
the beginning

1980:The start of the world was with a system and as the system evolved so did the world as did the humans.

Not only the humans evolved the animals and plants there were people that the system made that could beat the monsters as they are called.

I do not think of them as monsters I think of them as companions close freinds to me.

2020:My name is Alex bailey and I have dreamed of being a hunter since I was 10 years old.

I am 17 years old and I live an ordinary life as a highschooler I have freinds not many I have pretty average parents my dad.

Is hunter's lawyer and my mom is a stay at home mom.

My best friend big ham that's what everyone in the school calls him his real name is Kaleb krack he's a pretty hefty guy but he's a good freinds.

I was going to class like another day of my life chatting about video games with ham and He walks up the school bully. This guy the bully his name is Mike he likes to bully big ham and me all the time he is one of my enemy's.

Mike was one of the few awakens in z city that means he privileges above the rest of us and practically do what he wants and yet he choose's to bully me.

This time it was ham Which mike pegged as his target "Hey fat pig wants some food haha" I was taken aback as mike never did that before the last kid the did that ended up in the hospital but ham just stood there and looked at him and did.

Nothing but stare but what he did next was unexpected he punched mike straight in his face mike the awakens school bully that can kill him in one punch.

Mike wasn't fazed at all he laughed like it was a funny joke "You should not have done that pig" mike said and hit him hard in the stomache as ham crouched over holding his stomache in pain mike knee'd him In the face and laughed again " see what happens when you mess with me " mike said as he kicked ham while he was curled in a ball on the ground.

I looked around trying to find a teacher in the crowd of students but all the teachers were running away even they were afriad of mike.

With nothing will else to do I ran towards mike but a booming voice stopped me "STOP that is an indecent way for a awanken to act" even mike looked up from kicking ham.

I ran over to ham and asked "are you ok ham " ham replied" does it look like I'm ok man that guy just beat me up and I think I have a few broken bones" lively as ever I thought just then the booming voice said " mike Vader come the my office right now and someone get that boy to the hospital " the man sighed in a mummer he said I should just kick mike out from this school.

I went with ham to the hospital there a healing type awakener healed him up within a hour you'r free to go home but don't over stress your body or you will have to come back here "ok" ham said "I will try not to thank you sir" .

When me and ham we're leaving the hospital I heard someone say " did you hear about the awakener mike vader he beat up some kid in the front of the school because he got mad and he got suspended for a whole month " I know isnt that unfair* the girl said I sighed why is everyone taking Mike's side I thought" hey ham I will call a taxi for you get home and rest I will come by tomorrow" ok ham said "get home safe it will be dark soon and you know how bad it is once it gets dark outside" ok I said "I will" as I watched hams taxi leave the hospital I started to walk.

I did not know where I was walking but I had to be somewhere else maybe not even in this world I wish I was a hunter instead I was stuck as a commoner in the outskirts of the city as I walk I think What if I could kill monsters and get money and treat my family to nice dinners and a new home what if.

I was walking for about and hour before I got to my house but I did.

Not go in I walked past my front door and all the lights out both my parents must be out tonight as I walk I think back to when I was 10 years old I wondered I to the woods behind our house almost died from a monster I rember a awankener coming to save me then I don't rember what happened after that but people told me that the hunter or awakener saved my life from a beast fox and killed the fox that's the day I knew I wanted to be a hunter and help people and kill monsters.

The place I'm walking to is outside the barrier in the woods it is the place where the hunter saved my life from the demon fox as I got to the spot I could see something there was a tiny stone on the ground shinning I thinks it's a core I see another one and I think who is hunting right now it's late and most of the monsters went into hiding.

then I notice a trale of them the cores some in groups and some just alone shining makeing a path like a path meant for me but I know that's not true some hunter just did not pick them up I reach the edge of the woods and I see it a person staring into the moonlight.

mc Alex bailey side big ham or Kaleb krack. side mike vader city z :dad hunter's lawyer. I will try to realese as soon as I can can you please leave any thing wrong you see in the comments I will try and fix it

isaisacoolcreators' thoughts