
The Merchant of our Chilly Kings

Toyykooong · Fantasie
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9 Chs


Nodding with excitement, Snooky squeals and jumps up and down. "Good, good. But what type of orc has a name like this?"

The big orcs surrounding the shaman grunt approvingly. One grabs your arm. "This one have muscle, it do."

Snooky agrees. "Young orcling, one day you will join our raiding gangs and make your name something to be feared."

Ekkel, you have survived orcling-hood and grown into an orc pup. Your essence has been SAVED into the annals of Krog's Plan. Well, so has almost everyone else. Life is still pretty tame, and safe, but you will need to develop yourself into the fully grown orc you will one day become.

During the earliest years of your life as a pup you are mostly left to your own devices. The tent-dorm is no more interesting than the play-sty, but you are free to wander the tribal grounds, just not near the boars and crossbows; apparently, there have been many accidents. NEVER play with those things until you are old enough and the big orcs allow you to, which will probably be in a few years. You are also told to stay away from the few goblins you see skulking around the camp. Mingling with those scrawny gits would reflect badly on young orcs.

How do you spend these responsibility-free days bonding with your mates?

The feel of the rushing wind, the scent of prey and the echoes of every sound thrills you. Your band rushes around, tumbling, scratching knees, gathering bruises, all while pondering the basics of the hunt.

After slowly building up courage enough to give it a go, where do you decide to track, trap and kill your quarry?