginning, God created the Earth. Once he was done, he created other worlds. Before creating life, he always experimented with what should be allowed to happen in such planets. Earth is one such experiment. However, the greatest experiment of them all was project Renegade. When creating this being, God was lonely. He could create life, but none were able to oppose him, none could teach him... none were an equal. God wanted to change this. So he created project Renegade.

Such a project had never been seen, and may not ever be seen since, partly because it ended in failure. The details of the project were always vague, since God did not want to be too specific. In essence, God wanted a friend that could rival himself. So he created one.

Now, Renegade was never too friendly. In fact, throughout his travels, he only truly loved seven people, himself included. Now, I must explain how OverPowered Renegade was, and why he rarely ever used his full power. Renegade had the power of God. Lucifer, being jealous, asked God to abandon the project and allow him to be his rival. God, of course, bitch slapped that little shit all the way to hell. Renegade was created with true free will. He was a perfect being through and through.

He could change his shape at any time, including his gender (that was a useful power in the Shywalker arc) and he could literally do anything. His power level was infinite. He had the absolute maximum of power, because he was given the greatest power of them all. God had the power to create. Renegade had the power to copy. He could copy the abilities of anyone he saw, multiply that power by ten, and maintain that power for the rest of his life. He was given an IQ of 10000000000000 (ten trillion) and was practically invincible physically. This was a literal God.

And this pleased God. He wanted a rival, and he created one. Once he was finished with all of his universe, he gave Renegade life.

This was Gods greatest failure. Though everything God does is perfect, he managed to perfectly fail. Immediately when Renegade opened his eyes, he copied Gods power. He created armor for himself, which was invincible and made of a watery substance controlled by his mind. Once he had done that, he opened a portal to the multiverse <yes this is going to be one of those books> and jumped through.

This is a book made from me creating a character a long time ago. Keep in mind I am absolute garbage at naming, so if you want me to change the main characters name/s, I’m perfectly fine with that. However, the main character will not change in terms of his adventures, cliched and repeated though they may be, and his personality will never change.

Also please remember this is my very first book so I have no idea how this works, I’m learning as I go.

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