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Once upon a time, there were two young boys. Previously they had went to a five month program called TCA. During the program, the boys were asked to clean many times by their strict CDO. The boys never hated cleaning, they just hated the fact that they never ever got the credit for finishing what they have started. One Day, on the date of 9/12/21, the boys were called to clean up again by their CDO. They had picked up trash all over the academy, except for one spot where they had forgotten all about; UNDER OPS! They knew if they didn't pick up around ops, their CDO would be furious; so the boys later on remembered to clean up around and under ops. At ops, and for minutes the boys had been picking up trash all over ops, now it was time to clean under ops... Smoove had asked Will to go under the rail beneath ops to pick up little pieces of trash; so will did just that, he went under the rail to pick up trash. While Will was picking up trash, he noticed an opening, an opening that led to nowhere, an opening under ops! Will yelled out to Smoove that he had found what he called a "hideout". Smoove had came under the rail with Will to check it out. "Woah" they both say. The boys thought this "hideout" was pretty cool. The boys then noticed a hornets nest BUT the nest thankfully did not have any hornets in it. With the boys messing with the nest, looking down, all of a sudden, from inside the opening, some weird creature crawls past quickly. The boys both gasp then look up. Looking Scared and worried, the boys look at each other.

"What the fuck was that!" Smoove said. As they sit in silence, they hear a slight growl. "Let's go, I don't think this is safe." said will. The boys leave from beneath ops, and head back to the barracks. The next morning, Will and Smoove went back under ops, but this time they brought flashlights. "Are you sure you want to do this? We can just leave it alone", Will said in a unprepared tone. Smoove replied "You have a choice to leave or stay, I made my choice already". "Well I can't just leave you here", Will Said. They both enter the dark and barely visible crawl space, quietly and with caution. "So what do you think it is, raccoon maybe?" Whispered Will. "Well whatever it is, it's fast as hell" answered Smoove. There was complete silence, as they got deeper in the darkness. As they continue to look around, they find nothing.

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