
The Monster Slayers

John recently had a job offer, one he had no intention of picking up. With his complicated past, John doesn't play well with others, all he wants to do is live a normal life, but when the past comes back to haunt him, he decides he doesn't have a choice. Taking up the job offer, he joins a monster slaying team, he will have to learn to play well with others, while making sure his past doesn't get revealed. Will John succeed with the team, or will they see him for the demon he really is. I originally started uploading this at RoyalRoad, This is a experiment to see which website does better with the story

The_Masked_Author · Aktion
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The New Slayer

Amber Sailor, was sitting in the conference room, she was not happy to say the least. After all of this time, she was the one the one that had studied under the previous team leader. She had taken all the extra classes offered to her in the slayer training camp, she had gotten the second highest scores on the tests of all time. Amber deserved to be the leader, she knew that, her team knew that, yet at the first opportunity she gets told that they were grooming a new person for a leadership position. That was a spit in the face, what did she lack, what did this new "slayer" if she could even call him that, have that she didn't. As far as Amber knew, this kid had no prior experience.

They were meeting there to get a presentation on the new member of slayer team Amber, though the name would probably change after the new leader took charge. The thought of it made amber clench her fists in rage, she earned this, the ridiculous unfairness of the situation bothered her to a extreme extent. Amber had the urge to hit something, but just before she did something she would regret the door to the conference room opened. A older woman with a sweet face, and a slight slouch from older age walked in, she had gray curly hair, and brown eyes. "Hello team Amber, my name is Marge Waters, I'm here to present your new member to you" She said with a kind smile on her face. "This was not going to go well" Amber thought.

"You mean our new leader" Sam spoke up, this team had spent years working together, for the past couple of weeks they had worked under Amber. The team was not excited to hear they were getting a new leader, especially one that had no known prior experience with a slayer team. The room seemed to be holding a breath, James looked awkward, for such a big guy he was more shy, and kind than one would imagine.

If Mrs. Waters was bothered by the outburst, she didn't show it. she continued to walk to the head of the table. Sam was leaning forward slightly, as if waiting for the response from the woman, Sam could be difficult at times. "Well how do you guys feel about this potential new leadership" Mrs. Waters asked, "I wish we would have been consulted first, we are all very happy with our new leadership" Cass said without a second thought. Cass was always willing to stick up for her friends, and prior to the teams arrival at the building, she had made it very clear she felt Amber was the best leader for the team.

Amber sighed, she knew that this was going to happen, she didn't want to be replaced as the leader, but she also didn't want the team to act poorly in front of the higher ups. That would just make them all look bad instead of just Amber who had intended to have a very strongly worded conversation with Ronald Whitman about this. Not that it would do anything other than get her in trouble, the thought of it made her sigh, she knew that there was not getting out of this new leadership issue.

"Well if that's how you feel, I have good news" Mrs. Waters said with smile, the team all looked from Cass back to her. "Mr. Dark has declined the offer of leadership, in fact he insisted on not having any power within the team" Mrs. Waters finished. The team all looked like they had discovered pigs actually could fly, not only did this "Dark" turn down a leadership position, that would mean he said not to Mr. Whitman. "What!?" Sam asked incredulously "this guy to Mr. Ron no" he said looking like he was about to explode, not out of anger, more like literally explode. "Quite, granted after some arguing, it seems that they have decided on a middle ground" Mrs. Waters said with a big smile, Amber had the feeling that she was thoroughly enjoying all of our surprise.

"Instead of a leadership position, Mr. Dark will work as an advisor to Ms. Sailor, he will have the same power of command as a secondary leader position" Mrs. Waters said, gesturing towards Sam, who occupied that spot, and still looked flabbergasted. "Though Mr.Dark will rarely have to use his authority due to the team already having leadership" She finished, she said it casually, but the team heard those words like they were gods gift to mankind. Amber let out a breath, one that she didn't realize she had been holding this entire time. Mrs. Waters pressed a button on a remote Amber hadn't noticed her holding before, the lights in the room cut off, and the presentation screen turned on.

Amber studied the picture on the first slide, the man was handsome, well built but not bulky, he looked like he would play soccer. This was John Dark, the man that Jackson always talked about, the only man he couldn't beat in hand to hand combat. Amber studied his face, he had a strong jaw line, and handsome features, his eyes looked incredibly dark, he had long hair, and a regular looking nose.

"Mr. Dark has been through personal training with Ronald, he also spent sometime in the academy with your team member Mr. Lau". She said, Jackson decided not to show up, and instead had gone to greet John at the front when he arrived. Amber looked around, the whole team where listening intently, even Eddy, who never payed attention to these things. Granted with how much Jackson talked about Dark, its no wonder the team were so interested in him.

"He is an expert hand to hand combatant, able to best most of the instructors at said academy, he also has training with blades, and firearms. Mr. Dark is also an expert tracker, and has heightened senses, which help him in combat, and with spying situations." Mrs. Waters said, clicking the button on the remote, the screen changed, a close up on his hands was shown, he had a tattoo of a twisting chain that ran up his wrist. "Mr. Dark prefers to use the weapons he has on hand, what we assume is creation magic that takes the form of chains, which he can use as whips, to incapacitate, or even cut through anything he likes" Amber could see James, and Sam sitting up in their seats.

"Frankly, we don't know as much about his abilities as we would like to, but he is thought to be highly dangerous, and has been under surveillance since he was fourteen years old." Mrs. Waters said more serious than before, her smile was finally gone. "We know he possesses the ability to kill monsters, as well as people, he earned a name before he was twelve years old". Amber's eyes widened. Earning a name as a magical fighter was a big sign of your power, Amber still hadn't earned a name, others in the team had, through extreme measures. Earning a name meant that you were recognized as a formidable magician by all those who called you by said name.

"The name which was originally classified, was "Chain", and the way he earned said name is still classified". Amber saw Eddy narrow his eyes, she knew he would try his absolute hardest to get that information no matter what she, or anyone else for that matter said. The presentation skipped a slide to a chart, which listed personality traits, "Mr. Dark is usually very nice, but he is prone to anger at times where he feels those he cares about are threatened" She said the word like a warning, as if it was something Amber should be terrified of. "Mr. Dark also hates authority, and has been known not to listen to commands, now listen carefully" Everyone looked at her intently she was serious again. "Under no circumstances are any of you to fight with Mr. Dark, nor are any of you to get in his way during a fight" Mrs Waters said. "What about him getting in our way" Sam said with a grin, though Amber could see in his eyes he was thinking very hard about what Mrs. Waters had just said.

Mrs Waters continued on like nothing had happened, "if you are able to get over his disobedience, you all should have no issues having a good work relationship with him" she finished. Amber rolled her eyes, they said the same thing after every single one of these presentations. "Now then, who is ready to meet their new Team member".

I walked into the building, I had never been to this specific office building before, but it looked just as nice as the other one, though it was a little bigger. I walked in, and smelled a strong scent of watermelon, I smiled, my favorite flavor. "Well if it isn't the amazing broken link" my smile widened, I knew that voice, and the insult. "Is that you Lau, you look smaller than before" I said looking at my best friend since I was fourteen years old. "yeah yeah, get over here" Jackson said with a smile, I pulled him into a hug, then as he stepped back I punched him in the chest. The punch was a light one, but fast, he took a step back, the smile never leaving his face. "Look who's out of shape, not even able to dodge a simple punch" I said with a shake of my head in mock disappointment. "look whose talking, that punch had no force behind, your like a kitten now" Jackson replied holding his head in his hands like Ron used to do when we would mess something up as kids.

"How the hell are you man" I asked with a little chuckle at his expression, "better now that your joining up, what took so long, I've been waiting" Jackson replied still smiling. "well for a week anyway" I said a little mockingly, I had no intention of joining up full time, and I definitely had not intention of taking a leadership position. "yeah sure" Jackson said shaking his head, I had no idea why, I really had not intention of joining up. "Now how about we go meet the team, they timed it right so that you would be able to meet them as soon as you finish" He said grabbing me by the shoulders, and steering me towards the stairs.

"If you knew they timed it why didn't you just wait in the presentation" I asked, it seemed like the smart thing to do. "So I can listen to some suit tell me a bunch of things I already knew, I'll pass" Jackson said furrowing his brow. I laughed, if anyone hated authority more than I did it was Jackson Lau, as children we used to cause so much trouble with the adults in the building, especially Mrs. Waters, our tutor. This whole endeavor brought back so many memories. "Hey do you remember Mrs. Waters" Jackson said looking back at me once we reached the top of the stairs. "I'll never forget that old bat" I said with a laugh

I knew I fucked up as soon as Jackson's face went red, "no" I said, my eyes widening so far they felt they would pop out of their sockets. "I remember the last time you decided to call me that" Mrs. Waters said right behind me. I turned around, I had heard someone walking up to us, but I just thought they would walk past. Not many things scare me, but Mrs. Waters is one of them, she used to make up write pages of Moby Dick when we misbehaved. Despite the insult she didn't look mad on the outside, but her brow was furrowed, a sign I knew meant she was furious, surprisingly she looked like she hadn't aged a day from when I last saw her.

"Uh, oops" I said, I felt my face go red, just then behind me I heard Jackson snicker. I turned around to look at him, as soon as we met eyes he lost his mind. Jackson was laughing so hysterically he didn't hear Ron walk up behind him, when he stopped, and turned around, his expression matched mine. If I was terrified of Mrs. Waters, Jackson thought of Ronald like a living nightmare.

After both lectures where had, Jackson and I were taken to a conference room, where the team was sitting. I recognized them all from the photos, though some had longer or shorter hair, indicating that those pictures were taken a couple months ago.

Standing there I felt kind of awkward they were all staring at me like I was a new car, or worse a new gun, rather than a teammate. "everyone I would like to introduce you to my best friend, John Dark".