
The Misfits and Troublemakers of the Girls’ Dimensional Group(DROPPED)

I was just your average unemployed young man in the harsh, unfair world we live in, also known as ‘society’. I never thought of myself as special. After all, I wasn’t special. I had two eyes, a nose and a mouth like an average human, I slaved for money like a brainless zombie like an average human, and I don’t understand the first thing about women like an average human. The last one’s especially important, since something that doesn’t happen to an average human happened to me. ((Congratulations! You have been invited to the [Girls’ Dimensional Group]! Accept?)) Can I refuse? ((No.)) Then why even ask? ((Idk, ask the Author.)) ???

Azerial_0 · Anime und Comics
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34 Chs


Sorry folks, but this is it.

I completely lost interest in writing, my head aches, my body feels like it's being stretched and compressed every odd second…

I got COVID for the second time. And worse still, I was due for my second dose of the vaccine today.

Anyway, I'm really not in the mood, like I've been contemplating on whether continue or drop the books for a few days now, and getting covid again was the final straw.

So, yeah, sorry folks, and goodbye.