
Chapter 68

AN: Beta'd by Issei511

My discord: discord .gg/9wpfysDGsz to discuss fics, chill, and see character images.

My Pat reon: www. Pat reon com/ Robs511 (No spaces and a dot before com) for anyone who wants to read upto the next three chaps of all my fics.


One of the more practical functions of my teleportation device was that it let me break out of its predetermined path at any point I wanted. So as I zapped out of the Underworld—tracing the pathway created by my teleporter—I focused outwards at my surroundings, feeling the surface greeting my senses, but kept going until I reached a suitable distance, before finally escaping the thin tunnel of lightning and leaving the House of Hades behind.

The mortal world welcomed me back around 10,000 feet above the ground, and I took in a deep, grateful breath of the refreshingly clear air—a novelty down in Hades' realm.

My wings flared out in the next instant, and I took off to the Santa Monica beach in a flash of white and black feathers, acutely aware of what was to come.

As much as I wished to be welcomed by my cute little minions—and enjoy their scrambling around me, wanting to hear all about my talks with Hades—I knew there was another surprise waiting for me.

And unfortunately, it wasn't Sally.

Well, it wasn't much of a surprise either really. Not after Hades had caught me up to every bit of the latest update in godly business.

'Or, I suppose Ascendant business now.' I sighed.

I would've to ask Zeus about this 'Ophis'. Hades had been stubbornly tight-lipped about the entity, and I certainly did not wish to get caught up in the webs of beings I had no hopes of resisting yet.

Still, with the amount of information the God of Dead had been willing to part, it was easy to arrive upon some pretty damning conclusions.

And one of those conclusions was here to greet me in person…

My eyes quickly spotted my query and in a quick flash—that I doubted any mortals on the beach registered—I landed down beside my favorite minions.

"Hello, little morsels!" I exclaimed loudly, a snicker escaping me at the jump their startled figures gave, including the recently back-from-the-dead Sally.

"Like a charm, every time."

"Mikael!" Though this time the usual annoyance was missing, and—with the sole exception of Sally, whose gaze held much much more—they turned to me with nothing but relief in their eyes.

Completely understandable. I wouldn't want to be around an Olympian either…if I was still Tier 4 or 5, that is.

Slowly turning to the cause of their tenseness, I inclined my head. "Ares. You're fucked."

The God of War chuckled, half-seated upon his Harley as he observed our little reunion. "I doubt that, kid. I'd thank you for dealing with that mortal cretin, but I fear it might come off a bit too…disingenuous. What with me having to kill you and all..."

I raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Are you sure you can do that right now? It's fine if you want some rest. Must've taken your tiny brain a lot of effort to come up with such big words."

The god's face puckered down, my domain automatically picking up on his growing desire to snap me in half. "You looking for a beating, brat? And here I thought a smart fellow like you would prefer a quick and painless death."

"You only wish that to avoid getting your cowardly hide whipped." I chuckled, casually turning to my companions. "This place is gonna erupt soon, so take a ticket straight back to the camp."

I extended a hand and pulled out a stack of hundred-dollar bills from thin air. "Get Chiron up to date. Tell him everything, including the betrayal of our macho friend here. And keep the Ares Cabin under control until I come back; tell Clarisse it's an order from me."

Sally must've sensed my impatience, for she gave a firm nod, her hand on Percy's shoulder to stop any complaints from bubbling out of his mouth.

A rumbling roar of engine cut us off as a chuckling Ares parked his bike in the middle of the beach, slowly disembarking. "Yeah sorry but your little friends ain't going anywhere, kid. Can't let a couple of pipsqueaks ruin the game now, can I? It's a shame I'll have to put the mortal out of commission as well. She looks quite a fies—!?"

His words were cut short by a bolt of lightning. With a foot still over his bike, the wide-eyed god was caught completely off-guard as the crackling white bolt took him in the chest—which was suddenly covered by a thin layer of darkness a moment before impact—blasting him backwards almost half a mile through the air, directly into the wavy waters, where he plopped down with an audible drop.

I turned back to Sally and the kids. "Your quest is done, Perce; well done. Anna lite, I'm sure you learned a lot on this journey, but know that it is just the beginning. The war that I was warning you all along is now upon us. Go and start preparing the camp and do not trust Luke. I shall deal with him in person."

The two hesitated, sharing a glance.

"Go. Now! Sally, don't let them do anything stupid. I'll deal with Ares and Olympus, and come right back…do not wait up for me. We've got some very busy days ahead of us."

The power of my Authority cleared their trembling eyes, soothing their nerves and giving them a sense of stability…

….And confidence, it seems, for the next moment two trembling hands wrapped around my waist with a desperate intensity.

"Please, come back." Annabeth whispered weakly, before quickly backing away, her eyes unwilling to meet fine.

My domain picked up on her desire to stay behind, not wishing to lose the last person she considered a true friend…and so much more.

Perhaps it was unfair to encourage her growing feelings, but I couldn't help putting a comforting hand on her shoulder, a smile curving up on my face. "I will. You better believe it."

Her cheeks flushed as she nodded.

"Man, am I sad that I won't be here to see the ass-kicking you're about to deliver." Percy—on the other hand—tried to play it cool, clapping my shoulder.

"Percy!" Sally admonished, eliciting a wince from the boy.

Yet, I could see the frustration in his eyes, his weakness galling at him. Even more, I felt the ever-encompassing desire to help, to do something other than escape like a coward…

I suppressed it down with a flex of my will, pulling on his desire to see to his mother's safety instead.


Sally hesitated, opening her mouth to speak, her eyes flickering to Percy.

"Thank you." She finally settled, but I knew she wanted to say much more.

I knew because I felt it…her desire; the gratefulness intermixing with something more…impure.

A shame I had no time for anything right now.

With a last parting smile, I waved my hand, wrapping all three in swirling winds that took them away like cradled babes, their startled yell dying away in the swirling tornado.

'Drop them at an airport.' I commanded the winds.

[Quest Completed: A Promise Made, A Promise Kept]

Abide by your promise to Sally and help Percy survive this quest


10 levels

+1 to all Combat skills

I smiled. 'Nice.'

Then, with a deep breath, I turned back to face my adversary—just in time to catch him marching back upon the beach, steam escaping from his figure like an overheated engine.

A misty black chainmail—as if sewn together from the dark shadows—was now covering his chest, the gaping hole that my bolt had left having already healed back. Golden ichor was trickling down through the patchwork of shadows but the wound itself was nowhere to be seen.

A fraction of a second later, a few smoldering traces of flames sealed even that bit of hole shut again.


Helm of Darkness (Divine): Made of Celestial Bronze and forged by the Elder Cyclopes, the Helm of Darkness allows its user to melt into shadows, pass through physical objects unnoticed, unheard, and untouched, and radiate fear intense enough to drive a being insane or dead.

30 points to Spirit

20 points to all Physical stats

Currently Bonded to: Hades

'Hah! Knew it.'

Though I did feel a moment of satisfaction at realizing my new weapon surpassed it completely…

With a face twisted and ugly, the God of War came to stand against me.

"No longer borrowing Zeus' domain, brat?" There was pure rage in his voice, his growing anger barely suppressed by something bitter. "I told them, you know? You're too dangerous to be kept alive. From a weak demigod barely worth notice to a god, your growth was always too dramatic to not impede our war efforts. Seems like the little dragon got it through her head. Now I can finally bury you before you piss me off even more."

He peeled the Helm of Darkness off from his chest; its shape shifting into an armband that wrapped around Ares' wrist.

The God of War looked up with a sneer. "Kronos is already on his way to rising, and he has the support that he didn't the last time. A new age is coming, little brother. An Age of War and Blood. Unfortunately, you won't be here to see it."

I smirked, feeling the ichor pumping through my veins. "Oh, I doubt that. Who do you think will beat him back to the basement he came from?"

As if it were a sign from heavens above, dark clouds hid the dying sun behind their cover upon my announcement. The next moment, four majestic wings flared out of my back in all their glory; their white feathers with black and blue stripes creating a stark contrast with the suddenly darkened world.

"You, on the other hand..." One mighty flap pushed me high into the air, the world growing smaller beneath, Stormbreaker—for I certainly wasn't about to use my newest weapon without practice—materializing in my hand as I looked the God of War down my nose. "...need to pick up a fucking weapon."

Perhaps it was the feat of having already killed a god, perhaps it was the talks with Hades—having gone to Hell and back, perhaps yet it was the awe of facing a God superior to Zeus and earning his approval.

…Or maybe it was just my arrogance intermixing with my opponent's mortal form.

But in that moment, as I looked down on Ares, feeling my power and Authority swirling in the air, I saw no threat.

I saw only prey. A fat frothing prey that needed to be put down.

And I found myself declaring "Or You Shall Be My First Victim in This War."

My power demanded him to submit, to lay his head down and be the victim, the prey, he was fated to be.

A shame the War God didn't wish to take the easy way out.

His own Authority swirled around him, crushing my commands aside.

"Cute." He chuckled, high and ugly, face twisting in a sneer. "You think killing Hercules makes you so special, don't you? I'll show you how little it matters. How little you matter."

"Whatever father might say," He spread his arms wide, a red sword materializing in one hand, a matching shield in the other. "You're nothing special."

Then, a full body Armor covered him from head to toe, all flaring crimson, the same shade of blood as his shield. "You're undeserving of her admiration. And I will show her…what a weakling you truly are."

Now the one standing under me wasn't a prey. It was a warrior. Never have I ever seen Ares actually appearing so godly before. Looking at the hulking warrior clad in battle armor, an ever-changing sword in his hand, and a visible divine aura around his figure, you wouldn't think him the same failure that mythology made him out to be.

Here stood a god of Olympus; Ares, the God of War.

Slowly, with his own Authority rising, he extended his sword forward, its tip pointing at me. "Now Die."

Neither of us took our immortal forms—not that mine made much of a difference—as we readied to battle it out on the Santa Monica beach.



Race: God

Tier: 8 (True God)

Current Tier: 7 (Minor God)

Level: 750 (Divine Form) [Max]

Current Level: 650 (Mortal Form)

Divine Power: 6,150,000/6,150,000

Stamina: 6,530,000/6,530,000

Health: 6,460,000/6,460,000


Strength: 665 (765)

Speed: 652 (752)

Dexterity: 655 (755)

Endurance: 653 (753)

Constitution: 645 (745)

Mental: 48

Spirit: 615 (715)

I bared my teeth; not quite a smile nor a snarl.

Just a declaration. "Let's make this quick then."

With Stormbreaker in hand—its spear form activated, cocked back to deliver a mid-air sweep—I dived towards the ground at the same time that Ares leapt up with a roaring battle cry.

We moved more than a thousand times faster than sound, tearing the very atmosphere apart in a thunderous clap of splintered air and metal as we clashed in the firmament. My spear slammed against the god's shield, the blow strong enough to almost whack it aside completely. I could see the beginnings of utter shock splash in his eyes, though that did not stop him from using his upward momentum to thrust his sword up my chest.

A ten-layered barrier of magic materialized around my free hand—deflecting the sword away casually—while my spear suddenly leaped up from its blockage, the displaced shield unable to protect the War God as its edge straight for his bared eyes.

There was no Authority or divinity in our physical attacks; both of us were simply testing the waters.

Yet, as we tussled in the air, two battles took place at once between us; one, a mundane battle of sword and spear…and the other; the battle of Divine Authorities.

Whilst in their mortal form, a god's Authority and Domain would still be passively shrouded around them, answering to their beck and call. So even as we wacked against each other with our weapons, the godly might present in the air around us engaged in a struggle.

Our Domains encapsulated us inside a halo of power, two differing forces pushing against each other to gain the upper hand, fighting to lay the greater claim upon the world's reality. Ares' aura of war, rage, and destruction, fighting against my aura of Holiness, creation, and desire….I was a tad bit embarrassed to realize that my beauty too was trying to actively influence Ares…

The relief I felt upon realizing that he wasn't being affected was supreme.

Nonetheless, it was a curious thing for me to witness; my newly unlocked Divinity fighting against an Olympian.

Technically, I should've been losing. Ares had millenniums of experience using his Divinity. His aura of War, violence, battlelust, and rage…it should've turned my mind into mush, made me an enraged beast, crushed apart my own divinity like it didn't exist.

The situation was even worse when our Domains were taken into account. I was a new god, having just managed to level up my domain recently. Ares was no doubt above Lvl 5, and it showed in the intensity of his rage and elements, powerful enough to influence me the longer I stayed in his sphere…

Yet, I wasn't quite losing.

Because his sole advantage against me was easily neutralized by a single message from my system.

[Gamer's Mind: Activated]

All the growing rage disappeared as if it were never there, and even with his stark advantage in Authority and Domain, Ares found himself unable to capitalize.

'The aura we produce isn't just dependent on our domain, but also our Divine Authority.'

And my Level 5 Authority, while equal only to a Minor God, was very much capable of matching an Olympian in their mortal form.

Which is why, I found my divinity paralleling toe-to-toe with Ares'.

'With a little help from Gamer's Mind of course.'

The point was, the only area where Ares might've been able to take advantage was now denied to him. Because in all the other aspects; from physical to spiritual, I surpassed the War God.

By a sizable margin.

And that was shown in the next moment as Ares jerked back, turning his head a shade to the right, hoping to catch the edge of Stormbreaker on his helmet.

But he was a shade too slow, a touch less dexterous, and the blade caught him on his nose, gracing past the opening of his helmet to leave a deep cut in his nostrils. He let out a startled gasp as ichor trickled down his lips, and his moment of distraction further cost him the battle of the air—my leg snapping out to kick him back down the ground.

Ares predicted my attack, yet there was nothing he could do but tank it upon his armored torso…and he failed. Horribly.

The God of War was blasted down into the ground, his godly enraged yell cut off by the impact that was strong enough to form a 100 meters wide crater where he landed, cursing the beach with a minor rumbling earthquake.

Yet, we were moving so fast that the Earthquake barely spread—apart from the initial formation of the crater—the mortals were still frozen in time; too slow to witness the damage. Too slow to even move.

The first contact was supposed to be a quick test to get to know their opponent's abilities, yet I'd handily put Ares through the grinder. It may not have damaged him much, but it would certainly sting his pride.

I smirked. 'Mikael 1- Ares 0.'

Unwilling to give him any respite, I charged down immediately, two arrays of Holy spears forming on my shoulders.

The enraged god had barely managed to push himself to his feet when I came blazing down with a shower of holiness and a stab straight for his face.

His shield was up in an instant, feet digging into the ground as he blocked the spear thrust.

Stormbreaker and Ares' shield met yet again with another deep, rumbling gong, the force created by it cracking the already ruined ground at our feet, melting down the sand, and breaking apart the crystalline pieces of glasses already formed by Ares' earlier meteoric crash.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw the tiny pieces of sand and glass slowly moving through the air, almost frozen—their momentum too slow to match our pace.

Unfortunately, it wasn't quite over yet for the War God, as the next second my holy spears fell upon his divine personage, the force behind them pushing Ares deeper into the ground. Even without actively supplying my Holy Domain's Authority to the Spears, they were passively enhanced by my new status, each strong enough to match a True God's might.

As Ares could testify, I was sure. Even his Divine Armor was starting to form awkward dents in places, my Holy spears—powered by 752 points of Spirit—hitting the god like missiles.

But I had no time to appreciate their power as the War God's counterstrike came in the form of an over-headed swing curving above his shield. I swerved away easily, blocking the second attack—a reverse slash—with the body of my spear, before delivering another full powered kick to his shield, making the god quickly back away.

Then he crouched down suddenly, tensing his muscles, before jumping out of the crater together.

I followed without hesitation.

"How…?" He barked, reminding me of Heracles with his bewildered whine. "You aren't even an Olympian…!"

Absently I realized the god was actually below Heracles' level….

Then again, I was comparing a mortal form to a Divine one.

'At least I'm not running circles around him.'

With a snort, I closed the distance between us, once again engaging him in melee. "You're an arrogant bastard, Ares. That's how."

My spear suddenly broke into two pieces mid-strike, and the War God could only hide behind his shield as two twin blades attacked him with brutal efficiency.

"You knew I'd killed Heracles…" One blade tugged his shield aside, the other slicing at his neck—though failing to cut through the amour. "You knew I was good enough to defeat a god…"

He tried to beat me through techniques, feinting in and out of my strikes, using his shield like another weapon, predicting my attacks accurately….

Unfortunately for him, I was just as good, my divine swordsmanship reading through his moves, and my superior physique helping me maintain pressure.

"Yet, you think you're above me? Simply because you're an Olympian?"

He tried to summon wild boars as a distraction, yet they weren't even capable of being nuisances to me, a simple wave obliterating them into gore and blood.

Then I sliced Stormbreaker through the air and a bolt of Lightning hit him on his torso, blasting him away from me.

Ares simply stood no chance.

Oh he was skilled, no doubt about it. Almost as skilled with a sword as I was with a spear. Yet, he had no answer to my numerous abilities; all powerful enough to dent his Armor—restricting his movements.

Even then, he came roaring at me, his divinity palpitating the air, his rage an all-time high. And I engaged him with a smile.

We moved like lightning upon the Santa Monica beach, our strikes shaking the very earth, our power igniting the very air.

Two gods fought upon the mortal land and all they left behind was destruction.

I did my best to limit our destruction around the Ocean and beach, but it was a hopeless attempt. A single stray Holy Spear was able to obliterate the Santa Monica piers, a bolt of lightning blasted apart the Ferris wheel in the distance: putting into motion an explosion; its flames—carrying splinters of burning steel, charred wood pieces, and melted plastic—moving over a thousand times slower than us, the strands of fire and melted objects visible to my eyes.

I knew some people were fated to die in that explosion. And there was nothing I could do, busy as I was preventing something even worse from happening…

What I could do, however, was stop playing around. I knew I was holding back; taking pure joy in putting the arrogant god into the mud, hoping to complete my 'Embarrass Ares' quest maybe...

Not only did I surpass him in power, physique, and strategy…I was even more skilled with a blade. The only reason he wasn't already out of commission yet—despite me holding back—was due to his completely unfair Armor.

A shred of credit must also go to his uncanny ability in predicting my strikes a fraction of a microsecond before I acted—likely an ability of his domain, cause I doubted I would ever telegraph my moves so visibly—yet that was easily taken care of by the fact that I never gave him a chance to properly make use of his ability.

But the moment I decided to stop fooling around? It was over.

A crackling globe of lightning storm—made of white and gold currents, and the fiercest of winds—materialized around us, extending over ten meters wide, and able to go further at my will. At level 9, its sheer power melted the sands around us, lapping up the crystalline and molted pieces in its ever-swirling grasp, until we were inside a freak sand storm 'slash' tornado that was shredding the very earth we stood upon.

Ares had no defense against it.

The lightning was anywhere and everywhere; there was no escaping it.

So fierce were the winds that he barely managed to stay on his feet, one hand coming to shield his open eyes, the other plunging his sword into the ground in hopes of holding on.

…The same ground that was quickly being granulated into fine powder like a brick inside a shredder. The loose sands of the beach had already been stripped off in a ten meters radius, added into the storm to join the ever increasing party; the hard sandstones were the next to go, rapidly disintegrating the longer my Lightning Storm made its presence be felt upon the world.

And in its midst stood I, eyes closed as my power roared. I knew, should I want to, I could extend my sphere to destroy the entire state of California.

Thankfully, I didn't need to keep it going until we reached the limestone, as Ares' end came all too soon.

He did get enough time to form his own sphere of fire, but the winds were strong enough to blow them away like a candle's flame.

And then the lightning tunneled inside his armor; through his open wide helmet, through the tiny chinks and gaps on his armor that my blades cannot reach, through the ever so minute cracks that my beatings had delivered to the god.

And soon, I found myself standing over a kneeling Ares—mouth frothing, eyes disbelieving, body still spasming from shock—letting off Greek expletives in droves as he panted on the ruined, naked limestone.

A radiant white spear of Holy Power, trembling with my Divine Authority, formed in my hand, Stormbreaker going back to my inventory.

"You're lucky I can't kill you, Ares." My words were drowned out under his howls as I lodged the spear into his arm; the storm having widened the small cracks on his armor. "I still gotta be in the good books of our dear family, you see?"

I let the spear vanish.

"Plus, every hand will be needed in the coming war. I won't let you get away with a little spanking from your mommy this time. Perhaps you can be my slave? Until the war is over? The God of War, subservient of a Minor God. How ironic."

Ares trembled beneath me, yet I still didn't hear the ting! of quest completion.

Frowning, I wondered if I needed to push him even more…

Perhaps torture? Not something I would do to a being I didn't absolutely loathe—and for all of Ares' faults, he hadn't done anything to produce that level of hatred yet—but for the sake of a quest, I may just break that limit.

Suddenly I felt a massive amount of divinity coalescing from the downed figure under me.

The God of War was staring up; the fire in his eyes now bleeding ichor, slowly turning golden. His armor, the visible part of his skin….everything was glowing under a golden hue.

Ares was taking his divine form.

"Are you mad?" I backed away slightly, my brain scrambling for an answer. "Do you realize what the fuck you're doing?"

'Knock him out. Quickly!' A part of my mind answered.

But how? A punch to the back of his head? With his armor still on? If every punishment I've delivered till now couldn't send him to sleep, what the hell would that do?

Ares pushed himself to his feet slowly, taking deep growling breaths. "Oh I know, you stupid brat. Olympians cannot take their major form for blah blah things. You tell me…"

Ares stood straight now; all the cracks on his armor disappearing away as his eyes burned with a golden fire. "Do I look like I care?"

Kill him! Now! Before he grows too powerful for you!

And make an enemy of the entire Greek pantheon!?

'Shit shit shit…'

Suddenly Ares jerked ahead, his already slow transformation seemingly being interrupted. Time slowed down to a crawl, an unnatural chill spreading through the ruined lands of Santa Monica…

"No…I can't lose." Ares growled under his breath, eyes closed and straining. "Not to him…I can take the Helm myself…convince Hades…"

His mutterings breathed in me an uncertain idea…

I took out the Lightning Bolt.


Master Bolt (Divine): Made of Celestial Bronze and forged by the Elder Cyclopes, the Master Bolt is the singularly most powerful weapon ever created in the Greek Pantheon.

30 points to Spirit

20 points to all Physical stats

Currently Bonded to: Zeus

The first flickers of disappointment were just beginning to set within me when my vision was blocked by another string of texts…

[Temporary Bond established: Spirit scaling down to User's Level….]

Master Bolt (Divine): Made of Celestial Bronze and forged by the Elder Cyclopes, the Master Bolt is the singularly most powerful weapon ever created in the Greek Pantheon.

150 points to Spirit

100 points to all Physical stats

Currently Bonded to: Zeus

Temporarily Boned to: Mikael (User)

I felt the power. It was laughably easy to sense; the might of an Elder God gracing the mortal lands…

"No!" Ares bellowed suddenly, his amour glowing golden and flawless in his true Immortal form, charging at me in a mad scramble—speed almost too fast for me to react.

Barely a couple of meters away from me—his sword extended to cut me in half—Ares ate a Lightning Bolt in the face. My hands shook as I held the Master Bolt, its power far surpassing anything I'd ever personally experienced as the beam of pure destructive energy discharged out of it, blasting the Divine figure of Ares dozens of miles across the ocean.

[Temporary Bond broken]

The power left me all just as quickly as it had come, leaving behind a huge emptiness where my heart should be, and a deep surreal feeling of awe.

'...Holy. Fucking. Shit.'

[Legendary Achievement: Greek Gods ain't Special]

Objective: Defeat an Olympian before reaching 16


20 levels

Well, great. Could've used some Divine skills level-ups tho…

[Angelic Form Leveled Up: 6-Winged Angel]

I held my breath, eyes widening as I slumped down to my knees. 'Finally.'

The wings unfurled almost softly, bringing absolutely no pain other than a slight pinch as they broke out of my back.

I closed my eyes, feeling their softness against my skin, furling them around me as if hugging myself.

Sensing a different aura wafting from them, I quickly opened my eyes, gazing down…only to witness a thing of absolute beauty.

The bluish stripes of lightning had turned golden, and each strip of gold, black, and white seemed to produce its own luminosity, glowing faintly under the darkening sky.


[You have now entered 8th Tier: True God]

For a second I simply stared uncomprehendingly. Then my heart started beating heavily within my throat, eyes disbelieving and awed. Three years of drought, being stuck as a Tier 6 entity…and in a single freaking month, I'd swam past to not only become a god but now a True god.

What percentile would I stand on, if one made a chart of the strongest people in the world? Who cared; I'm a freaking True God is all that matters.



Age: 13

Race: God/Angel/Devil Hybrid

Tier: 8 (True God)

Level: 704

Divine Power: 5,930,712/37,750,000

Holy Power: 5,780,609/37,750,000

Demonic Power: 6,430,712/37,750,000

Stamina: 5,890,070/35,200,000

Health: 35,200,200/35,200,200


Strength: 734 (30)

Speed: 744 (30)

Dexterity: 734 (30)

Endurance: 704

Constitution: 724

Mental: 55

Spirit: 755

Points: 62

I chuckled. 'Oh boy…this war is definitely going to be a fun one. But first…'

With little to no hesitation, I put every point into my Spirit, instantly filling in the gaping wound left behind by the Lightning Bolt's absence.

With a whoop of cheer I took off into the air, blasting away for Ares' body.

There was still some work remaining before I could properly enjoy my day's haul.

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